Does CAC still have a mascot?

I remember seeing a sort of green cartoon character type CAC mascot running around a coin show not too long ago followed up with some press regarding it. I haven't seen nor heard if it is still around. If not, what happened?
And, if PCGS would like a mascot, may I humbly suggest?
If you go to their website, he is front and center. I always thought it cheapened the brand, to be honest.
@BrettPCGS this guy might be on to something...
Heather Boyd
PCGS Senior Director of Marketing
May I suggest.... Cheers, RickO
May I suggest a Rockhopper Penguin or a Capivara?
"Seu cabra da peste,
"Sou Mangueira......."
What's it kicking? All "C" coins?
If you refresh the page, there are actually a couple scenes for him. One with a bow and arrow, one with a sword... lol.
YOW! Is there a full length animated movie in the works?
CAC-BUG and the Temple of Everything !!
Assuming that's a bug. ???
It's actually a fencing foil, but thanks for the pointer. Hilarious.
Mexican Jumping Bean?