Two giant gold nuggets worth $250,000 found in Australia

(CNN) Gold diggers in southern Australia have found two huge nuggets worth $350,000 AUD ($250,000 USD) in historic goldfields.
Holy mother of gold. Almost makes me wish I'd been born an Aussie.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
how big were the pans?
Where is Parker?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Got to be more real close to those.
Take a look at those faces. Smiles that reveal honest to goodness happiness have been in short supply this year. Nice to see!
I was stuck in Vienna for a week last winter due to my wife's ear infections (couldn't fly safely). One of the few TV shows that was entertaining was the Aussie Discovery Channel. My favorites were the gold hunters and the opal hunters. Really good stuff!!! I looked for them when I got back, but I couldn't find the Aussie Discovery Channel anywhere here...
mbogoman Lutho
Yeah, Parker's eyes would be the biggest eyes down under.
100% Positive BST transactions
Beautiful nuggets....and, as mentioned, if sold to collectors, could be up to 30% more in value. What a thrill... Cheers, RickO
My YouTube Channel
Here's the Discovery video of them finding it
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
That is so cool.
maybe the guy on the right can get his teeth fixed now
They sent him home. Under performing I heard
Wow, amazing !!! 👍
He was there during the off season exploring possible sites, but decided to remain in Alaska for 2020