Like the post on the liteside, which darksiders do you miss posting? Here are a few of mine:
Askari - the original darksider
wybrit - I only hear from him when Chelsea beats Arsenal
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
We need more darksiders joining the boards too .
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
The strength of the world market seems stronger than the activity on the forum
Latin American Collection
I stopped posting my new purchases because I got little to no replies. Many moved onto Cointalk, where I post more.
I find that this forum has become very specialized and somewhat narrower in scope and interests. I would urge you to still post from time to time as many read the posts without commentary. I personally spend more time on certain Facebook groups, Instagram and direct communication with fellow collections which are more interactive. I never thought I would find myself in that world, yet the ease of posting and the diverse audience make it much more interactive.
I am a social media dummy ! Care to share specifics ?
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I pst some new coins on instagram. I used to belong to FB groups but I don't enjoy FB much as a whole anymore so I don't even use it.
Sure - will send you a PM
So coin talk is far broader in topics and volume. It's easy enough to duplicate post here as well.
I am more involved on Facebook nowadays too because of the paucity of activity in my areas of interest here. On Facebook I am active in groups that focus on what I collect.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
very interesting topic.
must agree that communicating interest about dark side coins has dribbled down... with the exception of a hand full of people.
Perhaps an explanation for all to see is this:
please explain what the term "dark Side" means in terms of numismatics with references to this forum..
I wonder what happened to @JCMhouston? I also used to see members such as @wildjag, @JZRarities, @3Mark, @JamminJ, theBoz11 and others on German State threads but the frequency of these threads has slowed.
"Darksider" is a slang term for "collector of world and/or ancient coins". American in origin, it derives from a comment someone made back in the early 2000s, originally on a now-defunct coin forum I believe, along the lines of "Most [American] coin collectors know more about the dark side of the Moon than they know about foreign coins".
The opposite to "darksider" is "litesider" - an American coin collector who only collects American coins. Note that it's always spelled "lite", not "light". It is not, as one might assume at first glance, related to the _Star Wars _concept of the "Light Side" and "Dark Side". People who use these terms generally do not assume or believe that collectors of world coins are evil, or are using sinister shortcuts to gain supernatural powers.
The definition can be more generalized, to "someone who collects coins from countries other than their own". Related terms can also be derived. Thus: "greysider" = an American coin collector who collects Canadian coins - because Canadian coins are very similar to US coins, they aren't quite "dark", but aren't fully "lite" either. And "farsider" for a collector of tokens and medals - because such things are very far removed from coinage; they're "way out there".
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
Thank you Sapyx
that is most certainly a very comprehensive explanation.
I am sure many others knew the term, but not how it became "to be" and how it was used.
thank you and have a great New Year.
True, & I used too, but with the lack of replies I got here, I stopped.
My choice
Plus there is a reason Rob Lord M moved to post more on there than here, even becoming mod. Few others moved too.
It's just discouraging when you take the time to post and get 0 replies, especially when this forum is slow & many of us appreciate replies of any kind.
I hear you. Will have a look on CT as well.
You've posted on there before as Zohar44.
Well, I answer all the greysider questions. I thought that the folks on here were all PCGS or NGC high-grade collectors ... most with registry sets. I'm raw all the way.... I like to feel history in my fingers.
I think I'm crushed that I wasn't on Ajaan's list of people he missed. Perhaps I haven't been missing enough
I also only hear from wybrit when Chelsea beats Arsenal.
Conder tokens
19th & 20th Century coins from Great Britain and the Realm
So sorry. Brain fart, senior moment, etc.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Agree with the above and really @Askari is the original. One of my main medal impetus enablers. My main Japanese initial enabler was @satootoko and sadly, I'm sure he is no longer active.
I don't see @cosmicdebris on the list...he moved on to other interests.
How about @cacheman too (though I think I see a comment once in awhile)? @Aethelred really doesn't post much that I see. Even Dimitri/ @SYRACUSIAN is a rare sighting these days. @shirohniichan too.
I know I'm missing more.
(edited to add the latter three actually have checked in in the recent months...I missed some of it though.)
I understand why people get put off when there are no comments on their posts. I felt the same way also, and for a while was so disgruntled that I started deleting all of my posts, which is why one might see a . where something I posted used to be. After a while I missed posting, even if there was not much happening in return, so I've started back up.
An old Canadian coin forum died completely out a while back (can't remember the name of it to save my life), and I would not want to see this forum suffer the same fate. That forum died out due to lack of civility as much as anything, which lead to indifference, which lead to extinction. Fortunately things here seem to have remained civil, which is refreshing.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
I think that the Canadian forum was CanadianCopper Coins, where I was the moderator but it wasn't my site. The owner wanted a moderator and I was a popular poster, so there it was. He let the forum stagnate and fill with spammers.
The old CCRS site was a great Canadian site, but the owner of the site got persnickety and said that nothing bad could be said about ICCS, certain authors were off-limits and you had to use your real name and email. We used to fill 2-3 pages over a weekend .... now their first page is 2-3 YEARS old. Most of the good stuff left when his mother (a HUGE Canadian asset and numismatist) died and he was left with it, as well as Torex, which he has also ruined.
That's the one. There was a lot of animosity on that site as time went on. I also got ripped off a little on that site when I purchased an ICCS-graded coin, for which I paid $20 for shipping to the U.S., from one of the members. The seller put the coin in a regular letter envelope with a couple of stamps and no insurance. It's amazing that it made it to me intact. Of course, no response from the seller regarding the postage.
I'm right there with you on raw coins, although I do have some rarities and high-grade pieces which are certified, as well as a full set of Victorian fifty cents. I prefer raw coins and have cracked out (or cut out, in ICCS' case) circulated non-rarities for inclusion in the 6 (!) albums I'm currently working on.
I gave up the registry pursuit several years ago when I realized that my goals were much too lofty for my budget.
@Aethelred Posts quite a bit at www.cointalk.com I met him at his shop this
past summer. Very knowledgeable and friendly. Also met @lordmarcovan . He recently
took a self imposed sabbatical. Also very friendly. Over on Cointalk he is really
missed and the forum members are concerned. I PM'd him a while back, but
no response. At Cointalk there are quite a few "newbies" and senior members
patience is tried. Over all a good forum like this just different.
I just texted lordmarcovan. He's hanging in there.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Lord M does do the occasional sabbatical. It is a wise thing many of us can learn from in many area of our life. He is smart to recognize when it's need.
Is he in need of anything (cheer, a care package, a friendly note)?
Nice for you to offer Cathy, but Rob is fine.
ye old dead king, aethelred, and I communicate regularly, he's busy running his Coin Shop.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
I think this is the first time I've logged in in about 5 years. Took a bit of a break. There were some great personalities around here in the mid 2000's. Besides ajaan and LordM, I remember JamminJ, airplanenut, 1jester, cladking, SYRACUSIAN, wybrit, MrEureka ...
soooo right...
I say : one can not fix "stupid". It was a stampede to the exit. However, during the stampede he did comply with deletion requests and paid back "unused" monies already paid to him .
Yes, I deleted over 10,000 posts myself and 3 friends of mine (and posters here or used to) deleted over 12,000 total. There used to be 30-40 posters that were there almost daily or, at the very least, a couple times weekly. A HUGE amount of research was lost due to Brian's ignorance that can never be replaced concerning mostly Canadian numismatics, but some world and ancient as well..
What a loss. I wonder if there's a webarchives version that can be viewed with the information still intact.
8 Reales Madness Collection
maybe someone wishes to approach Brian and ask him if he still has his back ups?
I think that they were all deleted at the poster's request. We all didn't want him to make use of them that might benefit Brian's bottom line or have the posts used inappropriately.
I reached out to him a while ago. He took a break from collecting and is focusing on other things. I don't know if he plans on coming back at some point.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
Thank you @neildrobertson ! Appreciate the update. Hope to see him pass through in the future.
Hang on a second
Why would you trust facebook with any info about valuable items you might have ?I wouldn't even trust them with my name
Groups are selective and focused - collectors who are interested in same category (Geographical, thematic etc). These are quite interactive leveraging FB's technology (Phone app, interface). Essentially same as here yet more focused and interactive.
but facebook relentlessly captures all your data and sells it to everyone , and gets hacked and doesn't care about you.
They are the worst internet company out there , well except for apple , google Microsoft , amazon , and the rest
I’m not oblivious to security issues. Let’s just say that I have things as secure as I deem appropriate. I don’t want to get into details, but I feel I’m ok here but I do appreciate the sentiment and concerns.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
Like many things - some good has some bad and vice versa and we all decide on what we can accept. The flip side - What good is posting in a forum that has no interest in the subject matter? We can run scared of interacting in a dynamic, focused, forum that learns much about us or remain isolated as collectors?
i hear you , I just see facebook as a predator. Facebook will snoop on you here in pcgs ,follow and track you all over the web outside of facebook proper. I don't think pcgs treats its forum members that way , I trust them with my data and privacy
True. It's a trade - you give you get. I wish this forum was more active in my area of interest. Nothing beats in person communication and relationship building.
"I also only hear from wybrit when Chelsea beats Arsenal."
I must be off my game, because you'd hear a lot from me if that were the case...
EPL starting up again in a couple weeks.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
They're all on your lawn!!!
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
Instagram is where its at everyone! In fact some of the members here are on instagram as well. You can easily find collectors from all over the world and get replies/comments immediately.
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
I learned a lot from this list of names
is DBStrader still here?