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I Just Picked Up My Last Holy Grail Variety Which Now Complete's All 100 Varieties in My Set.

1tommy1tommy Posts: 3,019 ✭✭✭✭✭

This past week I received a message from another Collector saying he was going to sell off his set and was giving me the First Chance to Pick what I wanted. Now I have been working on this 185 coin set for close to 8 years now and was only missing two more Varieties and 13 Regular Coins.

When I started this set I knew I wanted to get the Varieties first and worry about the regular ones later. Over the past 8 years the prices have dropped for the regular coins by a lot on a few of them so my method paid off. The last two Varieties I Needed were the 1961 D/D FS-501 and of course the Other Holy Grail 1948 S/S .

This morning I drove 90 miles to Meet Jon @dimeman in Springfield in front of the place that holds the 3 coins shows a Year where we first met up years ago. We talked for over an hour and it was good to finally clear the air between us. Jon is just as passionate about the Dimes as I am about the Quarters. Thank's Jon for helping me finish the varieties.

The 1948 S/S there is only 3 coins Graded which of course makes this one of the hardest coins to find behind the 1957 d Engraved Tail Feathers. It's so cool to now have completed all 100 varieties. There is only 1 other set that has them all and its Number 1.

There is NO 1935 DDO that have been found but our host still leaves the coin in the Registry, hopefully someday they will remove it so folks can have a 100 percent complete Set. Now down to 13 Regular coins and a few more upgrades of my old rattlers.

What a Great Journey this has Been.....Enjoy and Thanks for Looking.....My set link is Below.

I used to be famous now I just collect coins.

Link to My Registry Set.


Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.


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