Losing Interest UPDATE 5/20/20
Posts: 2,739 ✭✭✭✭✭
The last 3 or 4 months I haven't bought many cards. I used to spend hours a day looking for cards.I still look but just can't get excited about finding cards I want. Almost all of the sets I have been working on are completed. I'm not interested in starting any new project sets. I am currently going through some health issues. I'm posting this from a hospital room. I won't go into any details about my health right now. I have been thinking about starting to sell off some of my cards and sets. When I am working on a set, the exciting part was finding the cards. Once completed, I don't really care about the sets. Right now I'm not 100% sure what I am going to do.
Sorry to hear about your health issues. I have followed your collecting for a long time and have enjoyed you sharing your additions. I would focus on taking care of you first and not make any quick decisions on selling your sets/collections. Having said that if money is needed then certainly sell. If money is not the issue then I would take my time before deciding to sell. You might have a change of mind in the near future. Wishing you the best with your health.
Hang in there and take it one step at a time. Best of luck on your health concern.
Best of luck to you with your health issues. As for collecting, many enjoy the chase, which can go away, but I’ve also seen people who regret selling stuff. I hope you find a solution you are happy with now and later.
Your health will come back, and your passion for collecting will come back. Don't sell.
Always looking to buy or trade for Andre the Giant autographs
I hope your health improves and you are back to 100% in no time. I think many have gotten burnt out on collecting at some point or another, I sure have. What has worked for me is to put some collecting interests on hold and work on something else for a while. Then when you come back you see everything anew and with a reinvigorated purpose. You definitely have some very nice cards for their grade with great centering that I am grateful you have shared with us all.
eBay Store
Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
Sorry to hear you are at a lull in the collecting. Focus on getting healthy and the desire will come back. Lifting you up in prayers tonight.
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
Hope you get well soon!
Sorry to hear about your health issues. Hope you get well soon!
Hope you feel better soon! As far as losing interest, I think most of us have gone through a similar phase in our collecting at some point.
Good luck with whatever ails you and I hope you feel better. Obviously health is the most important thing in the World.
You have an amazing collection and seeing your purchases are one of the highlights of the monthly additions threads. A lot of collectors enjoy the chase more than the finished set. Whatever you decide take your time and make sure you do what is right for you. You may find that letting go is harder than you thought or time may make the decision to do something else more clear cut.
If you do decide to sell give us some warning so we can save to add some of your beautiful cards to our collections!
Get well soon.
I've had on and off problems with my heart the past 8 years, so I know how you feel buddy. I know how much of a toll it takes on you to have to go through the hospital ordeal, because I've been there. Just stay strong, and focus on your health and keep fighting with everything you've got. I've also had times when I've gotten burnt out on the hobby, but then I think about the reason I collect. The reason I collect is because I like to have a connection to the athletes I collect. Their accomplishments, their glory, the moments of greatness that they showed us. Hang in there buddy, keep fighting, and remember that we are all rooting for you, and we're all with you.
I get it. Just keep the ones you truly love or took you the longest amount of time landing. You know which ones they are. Focus on your health. Without it, nothing else really matters.
Hi James,
Sorry to hear that you are currently in a hospital. I once was in a hospital for a week. I know I was mentally ready to get out after a few days (although physically I was not). Hopefully you won’t be there too long but at least you are being given care and attention for whatever it currently going on and I’m at least happy to know that. Health is everything.
As far as cards, I have gone through that as well. Heck, not even cards. I also collect old Nintendo (NES games). Or collected I should say. I haven’t bought a new game for well over 10 years but I still have my massive collection and it still brings me joy even until this day simply because they bring back memories from when I was a kid and I would play with childhood friends and also a second wave of memories when I started rebuying again to get the collection I have today. That process was a lot of fun. I still have that collection today and to sell it has never really been a serious thought in my mind.
What I am trying to say is to hold onto your stuff if you don’t really need the money. I’m not sure if being at the hospital is maybe making you think about decisions with your collection that you would have never thought of otherwise but if there is no need to sell, then don’t because you may regret. If you do need to sell, then keep the ones that matter to you most, and that doesn’t necessarily mean the bigger valued cards.
Stay healthy and whatever you decide, I’m sure your decision will be in your best interest.
Best of luck to you. Take care of yourself first, the cards will always be there.
hope you get better !!!!
For me it's the chase and 'thrill" of finding something you needed/wanted. Once that's completed though it's tough to figure out the new "chase".
Cards are pieces of cardboard, your health is life. Take care of yourself.
Thank you all for your responses and well wishes. This is something I have been thinking about for the last couple months, before my current health issue. I first started collecting cards in the 80s. I stepped away from the hobby in around 2000 and started back about 7 or8 years ago. I have been heavy into collecting since then. I am pretty much always collecting something. When I wasn't doing cards, I collected pocket watches, classic muscle cars and pottery. My problem is that I don't casually collect anything. I'm either all in or I don't mess with it. When I start selling it won't be because I need the money, although it would be nice to fatten my bank account. I couple months ago I spoke with one of the major auction houses about selling a couple of my sets. Once I get back home that is something that I am going to give some serious thought to. Sorry for the long read but thanks for taking the time to do so.
Get well very soon. Health is everything so it is natural to put collecting on the side.
For me also he the hunt is worth more than he trophy. The best part of this hobby is interacting with all the others on these PSA boards sharing what we all like. So keep this part going at least for now.
1948-76 Topps FB Sets
FB & BB HOF Player sets
1948-1993 NY Yankee Team Sets
First and foremost best wishes on a speedy and full recovery from whatever ails you.
When I read a thread like this about health issues and a possible sell off (i understand in your case one is not necessitating the other), i always think in terms of what if that was going on in my life, and my first thought is always "how would my family sell all this if I were gone, and not get ripped off/get fair market for it?"
I don't have a definite answer, but I figure my options are either use my remaining time to sell it all myself (a huge, time consuming undertaking but probably would realize the maximum price). or have a few dealers I know and trust size it all up and make their offers.
I always lean towards take less in total to liquidate in one fell swoop.
Best of luck to you James.
I'm very sorry to hear about your health issues; and wish you well.
Speaking for myself, since all of this quarantine business has started, I've sold tons of stuff!! I think it's a great time to sell.
Hope you feel better James
Collector of 1964 Topps Stand Ups, 1965 Embossed, 1968 Topps Game and 1969 Topps Decals
Registered Sets: 1964 Stand Ups, 1965 Embossed, 1968 Topps Game, 1969 Topps Decals
Once you have resolved your health issues, satisfactorily I hope, perhaps you evaluate your collection. If the item doesn't provide an "Ego Moment", then let it go.
Update: I ended up spending 17 days in the hospital. 3 weeks from today I was told I had colon cancer. The following Monday I had surgery to remove a section of my colon and intestines.The doctor was able to remove all of the cancer. The Saturday night after the surgery one of the stitches busted resulting in a hole in my stomach right below my navel. The hole is draining fluids and bandages have to be changed 2 or 3 times a day. This will be the case for at least a couple weeks. I can't change the bandages by myself. I am currently staying with a brother that is changing bandages and help with anything else I may need.
As far as my collection, once I get back home I am probably going to start selling off a good portion of my cards. I don't have any family that has any interest my collection. I don't want family members to have to deal with getting rid of my cards if/when something more serious happens to me.
Oh my, James, I’m sorry you’re not healing as expected but I hope that improves soon. Best of luck in your recovery, I’ll be thinking of you.
Yaz Master Set
#1 Gino Cappelletti master set
#1 John Hannah master set
Also collecting Andre Tippett, Patriots Greats' RCs, Dwight Evans, 1964 Venezuelan Topps, 1974 Topps Red Sox
I wish you the best in your recovery and hope everything goes smoothly from here on out.
Healing can surely take the mind, where minds don’t usually go. You are healing and just gotta get through.
Roll with this bro. just like any other chapter in life. Sounds like the worst piece of it all may be taken care of. Now just gotta deal with the remnants. Cleanup. Then back to coolness !!
Sorry to hear this. Hoping for a smooth recovery the rest of the way.
Hang in there and get better!! You'll recover like a champ!!
That’s awful, and so sorry to hear about your health and everything that’s going on. I truly hope you feel better soon to be able to of course do the things you really enjoy doing. I wish you a speedy recovery and hope you feel better soon. I’m sorry to hear about your collection, like most people here have been following you like a puppy watching and expecting your next big post, I know I will miss that. Make sure you keep up with the forums and keeping us up to date with you status.
All the Best
Vintage Rookies
I'm sorry to hear that James but it sounds like you're on the road to recovery. Best wishes on a speedy recovery. I just went in for a colonoscopy last month after a positive Cologuard test. Fortunately there was only a few tiny polyps that turned out benign. Anyone entering your 50s should seriously consider having the test. A lot of us are reaching that age.
Godspeed on your recovery James!
Ebay Store
I am thankful they were able to get all the cancer, but sounds like the recovery has been Hell. Hang in there and with time the body has an amazing ability to heal. Health is the most important thing and can give us a dose of perspective when we or our loved ones do not have it.
Good luck on your recovery. That is the important thing. When this is all over, you have an amazing collection to either enjoy or move on from.
All the best to you James. Stay strong.
Positive vibes sent - best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. I know when health fails you want to get your house in order, but don’t lose the joy of collecting. It can be part of the healing process and give you milestones along the way. My reco is to keep the key pieces that are most important to you and let the rest go. Then use the proceeds to add the few items that have alluded you along the way. A small but mighty collection can be enjoyed by you and easily sold by your loved ones when the time comes many, many years from now. Get well soon!
This exactly. Of course it's always easy to say things. But regardless you have to do what you feel comfortable with. If you ever need to talk or vent, shoot me a message. I know we don't know each other, but sometimes that can be the beauty of it .
Best of luck for a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally.
Best regards,
Sorry to hear this, but so glad you are on the way to recovery. Godspeed my friend Will be lifting up a prayer your way now.
David (LD_Ferg)
1985 Topps Football (starting in psa 8) - #9 - started 05/21/06
Hang in there James, and like jordangretzkyfan said, don't make any rash decisions on your collection at this point. It's not so much the monetary value of our collectibles as it is the memories they can evoke, and sometimes those memories give us hope and the desire to create more memories. You got this!
Take it from someone who has battled his wife's health nightmares ( immunosuppressed system ) and my own diabetes for the last 2 decades. Those cards and the hobby save my sanity.
I don't know you James but if you're near Las Vegas and you need help you ask I'll be there. Anywhere within 8 hours I'll make the drive on my days off and help.
And as far as the collection goes keep it close , cradle it , research it , dive deeper into it like you've never done before. Remember how you got it, remember where you got it, and most of all remember how you like sharing it.
Like another person said no rash decisions. There are others like yourself to cherish these little pieces of cardboard, who know what they mean, and know that taking care of them for the greater good is always the best result.
Certainly do not hand these things off to people who could care one iota less about where they end up. My wife's been told if they don't mean anything to you then bury them with me or call my best friend Kevin and he knows what to do.
My opinion as always
Dear James,
Wish you a speedy recovery as the worst seems to be behind you. Colon cancer is a very treatable cancer, especially when caught early enough. This seems to be your case. I imagine there will be some check-ups in close intervals, so follow the doctor's orders.
To everyone else, if there is no family history of cancer or colon cancer (meaning your grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles, or siblings), then get a colonoscopy by age 50. Your primary care physician should remind you of this if you make yearly visits. If you do not have a physician and you are in your 50's, then find one and ask for to be prescribed a colonoscopy. The key to beating this is getting checked early. Yes, its inconvenient, but too many people die from colon cancer because it is caught late. This is so preventable if you simply follow the guidelines of when to get a check-up.
If there is a family history of cancer or colon cancer, then get checked in your late 30s for good measure (some doctors will say age 40, but I would not push it further). If you have polyps removed, then the doctor will want to see you again in 3-5 years. If you have no polyps, the interval can increase. Polyps do not automatically mean you have colon cancer as they could be benign. They are removed in all cases because they might become cancerous later. If you are 50 and have no polyps in the colon, you are in good shape and will likely not be recommended for another colonoscopy for 10 years.
The prognosis of colon cancer, if diagnosed early, is very good. Remember, if in your 50's get a colonoscopy. That goes for everyone (any sex/gender)! If there is a family history of cancer, ask for a colonoscopy in your late 30's or age 40.
Disclaimer: I am not a physician, so consult with your physician about this. I am just providing general information so that everyone can seek advice from a healthcare professional. My background is in the research and education field, so I try and stay informed regarding health issues.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
I have ulcerative colitis and have had yearly colonoscopies since 1982 to check for cancer...the prep is the bad part. I am sure you will be having scopes more frequently now. In 2002...my condition became so worse GI docs considered removing my large intestine and then going back in 3 months later and create a pouch and attaching my small intestine to my rectum instead of having a bag.
I decided against surgery as well as a bag and went on herbal supplements from the Herb Lady in my hometown and thankfully my condition became better and was able to manage the inflammation w/o the 20mg maintenance daily dosage of prednisone for 20 years. Very effective drug...but bad side effects long term. I am surprised my body held up too taking such a high dosage of prednisone for so long. I am thankful.
I will keep you in my prayers and get well soon!
I have say, it is very refreshing to see a community like this one. Some might find it weird that a bunch of guys would rally around each other when our only thing in common (that we know of) is cardboard. But I think most of us here feel the same way as Jeff, let us know if you need some help and we will rally the troops. I have been sick, and I have been in the Military so I know what brotherhood is all about. There are some really good guys here and that's why I ask you guys all my stupid card questions, I know you will be honest. But at the end of the day, all that really matters is our health, family and friends. I wish all of you well, especially you James. Prayers for you brother. Jason
New to the board, but I wish you speedy recovery, and for you to get back on your feet soon. I agree with everyone posting, if you decide to sell keep a few important pieces that bring you joy reminding you why you got into collecting like the rest of us.
Prayets sent, and get well soon,
Prayers sent, buddy.
Stay positive in your thinking. This helps just as much as any medicine. It sure can't hurt.
My card collecting brother wishing you the best with your recovery. Stay strong.
I hope to hear you get better quick.
James i know a 32-yr-old male who was experiencing severe abdominal pains, only to discover he had stage 4 colon cancer.
(it didn't run in his family.) he has been battling hard, and now his prognosis is very good. do the same, brother -- keep your chin up and fight like a rabid dog. rest assured i'll be wearing out God's ear.
as for your cards, in the grand scheme they don't mean squat. but when you come back better than ever, they will matter again. they're splendid, and i hope they remain with you.
wishing you Godspeed
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet