One-of-a-kind Taler?

Now that I have your attention - Happy Birthday, Zohar!
Hope you have a wonderful day surrounded by your loving family!
And maybe even a cake!
In honor of our resident Taler Guru - please post any and all Talers (or even Thalers ) you have, had, or generally appreciated.
Happy Birthday
Latin American Collection
It also happens to be a very "big" birthday for @Zohar !
Hope you have a great one - my lips are sealed, I'll never tell anyone how old you are.
My sets: [280+ horse coins] :: [France Sowers] :: [Colorful world copper] :: [Beautiful world coins]
Mazel tov, siman tov, y'he lanu!
Happy Birthday!

Hopefully with all the auctions this past week, you were able to find something fun
Happy Birthday
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Great attention grabber for him.
Happy Birthday, Zohar!!
LOL happy birthday @Zohar
His birthday is such a big deal that an entire nation, and people/religion, are celebrating with him today.
Happy birthday @Zohar.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at
Happy Birthday @Zohar ! Really appreciate your participation here and answering PMs, etc. Now on to the talers!
My current "Box of 20"
Happy Birthday! Here are a few of my most recent purchases.
Shana Tova Zohar
Wishing you a happy healthy and sweet New Year ( 5781).
And a happy birthday .
I miss seeing your punim.
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Happy bday Zohar!
2K sure has a way of drawing my eyes to a thread......
Thanks for the kind words everyone!
We are in lockdown again as of yesterday, yet was able to sneak in a small birthday gathering the day prior.
I have not been able to add a birthday coin, yet will share a few recent acquisitions
Happy Birthday!
That NGC 66 Aurtria Thaler is truly unbelievable
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Both are ex @Zohar
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at
Happy birthday!
Don't forget to change your IG name to TalerKing! I think thats more than appropriate!
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.