AU63 on my PCGS Invoice?

My coin came back in a flip labeled as minimum grade.The invoice is billed as AU63. Never heard of a AU63 grade. I did ask for MS 63. Not sure what is going on.
My coin came back in a flip labeled as minimum grade.The invoice is billed as AU63. Never heard of a AU63 grade. I did ask for MS 63. Not sure what is going on.
"Not sure what is going on."
-Someone mis-typed AU in place of MS.
I've seen lots of AU63's
Most likely a typo.
Clerical error....Though, as mentioned above, some coins graded MS63 seem to be more AU63
You said it was in a flip? Not a slab? Cheers, RickO
Then I'd ask for the AU discount instead of the MS premium.
Freudian slip on the part of the grader?
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Did you require minimum grade MS63? maybe coin is AU.
Yes, PCGS sent it back in a labeled flip. Minimum Grade. I re-submiited it for an AU grade. I was not aware there was a AU discount. lol
Sounds like gradeflation or perhaps an early peak at the supposed 100 point grading system that's coming down the pipes.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Came back in a flip. What’s with the flip? Why not a slab?
I am assuming because I checked the genuine/Do not holder box. PCGS should have contacted me. Only takes a minute.
Yes, but we don't grade them that way.........
Wondering how it can even be possible to do that unless there is a serious deficiency in their IT infrastructure and support tools. The other possibility is that it encodes both the actual grade (AU) and your minimum. Pretty cryptic way of doing it, though.
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Maybe OP can be a little clearer, and more complete, about the submission.
What does this mean? Can you say it in another way?
A billing invoice? Huh?
Was this a cross? You can't ask for a minimum grade with other services.
That box is for raw coins.
You're not alone.
It was a raw coin when I submitted it along with 7 other coins. Asked for a minimum grade of 63 for 7 coins and a one 64.
The other seven coins came back graded in holders.
The one coin came back in a Mylar 2x2 Flip with a PCGS label 40278552, Minimum Grade.
I re-submitted it as a 10, hoping it will grade higher, I don't want Genuine on the label.
Sorry so confusing.
"Ah ne'er so dire a Thirst of Glory boast,
Nor in the Critick let the Man be lost!
Good-Nature and Good-Sense must ever join;
To err is Humane; to Forgive, Divine".
Mistakes happen, they will make good.
Interesting. I wasn't aware you could ask for minimum grades with raw coins. I thought it was only possible with crosses. So you can you say "I want a 64 or bodybag it?" (Not sure why you would do this, but okay.)
That cert# doesn't come up. I guess because it isn't in a certified slab.
I'm not sure I get "I re-submitted it as a 10, hoping it will grade higher...". But thank you for clarifying and teaching me something.
Most of the services just slap a low end MS grade on them in most cases.
It is a clad Washington quarter. I want to know where they will grade it as I have several to submit. 1965-98 Washington's are selling at auction houses right now. One sold this past weekend MS68 for $1400.
The curve from MS68 to MS63 is about $1400 to $0.25c in most cases.
Latin American Collection
I know that. Just want to add to my quarter collection registry. NOT selling, building. I got it straightened out this morning with PCGS.
So what was the result?
It is being re-submitted as a raw coin and will be slabbed with a PCGS Gold Shield. I was told to leave the Genuine Option unchecked with future submissions. The other 10 coins are already in grading. Cents, Roosies, quarters. I just do not want a coin to be graded and labeled with "cleaned" on the label. I think they noted that on my account.
Wouldn't purchasing an already slabbed MS63 Clad Quarter have been a lot cheaper than sending one in for grading? Honest question as I have zero knowledge of graded quarters.
I have some AU-58's that I have noted as AU-63.
Beautiful, but a touch of rub.
but I never heard of a service labeling it that way
BHNC #203
True, but I found it in a roll or pocket change. It is 1965 quarter. It is a hunting trophy and getting mounted as we speak.