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POLL #2: Which of These 50-S Roosie Dimes Do You Like Best? (GIVEAWAY Winner ANNOUNCED)

CoinJunkieCoinJunkie Posts: 8,772 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 28, 2020 1:17PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Giveaway has ended. Winner announced at bottom of this post. Anyone may now freely post to this thread.

Hi Folks,

The last one was so much fun, I decided to do it again!

This is a poll combined with a giveaway. You can participate in either, both, or neither.

First, the poll. Below are TrueViews of three 1950-S Roosevelt dimes I own, all graded PCGS MS67. I like all of them, although I'm still searching for the ultimate coin to fill that slot in my Registry set. The poll question is simply which of the three you like best: coin A, B, or C. You can choose based on any criteria you want.

Secondly, the giveaway. I will be giving away a 1955 Roosie dime, also pictured below. This one is only graded PCGS MS66, but has some nice original toning. Here are the rules for the giveaway:

  1. To enter the giveaway, simply post once (and only once) to this thread. If you voted in the poll, you could simply post which coin you voted for and perhaps why, but posting anything here makes you eligible to win the giveaway.
  2. The deadline to post and be eligible for the giveaway is 12:00 noon PST (Pacific) on Monday, January 27, 2020.
  3. At or shortly after the deadline, I will determine a winner by generating a random number (using random.org) between 2 and the total number of posts as of the deadline. This is post #1. The first response will be post #2, etc. Whoever made the post corresponding to the random number generated wins the coin. Simple as that. NOTE: A second post from a member will be "invisible" for purposes of calculating the winner. A third post from a member will disqualify him/her for the giveaway.

Coin A

Coin B

Coin C

Here's the giveaway coin:

Thanks for your input, and good luck!

The winner was post #41. Congrats to @hchcoin !

POLL #2: Which of These 50-S Roosie Dimes Do You Like Best? (GIVEAWAY Winner ANNOUNCED)

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This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.


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