Please I need all of you to help me...Pcgs hacked?

I have received multiple requests to remove a cert from my registry set
I am in possession of the coin and have left an email to David T that I own this coin several days ago upon the first request to release it
My registry pictures shows both sides of the coin / slab in the set(s) and my inventory which I mentioned in my phone message to David
As of yet, No response but only more requests to release it
Is this a duplicate cert # or are these coins / slabs counterfeit?
This was an EBAY purchase
I do have the name and address of the seller
Any ideas why this is happening would certainly be appreciated
Kennedys are my quest...
This discussion has been closed.
I've had two such requests in the last year. On contacting PCGS, they requested a current obverse and reverse picture which I sent. In my case (s) PCGS attributed it to the wrong number being typed in by the person sending the request. I never heard any more about it.
they have pictures of both sides of the coin
how many times did you receive a request to remove the same coin that you have in hand
I do not sell coins, I have every coin that I have purchased in the last 45 years. I know that the set registry is undermanned but I do not want to lose this coin because someone else is typing the wrong cert # in.
By the way this is a $30.00 cheap coin.
I wonder if there is a glitch in the new format on the activity page where even though you acknowledge that you still own the coin, that the information becomes lost in space so they send out another request to release it. I have tried to talk to a human at the set registry but all is sent to a voice mail to David T.
Kennedys are my quest...
update: David T. just called me and has explained what is going on with this coin and the numerous requests to release to another owner's set. He explained that the new Owner has been notified twice that their request has been denied and that I still own this coin. They must provide appropriate pictures of the coin in order to proceed further. It was a very nice conversation and David said he would update me on the outcome.
Kennedys are my quest...
The simplest explanation might be that someone else owns a coin with a similar cert number and that they recorded their number incorrectly and actually have your number in their own records. Therefore, they keep typing it into the database expecting it to be added, yet remain frustrated when it does not happen. They also might be photo-challenged, as many folks still are, and so are merely relying on their records.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
another explanation is that there are fakes using a legitimate cert
A PSA Registry member had a similar issue and raised some valid points about confirmation before removal request, and we are working on a fix - I am pasting my reply here:
Some further updates are in the works to prevent duplicate cert removal requests. It's not often that someone would enter a cert they don't actually own, so the process does favor the requestor in an effort to speed up the ability to add an item to their set. Obviously you are having a problem with someone asking more than once, which our team is working on preventing among other updates. We value your feedback and will continue to make changes and add features to the Set Registry.
T. Whitmeyer
Front-end Developer, Collectors Universe
Thank you
Kennedys are my quest...
just received my 4th request to release the same coin. I had spoken to Dave T and he told me all is set...guess not
Kennedys are my quest...
I just now received my 4th request to release the same coin that I own.
Please call the person who keeps making this request and let them know that I have this coin in my possession and that I will not release it. This coin was added to my registry set on 4/29/20.. there are pictures of both sides of the coin in my set listing and inventory. Can you block this person in some way? Please see additional post above.
again thanks Wayne
Kennedys are my quest...
What's the cert number? Let's see if we can make a record number of requests!
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Well, that is ridiculous - Let me see what I can do on our end. Thank you for your patience.
T. Whitmeyer
Front-end Developer, Collectors Universe
and that is why I have not posted the pictures or cert# here and thanks for the laugh
Kennedys are my quest...
I guess we are all having fun here

I just received my sixth request to release a coin that I own and have in hand
I guess I am the head clown in the clown car but I will play the game forever...I will not release this coin as I have nothing to do but deny your requests, remember it is a clown car that will run you over
when PCGS finds you and removes you and your sets, remember you are the person who caused this
Kennedys are my quest...
see above post
Kennedys are my quest...
see my latest post you need to remove this person and all of his or her sets
Kennedys are my quest...
there is a bug in your request to add a cert software
If you cannot fix this many multiple x 6 requests to release a coin that I have in hand by the same requester, than ban them from this site. short and sweet
seriously who else has gone or are going thru this and how do you resolve or resolved this
Help me please
Kennedys are my quest...
please respond all
pressure PCGS to resolve / fix this issue
I have done nothing but support PCGS in these trying times but this is ridiculous
Kennedys are my quest...
just received my 6th notice and have ask all members to help me to request you to fix this issue
Kennedys are my quest...
The admin from PCGS responded today just above. Clearly this is annoying but give him some time to work on it.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
I to have received multiple requests in the past ( twice ). Our hosts fixed the issue after a phone call. Had to send them front & back pictures ( not a big deal ) issue was resolved. Hopefully they get your issue resolved.
On the other end, when I requested a coin to be released, I send one request per day for three days, then emailed our hosts with pictures, coin in question was released that day.
My only issue is per the rules if they do not release the coin after three days they are supposed to have their sets removed from registry which is not being done. Hence I've had about 50 coins in the last year which I had to have our hosts release. FOLLOW THE RULES.
Reading some of these posts makes me wonder how many fake registry sets there are with "stolen" cert numbers.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
there is also the extreme possibility that PCGS has issued duplicate cert numbers. David T. told me this when we last talked but he said that this has only happened once in his career at PCGS. If the requester would only send in the required pictures, we could move onto the next step in solving this issue.
Kennedys are my quest...
I discovered the solution!
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
I enjoy your enthusiasm but in my opinion it will still not fix my problem
Lets travel thru a coin's history path
1) a dealer purchases a coin from the mint
2) they send the coin into a TPG service and have the coin graded and slabbed
3) the TPG sends the coin back to the dealer ( I use the term dealer here as in this scenario this coin will be sold)
4) the dealer receives the coin and adds it to his inventory by using the phone app
5) the coin now goes up for purchasing and is sold to a new owner
6) the coin is shipped to its new owner
7) they receive the new coin in its new shinny slab and using their phone app they add the new cert and all goes well or does it. what if the coin comes up as "this coin is still in another registry set"
here is a problem that I see.

if you feel that the new chip should automatically remove the coin from the previous owner's inventory / set, what recourse do they have when they say I still have this coin in hand. If this works as an automatic occurrence of removing this cert from one's inventory to another's then I will just do the same thing and put it back into my set. tit for tat. I can also use the manually add cert function to do the same. remember that someone invented the chip and someone else will clone it and use it for counterfeiting. on the newer non chipped slabs there is an QR code which when read by a QR reader it will give you the same exact information that is contained on the chip and slab. this is one reason PCGS requests a clear picture of both sides of the coin. to me earlier slabbed coins that do not have this QR code become harder to identify as real or fake. PCGS can identify these coins but it is harder to do so.
So what happens now as in my case, I own the coin and have it in hand. my coin shows up in my sets with good pictures of both sides of the coin, the person has asked repeatedly(6x) to remove this coin from my set. PCGS has denied their request at least 2 times but they still send new requests. if I do not respond to each and every request, by default the system will transfer this coin's cert to the requester's set and I lose the coins rating value from my sets and possibly lowering my sets ranking.
would like to know your thoughts on how this would or can work for me
still hoping that you find that hidden treasure that you are searching for
Kennedys are my quest...
If someone is adding a coin via the app and they are logged in, the ONLY WAY that coin can be entered is through the NFC technology which will absolutely not happen unless the coin transfers the data by physically being with in an inch of the phone that's entering it. It is NOT the same as a QR code.
Nobody will be able to do anything with that coin's registry status unless they physically possess the coin. The cert number will no longer matter.
From PCGS:
“The NFC chip contains a uniform resource locator (URL) that generates a unique, cryptographic one-time password (OTP) that changes every time the chip is tapped. This password is validated by the HID Trusted Tag® Cloud Authentication service** to prove that it is the exact same tag that was issued with the slab.”
PCGS just has to make it so NFC coins can only be entered by that method. The coin MUST BE IN HAND to enter it.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
agree with you on the statement on the NFC chip technology
, but how does that help with the coins that are not chipped? Your solution is only good for just slabbed coins that choose this chip option.
My issue is a now here today issue. How do we fix it?
And as I stated how long will it take someone to hack the chip and its info?
Thanks again for your insight
Kennedys are my quest...
That is correct. It's a "going forward" fix.
Unlikely but not impossible. Same tech used by credit cards and banks
That's up to PCGS. An administrator replied above so they're on it. It's the weekend so nothing is getting fixed today.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
They use chip scanners to steal your credit card info standing behind you in the check-out line

how easy will it be to scan slabs at a coin show pretending to be verifying the coin info for authenticity.
God help us
keep the faith and I will let you know how I make out with my issue
Kennedys are my quest...
The requesting member let us know that they purchased multiple items with what they thought were sequential certification numbers and they did not realize that the number they were attempting to add was not one of them. The member apologized for their error and mentioned: "I will get a new pair of glasses!!"
I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. Our goal within the Set Registry is for our members to be able to collect and grow their collections while sharing them with enthusiasm and fun with their fellow collectors. Mistakes happen and our system is designed to avoid as many of these as possible but simple human error is the source for 99% of these types of issues.
We are working behind the scenes to eliminate duplicate Removal Requests.
As this issue is now resolved, I am closing this thread.
PCGS Set Registry Manager