Now that we know. . .

. . . that PM prices have been in fact been manipulated lower for years by banking "spoofers," is it just another conspiracy theory that equity prices are being/have been manipulated higher by the Federal Reserve?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I'd say the bankers are manipulating PMs higher at the moment. To da moon!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Good grief, derryb, you're old enough to know that everything from the time you take your first breath to the time they put you six feet under, is manipulated in some sort or another.
Who needs rainbows, unicorns, or rose glasses when they have the Midas touch?
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
But, but, but "there is no manipulation." lol
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
PM prices were stagnant for the last 7 years...just like they were stagnant from 1986 to 2003. Only thing known is that you subscribe to conspiracy theory.
PM price performance generally sucks when when equities do well and visa versa.
Some folk said way back in 2012 that PMs were gonna suck wind for awhile. Did they blame "spoofers" or did they just have a better understanding of intermarket relationships? Your infatuation with this topic really is quite something.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
But, but, but "there is no manipulation." lol
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Agree. And anyone who tries to convince you otherwise.... is likely also trying to manipulate you.
Are you trying to manipulate us again with your over reacting spread of truth.
Manipulating the price of futures contracts is illegal, good thing no one does it. If they did they would have an advantage over those that play by the rules.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
If not one of the 'manipulators', then one can only rely on observation and study of the market.... Then make your decisions and live with it. I do. Cheers, RickO
Yeah, so what if the BIS reports 13 yrs of world annual silver production being held in Over-the-Counter Derivatives. And about 3-4 yrs worth in gold derivatives. It's all just a "little" manipulation between Anyone check out other commodities from oil, grains, meats, etc. and see if similar monstrously over-weighted stacks are being held by our friendly manipulators? Nope. This kind of stuff is basically regulated to PMs....the closest alternative currencies that exist. You never will see those 'stacks' in other markets because the businesses and people would scream bloody murder and require some heads.
Wouldn't it be "cool" if in the coin market you could buy OTC derivs against say gem seated dollars that effectively covered 10X the known supply that exists? Down the road drive the price into the dumper at the first signs of major market distress (like 2009 or 2011 and now 2020) and buy up all those gem type coins for 10-30c on the dollar? A "little" manipulation is good for all Just learn to live with it.....and have fun with your coins.
Silver's biggest weekly gain in 40 years being manipulated
....I love manipulation. At this rate derryb's prediction of $25 silver by e/o of August is wrong again....might happen by the e/o July 
Seriously ... I don't care if it's manipulated or not ... What could I do anyways?

I personally think the highs will be higher than most think.
Making money in a bear market was effortless. I'd sell my inventory on sat/sun & wait a week or two & buy on the pullback dip.
Times are a changin.
Hear hear.
The point has been made..
Continuous, daily harping on it and "i told you so's" get old after a while.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Oh no the point will be driven home continuously.
Everytime somebody does well --in hindsight--, the point will be repeated.
Never let anything go to waste. A SIDENOTE- I picked up the phone this morning and bought $100 of junk. Just as easy as clicking a keyboard & a heck of a lot more enjoyable. And I got to trade some paper profits for real money. Might come in handy someday.
$25 by the end of any particular day*
Study the COMEX COT reports, the lack of spoofing (manipulation) has allowed gold and silver to recently find price discovery based on fundamentals. This is what happens when regulators do their job.
Something else that the manipulation deniers was told would happen. LOL
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Yawn, wake me up at $5K already, a measly 1/2 a bitcoin. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Sorry you missed the buying opportunity. At least "now YOU know."
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.