What happens after first quarter 2021 Washington quarters

I’ve read a couple of articles about possible design but I don’t think there’s any legislation on what happens to the Washington quarter after the last National park in the first quarter of 2021 would they just revert back to the original design?
It will be the “Bespoke” Quarter program. Every American will have a reverse design created especially for them. Seriously though, the best design Ever is the 1975(6) Bicentennial Drummer Boy. Put that back on, and let it stay on.
Maybe go back 100+ years ??

I did enjoy this design

Going back to the SLQ and earlier quarter designs will likely not happen.
If an attempt was made to discuss doing so it would gain no traction because someone would claim that the earlier designs are not politically correct.
I wonder how long it will be before there is a call for Washington to be removed from the quarter and from the one dollar bill for the same reason.
Yep... surprised that George has survived the PC storm....Cheers, RickO
Give it time. It's coming and soon.
I know I read of a proposal a while back to put Washington Crossing the Delaware on the opposite side of the coin from the existing Washington's bust. But never heard any confirmation of this. If true, I suppose it would vaguely resemble the New Jersey statehood quarter from 1999.
Personally I’d like something like the SLQ. At least they were beautiful and classy. I’ve never cared much for the Washington quarters.
I love what the US Mint has done with the quarter series, some beautiful work, and some not so.
Perhaps, A series on North American Animals. They could individually do Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, and Insects.
Then perhaps go into plants of NA.
or will they have the ATB design all year?
"The Great Movies" series.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
I like it but only If I get to decide.
Who would make the list?
"idiocracy" would have to be the first coin in the series as it is one of the best movies of all time
It would be a welcome change to see Lincoln, Jefferson, FDR, Washington and JFK removed from the cent, nickel, dime, quarter and half dollar and replace with something different.
In fact, is there any reason why the cent and nickel should not be retired for good (like the 1/2 cent, two cent piece, three cent piece and twenty cent piece were in the 19th century?
Pocket change will still be necessary but how about denominations of the dime, quarter, half dollar (smaller sized), dollar and two dollar coins be minted for and used in circulation (round up or down to the nearest 10 cent figure in transactions). Retire the one dollar and two dollar bills to encourage the use of circulating dollar and two dollar coinage.
Of course doing the above will be temporary as society continues its migration to digital money.
The trouble with the Quarter is we are So familiar with the 25 cent denomination. Let’s change the values to reflect the importance of what each quarter design represents. So, some quarters would be worth less than 25 cents, maybe only 21 cents, if their reverse design honors something relatively obscure. However, Important designs with a popular theme of the design may be worth 31 cents or so. These accepted and adjusted revaluations would be explained in long 2 minute public service commercials on TV and the Internet. ••••• All existing and circulating quarters will be revalued according to these guidelines. If political sentiment changes , and a particular design loses a following, it may be devalued. Hence, all Quarters overall will trade at 24 cents, with the one cent devaluation based on today’s interpretation of George Washington. Whew!
Yeah, we can all agree on that list....wait,... who's list?
I’ve got to agree with the drummer boy but I still like the classic Washington Eagle design as though it’s time to retire that for good
On the subject of George Washington, you may find this link interesting. It deals with his last ailment, treatment and eventual passing. You will be Shocked at how he was treated! https://www.mountvernon.org/library/digitalhistory/digital-encyclopedia/article/the-death-of-george-washington/
Reverse will depict Washington crossing the Delaware
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
that looks like washington retreating across the delaware
Not a fan.
They need to do something about the speghetti hair though.
the one on the right is a 2020 coin. not completely gone, but close.
I for one like it, more so that the date will return to the obverse.
Love for Music / Collector of Dreck
I wholeheartedly second that suggestion.
that would diminish its meaning with respect to the bicentennial years.
I find it astonishing how nobody recalls what the law establishing the program said...
(7) Period of issuance.-- (A) In general.--Subject to paragraph (2), the program established under this subsection shall continue in effect until a national site in each State has been honored. (B) Second round at discretion of secretary.-- (i) Determination.--The Secretary may make a determination before the end of the 9-year period beginning when the first quarter dollar is issued under this subsection to continue the period of issuance until a second national site in each State, the District of Columbia, and each territory referred to in this subsection has been honored with a design on a quarter dollar. (ii) Notice and report.--Within 30 days after making a determination under clause (i), the Secretary shall submit a written report on such determination to the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate.
Since the above did NOT occur...
(8) Designs after end of program.--Upon the completion of the coin program under this subsection, the design on-- (A) the obverse of the quarter dollar shall revert to the same design containing an image of President Washington in effect for the quarter dollar before the institution of the 50-State quarter dollar program; and (B) notwithstanding the fourth sentence of subsection (d)(1), the reverse of the quarter dollar shall contain an image of General Washington crossing the Delaware River prior to the Battle of Trenton.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
I have a better idea, taking Washington off the quarter would be respectful of his wishes not to be on any money.
Then do it for the sestercentennial in 2026? Just 5 more years out. Oh, man, are we going to see a resurgence in mid-'70s Bicentennial wallpaper designs soon?
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
I don’t know I like the eagle on the reverse maybe they should update that
Going back to the bust quarter would be my preference.
As @BStrauss3 points out above, the legislation, in rare foresight, that established current reverse designs spells it out.
(8) Designs after end of program.--Upon the completion of the coin program under this subsection, the design on-- (A) the obverse of the quarter dollar shall revert to the same design containing an image of President Washington in effect for the quarter dollar before the institution of the 50-State quarter dollar program; and (B) notwithstanding the fourth sentence of subsection (d)(1), the reverse of the quarter dollar shall contain an image of General Washington crossing the Delaware River prior to the Battle of Trenton.
I'm not sure, but don't hate, the design shown in the Coin World article is the best. I would like to see several designs like we are used to seeing for new coins / medals. I would favor a modern depiction of the Delaware crossing. (Jet Ski's ? LOL)
The original eagle reverse is much too crowded IMO. We need something else. The Washington crossing the Delaware is much better.
Wasn't it a law at one time, that any regular issue coin denomination over a dime, had to have an eagle reverse? Don't know when, or if that changed.
I'm all for going back to the eagle that we had on the reverse prior to the State Quarters, or another eagle design. The eagle is a patriotic symbol to me.
I'm getting tired of these supposed special issue quarters, that remind me of Chuckie Cheese tokens.
I believe that's still the law except when Congress over rides it as they did for all the quarters 1999 to date.
Chuckie Cheese...Now there's an idea. State foods. Cranberries for Massachusetts, Crabs for Maryland, Poi for Hawaii, Lobster for Maine, Salmon for Alaska, Philly Cheese Steak for Pennsylvania, etc. etc.
Actually I'm just tired of new quarter designs every few weeks...would love to see the design stabilized.
That new reverse design is quite LAME, in my opinion - - especially as depicted in 2-D. I'd much prefer either going back to the SLQ or Bicentennial designs over that. When one talks about how "crowded" the pre-State Quarters design was, the latest ones like the NJ state quarter are even more so. In my opinion, it's VERY hard to get decent designs that you don't have to look at under a microscope/loupe to enjoy on coins as small as quarters & below. If you want to resurrect interest in collecting, maybe use the non-circulating half-dollar reverses & start issuing them again - - especially since anything under that denomination is hardly worth anything anymore.........
That’s an ugly quarter! Can’t they just do a ATB part 2 series??
An individual on both sides of the same coin to represent who we are as a people. Nice job United States Mint.
from @messydesk coinworld article:
"Public Law 110-456, which authorized the 56-coin America the Beautiful Quarters Program, included two provisions about successor coins.
One provision authorized, at the Treasury secretary’s discretion, a second 14-year, 56-coin round of quarter dollars, each honoring a national park or historic site in each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia and the five U.S. territories — Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, U.S. Virgin Islands and the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin did not adopt that option by the required close of 2018 deadline."
Well that sucks
who knows? new treasury sec, new initiatives 🤷♂️ earliest we could expect a new quarter program - based off timings called out in article - might be 2023 🥴
I think they should do state birds and remove Washington’s head from the coin. Maybe they should put the Washington monument instead?
some great ideas
Maybe pass a law to make a Trump quarter.
... then we won't read a tweet, be we can still hear him ring.
I like the Trump quarter idea. After all, the Mint can do a different reverse design every month for several YEARS of every appointee who ran afoul of the law.........
There was a proposal - as far as I know it never made it as far as a bill submitted to congress - to do a few years of animals, a special design for the 250th anniversary (in 2026) and then several years of youth sports.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
They should have done the animals. So is the last ATB quarter going to be the only issue in 2021?
I like the idea of State animals or birds or flowers. Could even combine all 3.
You could do another state quarter program with state animals? I would generate another beaver for that collection
Mint News Blog new today
In this new blog post is talk about the ASE redesign.
The "breaking" news is about the quarter designs. This is the first I've heard about what is said