@dallasactuary said:
If you are a bad person, and are sent to Hell, you will sit on a couch for all eternity facing a television. On one channel you can watch Samantha Bee, on the other channel you can watch Stephen Colbert. If you turn the TV off, the couch starts on fire. I would, of course, turn off the TV, but still, the thought of sitting on a flaming couch for all eternity is enough to keep me on the straight and narrow.
I like both.
You can pretty much murder and plunder to your heart's content, then; Satan has nothing stronger in his arsenal than those two.
According to Denis Leary (who may end up there for stealing Bill Hicks’ act), there’s a room where they just play Shadow Dancing by Andy Gibb for eons and eons.
So, I may choose Bee and C.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
@1951WheatiesPremium said:
According to Denis Leary (who may end up there for stealing Bill Hicks’ act), there’s a room where they just play Shadow Dancing by Andy Gibb for eons and eons.
So, I may choose Bee and C.
Shadow Dancing, according to science, is 1/2,558,179,367th as annoying as Samantha Bee.
Is there a word for being really, really stupid yet believing that you are really, really smart? If there isn't, there should be, so I propose "colbert".
This is for you @thisistheshow - Jim Rice was actually a pretty good player.
Is there a word for being really, really stupid yet believing that you are really, really smart? If there isn't, there should be, so I propose "colbert".
The part of Carson’s genius was that he was always apolitical. A politician might be woven into some monologue jokes but usually not at their expense, per se. The person had to veer into pop culture - to be talked about by everyone in the country - and even then the jokes were not abusive and it was never pertaining to policy or the outright mockery we see today; in his time, Carson knew where the line was for the American audience better than any performer except maybe Bob Hope.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
@1951WheatiesPremium said:
Carson knew where the line was for the American audience better than any performer except maybe Bob Hope.
And his audience was many times larger as a result. I don't know anyone politically to the right of center that watches any late night shows anymore, nobody to the right of Bernie Sanders who can stomach Colbert, and nobody to the right of Stalin who can watch Samantha Bee for more than 15 seconds. They are all speaking, or in Bee's case shrieking, inside the same leftist echo chamber and anyone with an independent thought is definitely not welcome.
This is for you @thisistheshow - Jim Rice was actually a pretty good player.
Depending on your provider, there’s a network called Antenna TV that airs Carson nightly at 10pm. Hardcore fans of the show know too great a percentage of the pre-1975 shows are gone; All the networks, including NBC, reused tape in those days and obliterated a LOT of classic programming. But that’s still a lot of great work in the second half of his career. There are some surviving episodes from prior but mostly ones sent to the Armed Forces overseas, and certain episodes deemed ‘instant’ classics; there’s a few ‘fan copies’ that will surface; acquired through NBC connections.
One great feature - you forget this stuff - is the way commercial breaks would work. There’d often be plugs by Johnny or Ed going into and out of commercials.
“...that’s true, that’s true. Ok, will you stay with me? Great. Folks at home, we’l be right back after this commercial break, and speaking of breaks, when I need a break there’s nothing that hits the spot quite like an ice cold, refreshing Budweiser beer. It’s the king of beers. And now a word from the folks at Anheuser-Busch...”
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
@1951WheatiesPremium said:
Depending on your provider, there’s a network called Antenna TV that airs Carson nightly at 10pm. Hardcore fans of the show know too great a percentage of the pre-1975 shows are gone; All the networks, including NBC, reused tape in those days and obliterated a LOT of classic programming. But that’s still a lot of great work in the second half of his career. There are some surviving episodes from prior but mostly ones sent to the Armed Forces overseas, and certain episodes deemed ‘instant’ classics; there’s a few ‘fan copies’ that will surface; acquired through NBC connections.
One great feature - you forget this stuff - is the way commercial breaks would work. There’d often be plugs by Johnny or Ed going into and out of commercials.
“...that’s true, that’s true. Ok, will you stay with me? Great. Folks at home, we’l be right back after this commercial break, and speaking of breaks, when I need a break there’s nothing that hits the spot quite like an ice cold, refreshing Budweiser beer. It’s the king of beers. And now a word from the folks at Anheuser-Busch...”
Johnny spoke of those tapes being recorded over and he was pi$$ed! If I remember correctly he was particularly upset over the first show he did with Groucho Marx.
@1951WheatiesPremium said:
Carson knew where the line was for the American audience better than any performer except maybe Bob Hope.
And his audience was many times larger as a result. I don't know anyone politically to the right of center that watches any late night shows anymore, nobody to the right of Bernie Sanders who can stomach Colbert, and nobody to the right of Stalin who can watch Samantha Bee for more than 15 seconds. They are all speaking, or in Bee's case shrieking, inside the same leftist echo chamber and anyone with an independent thought is definitely not welcome.
When Carson was on, there were only 3 channels. I enjoyed him, and was disappointed to learn that he was a sleaze ball in real life.
@1951WheatiesPremium said:
Carson knew where the line was for the American audience better than any performer except maybe Bob Hope.
And his audience was many times larger as a result. I don't know anyone politically to the right of center that watches any late night shows anymore, nobody to the right of Bernie Sanders who can stomach Colbert, and nobody to the right of Stalin who can watch Samantha Bee for more than 15 seconds. They are all speaking, or in Bee's case shrieking, inside the same leftist echo chamber and anyone with an independent thought is definitely not welcome.
When Carson was on, there were only 3 channels. I enjoyed him, and was disappointed to learn that he was a sleaze ball in real life.
How was he a sleaze ball? I have heard that when he was young, he was a very nasty drunk, but I think he ended up going on the wagon.
What I heard was he was a very private person with few friends and not into the "Hollywood" scene.
2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
@1951WheatiesPremium said:
Carson knew where the line was for the American audience better than any performer except maybe Bob Hope.
And his audience was many times larger as a result. I don't know anyone politically to the right of center that watches any late night shows anymore, nobody to the right of Bernie Sanders who can stomach Colbert, and nobody to the right of Stalin who can watch Samantha Bee for more than 15 seconds. They are all speaking, or in Bee's case shrieking, inside the same leftist echo chamber and anyone with an independent thought is definitely not welcome.
When Carson was on, there were only 3 channels. I enjoyed him, and was disappointed to learn that he was a sleaze ball in real life.
How was he a sleaze ball? I have heard that when he was young, he was a very nasty drunk, but I think he ended up going on the wagon.
What I heard was he was a very private person with few friends and not into the "Hollywood" scene.
A few years ago, His attorney, Henry Bushkin, wrote a book that got deeper into the private Carson. It’s a good read albeit not always a flattering one for the King of Late Night...
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
INSP has a lot of vintage Gunsmoke, Wanted Dead or Alive and several old Western movies. I realize that there are a whole lot of Gunsmoke episodes I've never seen.
The Ghoul ( not in many areas)
Soupy Sales ( not in many areas)
Sir Graves Ghastly ( not in many areas)
Lost in Space
Petticoat Junction
I Dream of Jeanie
On I Dream of Jeanie I tried to sit real close to the TV thinking I might be able to see through Barbara Eden's outfit. I think my Dad taught me that.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
There was a detective show with a very portly guy that I can't remember the name.
One time a bad guy pretty much emptied his gun on the fat man but he just kept coming
and tackled him and I believe wrestled the gun out of his hand. Don't know if the bullets just
weren't penetrating all the blubber or what was going on there.
Can't remember the name of the sturdily built fellow or the show.
That was another show we watched heavily. For some reason it was hugely popular. He was Big time big.
According to Denis Leary (who may end up there for stealing Bill Hicks’ act), there’s a room where they just play Shadow Dancing by Andy Gibb for eons and eons.
So, I may choose Bee and C.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Shadow Dancing, according to science, is 1/2,558,179,367th as annoying as Samantha Bee.
Is there a word for being really, really stupid yet believing that you are really, really smart? If there isn't, there should be, so I propose "colbert".
I propose Pro Bono.
He died when he was skiing and hit a tree
He went pro ?
Was it sunny?
The part of Carson’s genius was that he was always apolitical. A politician might be woven into some monologue jokes but usually not at their expense, per se. The person had to veer into pop culture - to be talked about by everyone in the country - and even then the jokes were not abusive and it was never pertaining to policy or the outright mockery we see today; in his time, Carson knew where the line was for the American audience better than any performer except maybe Bob Hope.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
And his audience was many times larger as a result. I don't know anyone politically to the right of center that watches any late night shows anymore, nobody to the right of Bernie Sanders who can stomach Colbert, and nobody to the right of Stalin who can watch Samantha Bee for more than 15 seconds. They are all speaking, or in Bee's case shrieking, inside the same leftist echo chamber and anyone with an independent thought is definitely not welcome.
When one experiences the misfortune of descending to Hell's seventh gate, this song will be on a continuous loop.
The Real McCoys
Leave it to Beaver
Sanford & Son
Dragnet 50s version
Jeff’s Collie (later changed to lassie)
Soupy Sales
Haven't watched one since Leno went off the air. Tried to several times but just not worth my time.
Depending on your provider, there’s a network called Antenna TV that airs Carson nightly at 10pm. Hardcore fans of the show know too great a percentage of the pre-1975 shows are gone; All the networks, including NBC, reused tape in those days and obliterated a LOT of classic programming. But that’s still a lot of great work in the second half of his career. There are some surviving episodes from prior but mostly ones sent to the Armed Forces overseas, and certain episodes deemed ‘instant’ classics; there’s a few ‘fan copies’ that will surface; acquired through NBC connections.
One great feature - you forget this stuff - is the way commercial breaks would work. There’d often be plugs by Johnny or Ed going into and out of commercials.
“...that’s true, that’s true. Ok, will you stay with me? Great. Folks at home, we’l be right back after this commercial break, and speaking of breaks, when I need a break there’s nothing that hits the spot quite like an ice cold, refreshing Budweiser beer. It’s the king of beers. And now a word from the folks at Anheuser-Busch...”
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Johnny spoke of those tapes being recorded over and he was pi$$ed! If I remember correctly he was particularly upset over the first show he did with Groucho Marx.
I am sitting here right now watching Hee Haw !
Jealous ?
I searched the the world over and thought i found true love.......... you met another and pppppppppp you were gone
Actually, yes, I am.
I totally forgot barbi benton was a hee haw gal
OMG beautiful beautiful woman!
I remember as a youngster asking my dad why he would watch this stupid show. A couple of years later I understood completely ;-)
Tom Selleck turned 75 yesterday. I know how much everyone here likes Tom Selleck, so here's to you Tom, Happy Birthday!!!!

I like magnum PI ! the new and the old versions actually.
uncle hugh used to do push-ups on barbi
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Yes, I am also a magnum PI fan. I also enjoy blue bloods.
The jokes on hee haw are killing me !
they do the one liners where they pop up in the corn and say a joke and drop back down
id give my right arm to be a major league baseball pitcher
id give a millon dollars to be free of money problems !
How did he get through this whole bit ? I bet this was the inspiration for the pig latin lover skit on the ben stiller show
More hee Haw ! Tell me Pat boone isn't Tom Brady's dad
at around minute 3:30 is forum member @johhnycache
When Carson was on, there were only 3 channels. I enjoyed him, and was disappointed to learn that he was a sleaze ball in real life.
How was he a sleaze ball? I have heard that when he was young, he was a very nasty drunk, but I think he ended up going on the wagon.
What I heard was he was a very private person with few friends and not into the "Hollywood" scene.
A few years ago, His attorney, Henry Bushkin, wrote a book that got deeper into the private Carson. It’s a good read albeit not always a flattering one for the King of Late Night...
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
I cannot name just one as there is soooo many.
Off the the top of my head I would say.......
Gilligan's Island
F Troop
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
The Brady Bunch
Get Smart
Hogans Heroes - still watch on METV
Land of the Giants
Time Tunnel
Voyage to the bottom of the Sea
email bcmiller7@comcast.net
"You've gotta be a man to play this game...but you'd better have a lot of little boy in you, too"--Roy Campanella
Looks as though Bronco is in a timeout
Anyone remember "The East side Kids".
They are on TCM almost every Saturday morning.
I remember watching SKY KING every Saturday morning. I believe the opening was
"Out of the blue in the western sky comes SKY KING.
With his niece Penny?
Some of my faves (in no particular order):
WKRP in Cincinnati
The Carol Burnett Show
Quincy, M.D.
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Sanford and Son
All in the Family
The Twilight Zone
Collecting: Topps 1952-79, Bowman 1952-55, OPC 1965-71, and Pre-War White Sox cards
I believe that's correct. Good memory.
INSP has a lot of vintage Gunsmoke, Wanted Dead or Alive and several old Western movies. I realize that there are a whole lot of Gunsmoke episodes I've never seen.
RIP Mom- 1932-2012
A few that come to mind:
I Dream of Jeannie
Saturday Night Live
The Ghoul ( not in many areas)
Soupy Sales ( not in many areas)
Sir Graves Ghastly ( not in many areas)
Lost in Space
Petticoat Junction
I Dream of Jeanie
On I Dream of Jeanie I tried to sit real close to the TV thinking I might be able to see through Barbara Eden's outfit. I think my Dad taught me that.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
And Lorne Greene was Canadian!!!!!!!
Shows that my family seemed to watch all the time and now I sort of wonder why we always watched them.
LaVerne and Shirley
Partridge family
Little House on the prairie
The Waltons
Best show no one has mentioned yet...... Laugh in.
There was a detective show with a very portly guy that I can't remember the name.
One time a bad guy pretty much emptied his gun on the fat man but he just kept coming
and tackled him and I believe wrestled the gun out of his hand. Don't know if the bullets just
weren't penetrating all the blubber or what was going on there.
Can't remember the name of the sturdily built fellow or the show.
That was another show we watched heavily. For some reason it was hugely popular. He was Big time big.
Found it. Cannon was the tv show. Actually wasn't a bad show as I recall.
The Wonderful World of Disney always on Sunday and brought to you by The Mutual of Omaha.
Cant believe nobody has mentioned (that I noticed anyway)
The Carrol Burnette Show.
Sanford And Son. Redd Foxx was so entertaining! It's the big one Elizabeth!
The Millionaire
The Twilight Zone
Uncle Milty
Red Skelton.
Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts. (The original American Idol) Those were the good old days.