Yo, Dude,
Self preservation is not to take lightly.
You need to read this then sit back and relax. We'll talk later. Cool ?
This is a PCGS forum paid for by PCGS and provided for PCGS customers to exchange information regarding US coins
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PCGS may update the rules at any time and without warning.
Be kind to each other, and happy collecting.
Heather Boyd
The dime looks double struck on reverse possibly; seems there are a few die breaks/ chips on reverse... may be a rare variety??? Looks mid-circ grade to me with interesting toning.
Question for you... what series do you collect, like as your series of choice?
Your dime looks as if it has spent considerable time in the ground... Seems to have been well struck prior to it's unceremonial burial.... Cheers, RickO
Yo, Dude,
Self preservation is not to take lightly.
You need to read this then sit back and relax. We'll talk later. Cool ?
This is a PCGS forum paid for by PCGS and provided for PCGS customers to exchange information regarding US coins
Posts must not contain inappropriate language in the form of cuss words, name-calling, sexual suggestion etc.
Posts must not contain libelous (accusatory, attacking) remarks concerning any individual, company, or other entity.
This is a community, as such, slightly off-topic threads are expected, however, topics such as politics or other "taboo" subjects are not permitted. Should the thread be deemed inflammatory, negative or violate any rules it will be deleted or closed at the moderator's discretion, without warning.
Posts promoting or bashing other grading companies or services are not allowed.
Your signature may contain multiple images and/or links but must be limited to a single line. If you would like additional advertising space on this site please contact our Advertising Department.
Fundraising - PCGS is proud to allow posts seeking to fundraise for numismatic causes. These causes can include, members of the numismatic community that are experiencing hard times or programs such as research initiatives and YN classes. You may be asked to provide proof that the funds generated from this forum will be put toward the initiative outlined in the post. Unfortunately, we cannot allow non-numismatic related fundraising, charitable or otherwise. All fundraising posts must be approved by a moderator.
No alt, alternative or spare accounts. One account per member, no exceptions.
These rules apply to the entirety of the CU Forum, including the PSA Sports Talk and Sports Card Forums bans received there will not be lifted by PCGS moderators.
PCGS may update the rules at any time and without warning.
Be kind to each other, and happy collecting.
Heather Boyd
Your dime looks like it came from the deep end of a short bus. Pretty rare I’d say.
Not much. How about you?
Earlier today I read there are more hydrogen atoms in a teaspoon of water than there are teaspoons of water in the sea.
334,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 hydrogen atoms in teaspoon of water.
252,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 teaspoons of water on Earth.
So, yeah. I was a bit distracted by your thread and I thank you for that.
I can't quite explain it, but your coin is giving off a really positive aura.....like something from the past, perhaps...
The dime looks double struck on reverse possibly; seems there are a few die breaks/ chips on reverse... may be a rare variety??? Looks mid-circ grade to me with interesting toning.
Question for you... what series do you collect, like as your series of choice?
Welcome to the forum!
I would have felt like I missed out if I didn't get a chance to welcome you.
And you want to hide it on a newbie forum and miss the show?

I think the sig line tells the story.
Would you capture a close-up of the obverse rim at 4:00 and post it here?
Save it
Save it.
Your dime looks as if it has spent considerable time in the ground... Seems to have been well struck prior to it's unceremonial burial.... Cheers, RickO
wrong forum
Thank you!
If you turn it upside down the date become 1861. Yep. I see a very well used, dirty, dime.
That coin may be worth "ONE MILLION DOLLARS"!
... but to me it is just an environmentally damaged dime worth 10 cents.
On eBay?
BHNC #203
Is this an error?
Just what we need!
Yep, but we are still better at both than you....that is why you are here.
I don't get it. What's T.Of.D.?
What is it an acronym for? Also, why capitalize the letter O?
Tons Of Dimes. Lol Just like the one above.
My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
Parking lot damage but if YOU like it, keep it.
I think it stands for Turd Of The Day!
I don't want to get your hopes up just in case I am wrong.
(Will wait for your updated photos.)
What is the point of this thread?
I just read through this mess. I figured it would get better by the end.