@DIMEMAN said: @dallasactuary you are on the verge of badgering the witness, This will be (I think) my last statement...…..I don't think the gambling should keep him out of the HOF considering his accomplishments on the field.
Technically, it's not "badgering" as long as the witness refuses to answer the question, and you (and the others I've asked) are firm in your resolve to avoid answering the question. You keep referring to "gambling" as if that has anything to do with why Rose agreed to a lifetime ban. That he gambled was a well-known fact, and Rose would have said "yes I gambled, but that doesn't warrant a lifetime ban" from the beginning if that's all there was to it. Clearly, there's more to it than that.
You said, and I agree, that "gambling" shouldn't keep him out of the HOF forever. You can stop saying that. If and when you choose to address the question I actually asked, I'd love to hear the answer.
Stop badgering me......I already told you I can't tell you what somebody else is thinking.
@LarkinCollector said:
It's long past time to separate fact from fiction and let the chips fall where they may.
Why did Pete Rose agree to a lifetime ban? Simple question for which I can think of only one plausible answer. If you've got another, I'd love to hear it.
By this logic, a defendant in court has never, never, never pleaded (I hate that this is the correct word, BTW) guilty to a crime they didn't commit. C'mon, you're better than this usually.
Maybe the MLB uncovered an affair that he didn't want to give up half his assets for in a divorce during the gambling investigation into his finances. Perhaps they uncovered a gay experimentation that would become public that wouldn't be as exalted as it is these days and devastating to his (and potentially others) personal lives. Could be he just respected the institution at the time and felt it was the best way to serve the MLB to allow them to save face during the scandal. If he's willing to allow facts and evidence now, not amateurish supposition as 'the only plausible answer', let the chips fall where they may.
@LarkinCollector said:
It's long past time to separate fact from fiction and let the chips fall where they may.
Why did Pete Rose agree to a lifetime ban? Simple question for which I can think of only one plausible answer. If you've got another, I'd love to hear it.
By this logic, a defendant in court has never, never, never pleaded (I hate that this is the correct word, BTW) guilty to a crime they didn't commit. C'mon, you're better than this usually.
Maybe the MLB uncovered an affair that he didn't want to give up half his assets for in a divorce during the gambling investigation into his finances. Perhaps they uncovered a gay experimentation that would become public that wouldn't be as exalted as it is these days and devastating to his (and potentially others) personal lives. Could be he just respected the institution at the time and felt it was the best way to serve the MLB to allow them to save face during the scandal. If he's willing to allow facts and evidence now, not amateurish supposition as 'the only plausible answer', let the chips fall where they may.
im sorry did you just suggest that pete respected the institution?
no one needs to be in a hall of fame, who even cares? Don't be a complete loser garbage person and you qualify for the HOF , the bar is really low and pete couldn't clear it , because he is a degenerate gambler in the sport he both managed and played . Did you see the photo of his gambling notebook? Anyone that has a creepy little notepad with sports bets scrawled on it is a loser. He shoulda just bought scratch cards , he would still be pathetic but it wouldn't affect baseball and he would be in.
@LarkinCollector said:
It's long past time to separate fact from fiction and let the chips fall where they may.
Why did Pete Rose agree to a lifetime ban? Simple question for which I can think of only one plausible answer. If you've got another, I'd love to hear it.
By this logic, a defendant in court has never, never, never pleaded (I hate that this is the correct word, BTW) guilty to a crime they didn't commit. C'mon, you're better than this usually.
Maybe the MLB uncovered an affair that he didn't want to give up half his assets for in a divorce during the gambling investigation into his finances. Perhaps they uncovered a gay experimentation that would become public that wouldn't be as exalted as it is these days and devastating to his (and potentially others) personal lives. Could be he just respected the institution at the time and felt it was the best way to serve the MLB to allow them to save face during the scandal. If he's willing to allow facts and evidence now, not amateurish supposition as 'the only plausible answer', let the chips fall where they may.
im sorry did you just suggest that pete respected the institution?
no one needs to be in a hall of fame, who even cares? Don't be a complete loser garbage person and you qualify for the HOF , the bar is really low and pete couldn't clear it , because he is a degenerate gambler in the sport he both managed and played . Did you see the photo of his gambling notebook? Anyone that has a creepy little notepad with sports bets scrawled on it is a loser. He shoulda just bought scratch cards , he would still be pathetic but it wouldn't affect baseball and he would be in.
I laughed as I wrote it, but it's still somewhat plausible (since that's the standard that was requested).
The notebook was from his supposed bookie, not Pete, that the ever to be respected ESPN uncovered during it's investigation IIRC.
@doubledragon said:
There are 4,256 reasons why Pete Rose belongs in the HOF. You just can't ignore what he did on the field as a player, because he has a gambling problem. He's one of the greatest players of baseball, that will ever live.
NO ONE is disputing that he was a great player NO ONE!
@doubledragon said:
If it were up to the fans, he would be in, because they appreciate what he did on the field. Yes, he bet on baseball, but the fans aren't going to just forget what he did for the game. I certainly will never forget the record breaking hit and the ovation the fans gave him. The Hall of Fame induction is just a formality, because in most fans minds, he's already there.
Perhaps the fans of numbers and statistics, yes. The TRUE baseball fan understands that no one, no matter how good, gets a pass on gambling. Sorry guys, he's out and always will be and should never get in.
By by.
2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
@dallasactuary said:
Why did Pete Rose agree to a lifetime ban? Simple question for which I can think of only one plausible answer. If you've got another, I'd love to hear it.
By this logic, a defendant in court has never, never, never pleaded (I hate that this is the correct word, BTW) guilty to a crime they didn't commit. C'mon, you're better than this usually.
As you know, defendants plead guilty to crimes they didn't commit, because the crime they did commit carries an even harsher sentence. Your analogy is spot on and captures the point I've been making very well. Since we agree that I nailed it here, thank you for the compliment that I'm usually even more awesome.
Maybe the MLB uncovered an affair that he didn't want to give up half his assets for in a divorce during the gambling investigation into his finances. Perhaps they uncovered a gay experimentation that would become public that wouldn't be as exalted as it is these days and devastating to his (and potentially others) personal lives. Could be he just respected the institution at the time and felt it was the best way to serve the MLB to allow them to save face during the scandal. If he's willing to allow facts and evidence now, not amateurish supposition as 'the only plausible answer', let the chips fall where they may.
I will admit that I had not considered the possibility that MLB had committed felony extortion, but now that I've considered it, and laughed, I don't think this meets my requirement that an alternate theory pass the laugh test. And since someone else already pointed the hilarity of your other "respect the institution" theory, let's just say that one doesn't qualify either.
This is for you @thisistheshow - Jim Rice was actually a pretty good player.
I think it's fun that people remember the record-breaking hit - and it's the wrong one. Since we now know Cobb had 4189 hits, not 4191, the hit against Show was just a regular hit.
The Rose brigade now has the President on our side! We'll win this argument! I think it's safe to assume Vice President Pence feels the same way, so we now have the President and Vice President on our side!
@fiveniner said:
Pete got caught , others did the same and nothing happened to them. Read your baseball history books sometimes. Pete wasn’t proven to bet against his team. Some players have done other things detrimental to the game , nothing happens.
oh please he is a degenerate. As for MLB not proving it, if he bet against his team the MLB would cover it up just like we are seeing the way they are covering up sign stealing right now. The way they avoided PED's like the plague until their feet were held to the fire.
Dishonest MLB investigates garbage player , finds no evidence of anything that might cost anyone gate receipts or TV revenues . No film at 11
Now did Rose get the wrong idea and think what he was doing was no big deal because everyone in baseball is also sleazy? probably
Seems some are willing to accept that we have entered a new age where people are no longer held accountable for their own actions. This is very unfortunate.
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
@doubledragon said:
It's too late, the President has spoken! Mr. Trump should just ORDER Pete Rose into the HOF!
You will say anything to get a "LOL".
That's a shame.
No, it's a shame that Pete Rose is not in the HOF. I guess you have to be a saint to qualify for the HOF. Burn Pete at the stake everybody, he's a gambler. I guess everybody in Las Vegas is a filthy sinner as well. I bought a scratchoff last week, so I guess I'm going to hell. Yes, I do like to add humor to the forum, so sue me. I don't feel ashamed for having fun.
BIG difference to "THROW" games and just betting money on games. BIG DIFFERENCE!!
Dimeman states what apparently isn't obvious and he seems to me to be 100% spot on.
though I could be wrong, I don't recall ever hearing that Pete Rose did anything to change the outcome of games, he just had/has a gambling addiction and bet on the sport he loved. the other two activities were/are directly involved in altering the outcomes of games while they are being played, much different.
@keets said: BIG difference to "THROW" games and just betting money on games. BIG DIFFERENCE!!
Dimeman states what apparently isn't obvious and he seems to me to be 100% spot on.
though I could be wrong, I don't recall ever that Pete Rose did anything to change the outcome of games, he just had/has a gambling addiction and bet on the sport he loved. the other two activities were/are directly involved in altering the outcomes of games while they are being played, much different.
Dowd has stated publicly that he was getting closer to proving that Rose not only bet on the Reds but against them, too. Rose wanted nothing more than the investigation to stop and one of the conditions to his agreeing to the lifetime ban was that the investigation would cease.
Despite Rose's claims to the contrary, it was also proven that Rose would not bet on the Reds if either Mario Soto or Bill Gullickson were pitching because he did not trust either pitcher to win.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
@doubledragon said:
It's too late, the President has spoken! Mr. Trump should just ORDER Pete Rose into the HOF!
You will say anything to get a "LOL".
That's a shame.
No, it's a shame that Pete Rose is not in the HOF. I guess you have to be a saint to qualify for the HOF. Burn Pete at the stake everybody, he's a gambler. I guess everybody in Las Vegas is a filthy sinner as well. I bought a scratchoff last week, so I guess I'm going to hell. Yes, I do like to add humor to the forum, so sue me. I don't feel ashamed for having fun.
buying a scratch card isnt the same and you know it. You are not in a scratchcard league or managing a scratchcard team . Buying a scratch card is like swiping a pack of gum , pete rose is bernie madeoff , defrauding thousands of retirees of their life savings
@keets said: BIG difference to "THROW" games and just betting money on games. BIG DIFFERENCE!!
Dimeman states what apparently isn't obvious and he seems to me to be 100% spot on.
though I could be wrong, I don't recall ever that Pete Rose did anything to change the outcome of games, he just had/has a gambling addiction and bet on the sport he loved. the other two activities were/are directly involved in altering the outcomes of games while they are being played, much different.
what is this that you don't recall? were you pete's bookie or summat? How could you or any of us know all the things he did ? there are 162 games in a season how many was he involved in over his time in the majors? Never did anything ? The sport he loved was gambling not baseball . He gave up baseball and the HOF so he could still gamble. He is still breathing so he is still betting. He is like the guy with 29 DUI's that is still driving to and from the bar everyday without a license
If he wasn't a braindead loser he could have bet all the baseball he wanted. he could have had his brother cousin father in law make bets for him from away from the ballpark every day. Pete was a moron, he was doing this from the dugout on gameday. If you are that obvious about it you must not want to be in the HOF . MLB probably warned him about 75 times while it was going on anyway, at some point enough is enough is too much.
Oh come on! What Pete Rose does with the money he earned from playing baseball is his business. If he wants to blow every last nickel he earned on bathtub rubber duckies, that's his business. He earned the money, and it's his. He's not robbing people, he worked his a.. off to be a great player, he didn't steal from or rob anybody! He earned his money through hard work, which translated into great playing ability.
@doubledragon said:
Oh come on! What Pete Rose does with the money he earned from playing baseball is his business. If he wants to blow every last nickel he earned on bathtub rubber duckies, that's his business. He earned the money, and it's his. He's not robbing people, he worked his a.. off to be a great player, he didn't steal from or rob anybody! He earned his money through hard work, which translated into great playing ability.
all the major sports don't let you bet. A guy from the arizona cardinals got booted this year for betting. He was on injured reserve at the time, the casino turned him in and yoink , he was gone from the team
@doubledragon said:
Oh come on! What Pete Rose does with the money he earned from playing baseball is his business. If he wants to blow every last nickel he earned on bathtub rubber duckies, that's his business. He earned the money, and it's his. He's not robbing people, he worked his a.. off to be a great player, he didn't steal from or rob anybody! He earned his money through hard work, which translated into great playing ability.
all the major sports don't let you bet. A guy from the arizona cardinals got booted this year for betting. He was on injured reserve at the time, the casino turned him in and yoink , he was gone from the team
It's ridulous to keep Pete Rose out of the HOF. He's right up there with the greatest players to ever do it. It's just crazy.
@hammer1 said:
for the sake of the children will someone break this tie.
use an alt if necessary.
I almost voted yes when the poll was first posted. But just for the heck of it I decided to read through the first couple of comments. And I have to say that I feel like I have too many questions to vote one way or the other until I study this matter more.
Did a lot of you vote yes only because you feel he should be in the HOF? Because that was always how my thought process went.
Reading this thread I am seeing there are other ways to look at it.
If only there was a way to put him in the HOF without reinstating him. I remember he used to say reinstatement would mean opportunities to work, maybe coach.
Bart G. wanted Rose to confess to the gambling and get proper help or choose a lifetime ban. Rose chose a lifetime ban and maintained his innocence until many years later when he finally confessed. Bart G. did offer Rose a pathway back into baseball under the condition that he "reconfigure" his life. Denying that he bet on baseball was not reconfiguring his life.
Other baseball commissioners in the years after Bart G. also denied reinstatement because he did not reconfigure his life. Manfred stated that Rose was still gambling and betting on baseball, so he could not reinstate him. Think about the position that Manfred was in. How could he reinstate someone who was still doing the very thing he got banned for?
While betting on baseball games for a retired player and manager does not influence games, it is in poor taste if you continue to do it after getting banned for it as an active manager and have not changed your ways while wanting reinstatement.
Rose had several chances to reconfigure his life. There is no need to reinstate him. We cannot pardon people just because they hold the MLB for total hits, but Rose did have his chances and continues to have them if he reconfigures his life.
In terms of baseball history, no one is erasing him or his accomplishments on the field. He is still the MLB record holder for total hits and nothing will change that unless a player eclipses him on the field. I am sure the HOF Museum has some mention of Rose being the hits leader and a few other things. His place in baseball history is there. We do not need Rose reinstated if he does not keep his end of the deal that he made in 1989.
I never had as much information as I have now regarding the Rose case, and I lean to the side of lifetime ban according to the information available.
The Magna Carta was signed in 1215 in England which made everyone, including the monarch, subject to the rule of law and that no one was above it. This was a forerunner to and carry over to our Constitution. No one should be above any law, rule or convention because of who they are. We live in a civil society and following rules, laws and procedures is simply part of it.
"So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve
@DeutscherGeist said:
Bart G. wanted Rose to confess to the gambling and get proper help or choose a lifetime ban. Rose chose a lifetime ban and maintained his innocence until many years later when he finally confessed.
But Rose's choices were not limited to the choices Bart G. wanted. He could have said "no" to both of those choices, maintained that he had done nothing that merited a lifetime ban, and not confessed to anything at all. That is, unless he feared something even worse than the lifetime ban unless he played ball with Bart G.
This is for you @thisistheshow - Jim Rice was actually a pretty good player.
Pete Rose kill somebody? C'mon this holier than thou garbage is tiring.... folks are carrying on like he was a pedophile in the Priesthood. It's just old.
@ScoobyDoo2 said:
Pete Rose kill somebody? C'mon this holier than thou garbage is tiring.... folks are carrying on like he was a pedophile in the Priesthood. It's just old.
Do your research, he may actually have had sex with underage girls.
2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
@ScoobyDoo2 said:
No thanks .. Im not dwelling on Pete Rose for another second......... he may have had? thats garbage until he is in jail for it.
Do your research. One of the reasons he agreed to the ban was there was a LOT of $hit he did that he didn't want us to find out, including a liking of young "hardbodied" girls/women. Some were quite possibly underage.
2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
@ScoobyDoo2 said:
Pete Rose kill somebody? C'mon this holier than thou garbage is tiring.... folks are carrying on like he was a pedophile in the Priesthood. It's just old.
I do agree this pedophile has never been in the Priesthood.
@ScoobyDoo2 said:
Pete Rose kill somebody? C'mon this holier than thou garbage is tiring.... folks are carrying on like he was a pedophile in the Priesthood. It's just old.
I do agree this pedophile has never been in the Priesthood.
That does it........I'm officially making a Priest!
if Patrick Reed is on my shit list for surreptitiously scraping some sand away from behind his golf ball, then i certainly can't vote 'yes' in this poll
if Pete showed even a modicum of contrition, i'd at least ping-pong the idea. i'm a firm believer in second chances. but when it comes to the inviolability of baseball, he is clearly not on board the ship.
one could even make the case that he consciously gives a one-finger salute to the sport any chance he gets. i'll never forget going to a Cincy game a handful of years ago -- they just so happened to be honoring the Big Red Machine that day. every member was dressed for success.............with the exception of one who looked like he had just emerged from underneath an overpass.
@DeutscherGeist said:
Bart G. wanted Rose to confess to the gambling and get proper help or choose a lifetime ban. Rose chose a lifetime ban and maintained his innocence until many years later when he finally confessed.
But Rose's choices were not limited to the choices Bart G. wanted. He could have said "no" to both of those choices, maintained that he had done nothing that merited a lifetime ban, and not confessed to anything at all. That is, unless he feared something even worse than the lifetime ban unless he played ball with Bart G.
I do not disagree with you. He probably also agreed to the lifetime ban so there would be no further investigations exposing him to even greater crimes to land him in jail. A lifetime ban acceptance kind of stopped any further digging by MLB.
"So many of our DREAMS at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we SUMMON THE WILL they soon become INEVITABLE "- Christopher Reeve
@DeutscherGeist said:
Bart G. wanted Rose to confess to the gambling and get proper help or choose a lifetime ban. Rose chose a lifetime ban and maintained his innocence until many years later when he finally confessed.
But Rose's choices were not limited to the choices Bart G. wanted. He could have said "no" to both of those choices, maintained that he had done nothing that merited a lifetime ban, and not confessed to anything at all. That is, unless he feared something even worse than the lifetime ban unless he played ball with Bart G.
I do not disagree with you. He probably also agreed to the lifetime ban so there would be no further investigations exposing him to even greater crimes to land him in jail. A lifetime ban acceptance kind of stopped any further digging by MLB.
He was not being investigated by law enforcement or he might have gone to jail.
2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
@ScoobyDoo2 said:
No thanks .. Im not dwelling on Pete Rose for another second......... he may have had? thats garbage until he is in jail for it.
Do your research. One of the reasons he agreed to the ban was there was a LOT of $hit he did that he didn't want us to find out, including a liking of young "hardbodied" girls/women. Some were quite possibly underage.
Probably half of the people that are in the Rock n Roll hall of fame had sex with underage girls. Should they ban Jimmy Page and Elvis?
@ScoobyDoo2 said:
No thanks .. Im not dwelling on Pete Rose for another second......... he may have had? thats garbage until he is in jail for it.
Do your research. One of the reasons he agreed to the ban was there was a LOT of $hit he did that he didn't want us to find out, including a liking of young "hardbodied" girls/women. Some were quite possibly underage.
Probably half of the people that are in the Rock n Roll hall of fame had sex with underage girls. Should they ban Jimmy Page and Elvis?
Another idiotic post. You are amazing.
2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
@ScoobyDoo2 said:
No thanks .. Im not dwelling on Pete Rose for another second......... he may have had? thats garbage until he is in jail for it.
Do your research. One of the reasons he agreed to the ban was there was a LOT of $hit he did that he didn't want us to find out, including a liking of young "hardbodied" girls/women. Some were quite possibly underage.
Probably half of the people that are in the Rock n Roll hall of fame had sex with underage girls. Should they ban Jimmy Page and Elvis?
Another idiotic post. You are amazing.
CoolStanley join date ~2 months ago CoinStartled banned last month.
Coinstartled abides by the boy scout motto:"always be prepared".
Stop badgering me......I already told you I can't tell you what somebody else is thinking.
Badgers? we don't need no steenkin badgers!
By this logic, a defendant in court has never, never, never pleaded (I hate that this is the correct word, BTW) guilty to a crime they didn't commit. C'mon, you're better than this usually.
Maybe the MLB uncovered an affair that he didn't want to give up half his assets for in a divorce during the gambling investigation into his finances. Perhaps they uncovered a gay experimentation that would become public that wouldn't be as exalted as it is these days and devastating to his (and potentially others) personal lives. Could be he just respected the institution at the time and felt it was the best way to serve the MLB to allow them to save face during the scandal. If he's willing to allow facts and evidence now, not amateurish supposition as 'the only plausible answer', let the chips fall where they may.
im sorry did you just suggest that pete respected the institution?

no one needs to be in a hall of fame, who even cares? Don't be a complete loser garbage person and you qualify for the HOF , the bar is really low and pete couldn't clear it , because he is a degenerate gambler in the sport he both managed and played . Did you see the photo of his gambling notebook? Anyone that has a creepy little notepad with sports bets scrawled on it is a loser. He shoulda just bought scratch cards , he would still be pathetic but it wouldn't affect baseball and he would be in.
I laughed as I wrote it, but it's still somewhat plausible (since that's the standard that was requested).
The notebook was from his supposed bookie, not Pete, that the ever to be respected ESPN uncovered during it's investigation IIRC.
He didnt plan 9-11, but OJ is in the HOF.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
NO ONE is disputing that he was a great player NO ONE!
Perhaps the fans of numbers and statistics, yes. The TRUE baseball fan understands that no one, no matter how good, gets a pass on gambling. Sorry guys, he's out and always will be and should never get in.
By by.
I dont care about gambling. Everybody sins. There are worse people in the Hall, or who will eventually be in the Hall that did worse.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
As you know, defendants plead guilty to crimes they didn't commit, because the crime they did commit carries an even harsher sentence. Your analogy is spot on and captures the point I've been making very well. Since we agree that I nailed it here, thank you for the compliment that I'm usually even more awesome.
I will admit that I had not considered the possibility that MLB had committed felony extortion, but now that I've considered it, and laughed, I don't think this meets my requirement that an alternate theory pass the laugh test. And since someone else already pointed the hilarity of your other "respect the institution" theory, let's just say that one doesn't qualify either.
I think it's fun that people remember the record-breaking hit - and it's the wrong one. Since we now know Cobb had 4189 hits, not 4191, the hit against Show was just a regular hit.
Wonder what happened to the ball for 4190?
They should let Rose in before they even consider Bonds or Clemens!
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
The Rose brigade now has the President on our side! We'll win this argument! I think it's safe to assume Vice President Pence feels the same way, so we now have the President and Vice President on our side!
oh please
he is a degenerate. As for MLB not proving it, if he bet against his team the MLB would cover it up just like we are seeing the way they are covering up sign stealing right now. The way they avoided PED's like the plague until their feet were held to the fire.
Dishonest MLB investigates garbage player , finds no evidence of anything that might cost anyone gate receipts or TV revenues . No film at 11
Now did Rose get the wrong idea and think what he was doing was no big deal because everyone in baseball is also sleazy? probably
To those who say the fans would vote him in.
This poll of avid sports fans doesn't support that theory.
It's too late, the President has spoken! Mr. Trump should just ORDER Pete Rose into the HOF!
Seems some are willing to accept that we have entered a new age where people are no longer held accountable for their own actions. This is very unfortunate.
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
You will say anything to get a "LOL".
That's a shame.
No, it's a shame that Pete Rose is not in the HOF. I guess you have to be a saint to qualify for the HOF. Burn Pete at the stake everybody, he's a gambler. I guess everybody in Las Vegas is a filthy sinner as well. I bought a scratchoff last week, so I guess I'm going to hell. Yes, I do like to add humor to the forum, so sue me. I don't feel ashamed for having fun.
for the sake of the children will someone break this tie.
use an alt if necessary.
BIG difference to "THROW" games and just betting money on games. BIG DIFFERENCE!!
Dimeman states what apparently isn't obvious and he seems to me to be 100% spot on.
though I could be wrong, I don't recall ever hearing that Pete Rose did anything to change the outcome of games, he just had/has a gambling addiction and bet on the sport he loved. the other two activities were/are directly involved in altering the outcomes of games while they are being played, much different.
Dowd has stated publicly that he was getting closer to proving that Rose not only bet on the Reds but against them, too. Rose wanted nothing more than the investigation to stop and one of the conditions to his agreeing to the lifetime ban was that the investigation would cease.
Despite Rose's claims to the contrary, it was also proven that Rose would not bet on the Reds if either Mario Soto or Bill Gullickson were pitching because he did not trust either pitcher to win.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
buying a scratch card isnt the same and you know it. You are not in a scratchcard league or managing a scratchcard team . Buying a scratch card is like swiping a pack of gum , pete rose is bernie madeoff , defrauding thousands of retirees of their life savings
what is this that you don't recall? were you pete's bookie or summat? How could you or any of us know all the things he did ? there are 162 games in a season how many was he involved in over his time in the majors? Never did anything ? The sport he loved was gambling not baseball . He gave up baseball and the HOF so he could still gamble. He is still breathing so he is still betting. He is like the guy with 29 DUI's that is still driving to and from the bar everyday without a license
If he wasn't a braindead loser he could have bet all the baseball he wanted. he could have had his brother cousin father in law make bets for him from away from the ballpark every day. Pete was a moron, he was doing this from the dugout on gameday. If you are that obvious about it you must not want to be in the HOF . MLB probably warned him about 75 times while it was going on anyway, at some point enough is enough is too much.
Oh come on! What Pete Rose does with the money he earned from playing baseball is his business. If he wants to blow every last nickel he earned on bathtub rubber duckies, that's his business. He earned the money, and it's his. He's not robbing people, he worked his a.. off to be a great player, he didn't steal from or rob anybody! He earned his money through hard work, which translated into great playing ability.
all the major sports don't let you bet. A guy from the arizona cardinals got booted this year for betting. He was on injured reserve at the time, the casino turned him in and yoink , he was gone from the team
Bronco, I added "hearing" to my original post so it makes more sense, just a brain cramp on my part.
It's ridulous to keep Pete Rose out of the HOF. He's right up there with the greatest players to ever do it. It's just crazy.
I feel you , I'm on braincramp 24/7
I almost voted yes when the poll was first posted. But just for the heck of it I decided to read through the first couple of comments. And I have to say that I feel like I have too many questions to vote one way or the other until I study this matter more.
Did a lot of you vote yes only because you feel he should be in the HOF? Because that was always how my thought process went.
Reading this thread I am seeing there are other ways to look at it.
If only there was a way to put him in the HOF without reinstating him. I remember he used to say reinstatement would mean opportunities to work, maybe coach.
Edited for spelling.
I like how Dallasactuary added something different for us to consider. However, I don't think it was prison time that Rose was trying to avoid. As I read some background on this case from the following article:
Bart G. wanted Rose to confess to the gambling and get proper help or choose a lifetime ban. Rose chose a lifetime ban and maintained his innocence until many years later when he finally confessed. Bart G. did offer Rose a pathway back into baseball under the condition that he "reconfigure" his life. Denying that he bet on baseball was not reconfiguring his life.
Other baseball commissioners in the years after Bart G. also denied reinstatement because he did not reconfigure his life. Manfred stated that Rose was still gambling and betting on baseball, so he could not reinstate him. Think about the position that Manfred was in. How could he reinstate someone who was still doing the very thing he got banned for?
While betting on baseball games for a retired player and manager does not influence games, it is in poor taste if you continue to do it after getting banned for it as an active manager and have not changed your ways while wanting reinstatement.
Rose had several chances to reconfigure his life. There is no need to reinstate him. We cannot pardon people just because they hold the MLB for total hits, but Rose did have his chances and continues to have them if he reconfigures his life.
In terms of baseball history, no one is erasing him or his accomplishments on the field. He is still the MLB record holder for total hits and nothing will change that unless a player eclipses him on the field. I am sure the HOF Museum has some mention of Rose being the hits leader and a few other things. His place in baseball history is there. We do not need Rose reinstated if he does not keep his end of the deal that he made in 1989.
I never had as much information as I have now regarding the Rose case, and I lean to the side of lifetime ban according to the information available.
The Magna Carta was signed in 1215 in England which made everyone, including the monarch, subject to the rule of law and that no one was above it. This was a forerunner to and carry over to our Constitution. No one should be above any law, rule or convention because of who they are. We live in a civil society and following rules, laws and procedures is simply part of it.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
But Rose's choices were not limited to the choices Bart G. wanted. He could have said "no" to both of those choices, maintained that he had done nothing that merited a lifetime ban, and not confessed to anything at all. That is, unless he feared something even worse than the lifetime ban unless he played ball with Bart G.
It's 18 to 17 ..........yes put him in!
I don't think 18 to 17 gets you to 75%.
Pete Rose kill somebody? C'mon this holier than thou garbage is tiring.... folks are carrying on like he was a pedophile in the Priesthood. It's just old.
Do your research, he may actually have had sex with underage girls.
No thanks .. Im not dwelling on Pete Rose for another second......... he may have had? thats garbage until he is in jail for it. And why isnt he?
Do your research. One of the reasons he agreed to the ban was there was a LOT of $hit he did that he didn't want us to find out, including a liking of young "hardbodied" girls/women. Some were quite possibly underage.
I do agree this pedophile has never been in the Priesthood.
That does it........I'm officially making a Priest!
if Patrick Reed is on my shit list for surreptitiously scraping some sand away from behind his golf ball, then i certainly can't vote 'yes' in this poll
if Pete showed even a modicum of contrition, i'd at least ping-pong the idea. i'm a firm believer in second chances. but when it comes to the inviolability of baseball, he is clearly not on board the ship.
one could even make the case that he consciously gives a one-finger salute to the sport any chance he gets. i'll never forget going to a Cincy game a handful of years ago -- they just so happened to be honoring the Big Red Machine that day. every member was dressed for success.............with the exception of one who looked like he had just emerged from underneath an overpass.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I do not disagree with you. He probably also agreed to the lifetime ban so there would be no further investigations exposing him to even greater crimes to land him in jail. A lifetime ban acceptance kind of stopped any further digging by MLB.
BST: Tennessebanker, Downtown1974, LarkinCollector, nendee
He was not being investigated by law enforcement or he might have gone to jail.
Probably half of the people that are in the Rock n Roll hall of fame had sex with underage girls. Should they ban Jimmy Page and Elvis?
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
Another idiotic post. You are amazing.
CoolStanley join date ~2 months ago
CoinStartled banned last month.
Coinstartled abides by the boy scout motto:"always be prepared".
HUGE rip on Coin.
Glick would appreciate the detective work.
Cool Stanley seems more like garnett.