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New addition

crazyhounddogcrazyhounddog Posts: 13,980 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited July 26, 2020 9:38AM in U.S. Coin Forum

Working on a set of proof Indian cents in PCGS 65 brown CAC with pretty color. Green is my target color in that grade and not so easily done but I’ll have fun with it. I must say that imaging proof copper behind plastic is without question the toughest pick up the beautiful color the coin possesses in its true light. I’m more than sure it cannot be done properly. Without the plastic it’d be a breeze. Here is my latest addition along with another pretty proof I also picked up not so long ago.
Thanks for looking and comments are always welcome.
Happy hunting, Joe

The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.


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