Looks like some movement in the metals today (Feb 18th). What are your thoughts?

The stuff I read is talking about how a real slowdown in world GDP is going to cause real problems in the debt markets, and that this will require more money creation by the central banks.
Where do you think we are on the inflationary curve at this time?
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
I knew it would happen.
I knew it would happen.
U.S. 10 Year Treasury yield goes down...metals go up
Loves me some shiny!
Michael Pento is concerned that the spread between Treasuries and junk bonds is historically low, and that junk bonds are rallying even while the world economies are slowing down rather quickly.
That really should freak people out. At least a little bit.
I knew it would happen.
the coronavirus outbreak is starting to intensify, this might have something to do with it
Yes, China accounts for 21% of world GDP and China is essentially offline when only 10% of their employees are showing up for work. That's affecting all of the companies with facilities in China, including Apple, Foxcomm, GM, GE, etc. On top of all that, Boeing's future orders have dropped way off.
What does the slowdown mean in terms of money creation by the banks and how do you think that will affect the precious metals? That's my question.
I knew it would happen.
Buy stock in face masks and vaccine producers....and gold.....
...Cheers, RickO
Inflation is about to go nuts imho.
I'm buying silver, lots of it, as fast as i can.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Take advantage of this blurb, who knows how long it will last, and take some profits. That's my take.
Booked some gains... I'll buy it back later.
If you are a paper trader, play your prescribed spread.
From a physical standpoint, I see no reason to sell if profit is a motive. The spread to buy back in is a net loss.
I'd like to figure out how silver is lagging so far behind gold. At the current price of gold, one would have expected silver to follow traditional technical attachment and be over $40 by now. Silver detached years ago and remains stuck at the worst of the gold/silver ratio.
Is this a hijacked account cause “buy” was not what I expected!
The ads on the television box
tole me all about..... Silver!!
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
I was gonna say ,scramble a team to baleyville something is wrong !