USPS Lost packages complaint
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I just needed to gripe. I hardly do any business in December. Seems like sales are slow, plus I am busy/traveling. Add to that the USPS rush, and it just doesn't make sense for me to sell much in December. They lost a package I shipped early December, and lost one COMING to me in mid December. They just lost another I shipped early January! I am not a high volume buyer/seller, so to lose three in about a month is crazy. I self insure, which usually works out in my favor, but probably not this past month. All packages were between $250-$350. Also, all were lost away from my local PO, so it is not a local issue. Anyone else see an upswing in lost packages this time of year? Ugh!
No lost packages but the USPS is smashing the heck out of them!!!!!
I feel your pain,,,,,
I'm the wrong person to respond.
I only ship registered mail (avg price/parcel $1500).
Slowest way to ship although the PO has delivered my last two parcels from NY to Colorado and Arizona in 3-5 days.
Always insure for full value. Never lost a package.
What class of service? What type of packaging?
I have not experienced that specifically but I did have my one and only TPG submission a few years ago and I purposely waited until after the holidays for the reasons you encountered. I figured there was increased risk that time of year.
I did have a poster take one month from label creation until delivery by Priority mail last month. The USPS tracking shows label creation and then delivery to my area one month later so
not sure where it was hung up.
Seller forgot to mail it...
I see more 'misrouted' packages during December. I figure it is because of more volume and packages near the holidays.
Registered packages get "lost" too. They just know it sooner.
You have a couple choices when it comes to deliveries...Fast but crushed or Slow but lost.
I did send a registered package that was "lost".
PO's Insurance check showed up in 1 week after I complained.
I later discovered the package was delivered to the buyer even though the tracking showed the package in China.
Needless to say I returned the check immediately upon discovery.
First class, padded envelope. And I WILL add, I do sell some high priced items sometimes, and usually put those in boxes and get insurance. But my normal coin is in the $250-$350 range, and I self insure those. I almost always save more money by going first class, and just paying for any losses like this myself. But dang, 3 in one month makes me reconsider!
That is excessive!! no excuse for that and makes you wonder!! I am afraid to send anything anymore.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Thanks for the additional info. Nothing out of the ordinary there. Were you able to tell from the tracking history roughly where the packages went missing? Did any get to the destination city before disappearing?
BTW, I hope you used Safe-T-Mailers inside the padded envelope. Besides the additional protection, it would make it harder for someone trying to discern the contents of the package by feel.
Registered is Sometimes slow, but safe.
Sad to hear your stories Mr. Witten. With usps insurance around 1% or more of value, it is hard to pay them all that money. A few hundred dollars a year at most would buy you Hugh Wood insurance.
I have had priorities go missing some years ago and the usps fights tooth and nail sometimes to pay out. I went up the food chain at usps to try to get justice. Doug Davis says the postal inspectors are the way to go. I have even filed with my Congressman on usps stone walling, and got the internal message from the usps complaining I didn't give them enough evidence when I gave them images, invoices, tracking, and every thing else relevant.
I did have one lost package that was supposedly sent to me.
The value was $800. The seller paid for tracking only.
Tracking showed the package was delivered to the building. No insurance thus no one signed.
Was the package stolen within the building or delivered to an incorrect address? I never found out.
Lately, I've been reading about quite a large number of packages stolen from porches.
Are missing packages becoming a larger problem?
Years ago, I invested in a high security mail box, heavy steel, 2 1/2 pole underground in concrete, locked. Stuff, including small packages can go in, and it will hold a week or more of mail. No problems.
I also ship USPS on ebay, 761 packages last year, 100% delivery rate.
December is the worst month to ship or receive anything. I avoid it when possible.
Early American Copper, Bust and Seated.
I had one lost mailed to me just before Christmas. The seller filed a claim. I just checked back with him and he's never heard back from usps at all. Package is still missing.
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I do secure the coins inside of additional packaging in the padded envelope. One went missing in the nearest big city to me (outgoing), another I believe in Indy (outgoing), which was probably the next stop after the big city stop after me. The incoming lost one I do not remember where, but it never made it to the big city stop before me.
Sounds like an inside job. Someone in you immediate mail chain knows that you are shipping and they or an accomplice are swiping your packages. I'd switch up you post office (if practical), change your packaging, return address on outside of package etc.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I honestly highly doubt it. If all were disappearing in the same region, maybe. But all three are 3 different parts of the country.
I had a package from USPS due for delivery today. I expected the usual notice to be left as I was at work. When I checked the tracking from work to my surprise the package had been delivered and I somehow signed for it despite not being at home. Pulled up the delivery info and yeah....someone signed my name. I live alone so no one else could have been home. Checked with neighbors when I got home and no one admits having it. USPS has always checked my ID when signing for parcels so I am suspecting outright theft. It was an eBay purchase so I am probably screwed as far as reimbursement since tracking shows my having signed for delivery.
Got a prime delivery yesterday that looked like it got kicked for a fieldgoal.
I had a parcel shipped to me via United Parcel Service (UPS) two weeks ago.
I called the shipper and a lady told me that it was shipped to the correct address but somehow UPS changed the apartment number and left it there.
The wrong apartment resident told me she had received no such package.
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I don't think so unless someone can perfectly match your signature. Might be a hassle though.
Unless sent with "restricted delivery" service, the signature won't need to be the same as the addressee.
Well he states he lives alone!!!!
Just filed a claim today for a package lost in December. I thought I filed a claim two weeks ago but after another hour on hold I found out no apparently I didn’t file a claim I just opened a request or something.
So far I’ve spent 3 hours on hold dealing with this and I’m pretty sure I’ll only get $60 back (the $50 that comes with priority + shipping cost refund) but I am going to follow thru to the end out of spite.
My comment was directed to the "unless someone can perfectly match your signature" observation, in order to point out that the post office does not require the signature of the addressee unless the item is shipped with "restricted delivery" service. Delivering the package to an address other than the one on the package is an entirely different issue.
No, it was clearly not my signature, but it was my name that was signed. I am angry beyond belief over this and my post office has spotty customer service so I am expecting a fun time when I go there tomorrow morning.
Really! So you are saying signature comfirmation is BOGUS?
I learned a long time ago it is much less painless to just file your claims online. You do have to have an account. Didn't even know you could still file a claim on the phone anymore.
I didn’t know you could file online or I wouldn’t have called. After an hour on the phone they told me to go to it was a complete waste of time
I almost want to say you have to file claims online now. Just not 100%.
No, I'm not. From the USPS website, regarding Signature Confirmation:
What will I receive with Signature Confirmation™ Service?
You will be provided the following information:
Signature and name of the recipient
Date, time and location of the delivery
Signature Confirmation™ requires that the recipient (or a responsible person at the residence) be present to sign for the item.
And "recipient (or a responsible person at the residence)" is up to the discretion of the mail carrier.
From the USPS Domestic Mail Manual:
a- Signature Confirmation provides the mailer with information about the date and time an article was delivered or the date and time of the delivery attempt. A delivery record (including a signature) is maintained by USPS and is available electronically or by email upon request. The Signature Confirmation is available as a Retail option: Available at Post Offices at the time of mailing; a mailing receipt is provided. Electronic option: Available to mailers who establish an electronic link with the USPS to exchange acceptance and delivery data; no mailing receipt is provided.
b- Signature Confirmation Restricted Delivery provides the same service as provided under item a and permits a mailer to direct delivery only to the addressee (or addressee’s authorized agent). The addressee must be an individual (natural person) specified by name.The mailer may request Insured Restricted Delivery at the time of mailing by advising the USPS clerk or by marking the mail “Restricted Delivery” above the address and to the right of the return address and paying the applicable fee. A firm mailer must enter the proper fee in the correct column of the firm sheet and place the required endorsement on the mailpiece.
Note that section "b" above requires "Signature Confirmation Restricted Delivery" service in order to limit delivery to the addressee.
This year it seems usps is getting worst. Slow show up in tracking. I have a package in December no tracking info for 20 days so I filed an inquiry, two weeks later usps email me saying no evidence of delivery. Usps told me that I can file a claim. I waited for another week it showed up in tracking then in another two weeks it delivered. Thank God.
Wow, a lot of unpleasant stories. I feel fortunate our mail man has been delivering to our house for 14 years and
we've never had a problem. I'm a lot more worried about someone spotting me sticking small packages in the mail
box to send out. I'd look pretty funny on video trying to look discreet! Of course with more than 1 package or a valuable one, I go to the post office. I always feel relief when I see my package has been scanned and that's why I pay ebay shipping costs for USPS.
Amazon delivery is amazing. Always two days and also deliver on weekend as far as you buy sell by amazon not third party
So just to update my story....I went around my neighborhood this evening and knocked on every door in on my block...spoke with 8 or so neighbors. No one admitted signing for my package. I mentioned to all that I was going to the PO in the morning to try to question the carrier to try and figure out where it was delivered. Went out in the last hour to take the trash out and my package mysteriously appeared on my porch. It was correctly addressed. I’m still going to complain to my PO because I don’t think they should be able to leave any mail with a neighbor without authorization and then not state who the mail was left with.
This happened to me at Everglades NP where I worked and received mail. Park personnel would sign for the package and then steal the coins. The seller was then delighted that he had signature confirmation.
I shipped 2500 packages by USPS last year. Mostly 1st class with no insurance (self insured). About one-third of those without tracking. There were two "missing" packages, but one of them is from a guy who says he "doesn't remember" getting it (no tracking on that one). And one other that disappeared overseas with tracking.
No domestic USPS packages that had tracking were lost.
I ship a lot of holiday packages since daughters and grand children live in different states....all were delivered (on time) and all that were sent to me, were received. Always a concern during holiday season... but have never had a problem beyond a couple of late deliveries. Cheers, RickO
No lost packages. Always concerned December high risk month due to holidays high volume.
Please,Please,Please ask to see the signature. If it's yours someone is guilty of forgery.
So you think someone was sitting at his house waiting for the mailman to bring a Signature required package? Use a little logic here, The odds are so out there that man will make it to the next galaxy in my lifetime better!
No, I don't think someone was sitting at his house waiting for the mailman. Not sure why you're imagining that.
I don't understand how a package can get lost with a return address on it. Let's just say they are temporarily misplaced until they clean up the mess.
Well I certainly hope they are just stuck in limbo somewhere and eventually show up.
I've been very fortunate with thousands of packages both shipped and received never a missing. Did have a lost once but suddenly appeared about 4 months late.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
6 missing packages for me in the last 50 days.