What is your favorite purchase from 2019?

Here is mine. I think it is a cool piece of history!
Yorkshireman,Obsessed collector of round, metallic pieces of history.Hunting for Latin American colonial portraits plus cool US & British coins.
Here is mine. I think it is a cool piece of history!
Hey, cool thread. My favorite is probably the below.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
That is such a nice 1776-Mo 8R - I have been hunting down one myself with no luck just yet finding one I like.
I know I keep posting this Pillar, but I think it may be my favorite pickup this year
Thanks for posting it again.
It is a great looking Pillar!
Those are some wonderful additions. For me, the highlight of the year would have to be another group of coins I've added from the Blackhawk Collection, including some amazing Huntington pieces.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Broadstruck halfpenny
Conder Token Gallery https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMCiunai6NjOxoo3zREkCsAnNm4vONzieO3u7tHyhm8peZmRD_A0MXmnWT2dzJ-nw?key=Rlo2YklUSWtEY1NWc3BfVm90ZEUwU25jLUZueG9n
I think this one for me
Latin American Collection
I lucked out with this one on eBay. The Truview doesn't really show how nice the mirrors are, which I have in the link.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
1858 copper-nickel pattern cent, Charlton PC-7, in SP66. Finest known of about ten extant. Formerly in the Farouk, Norweb, & Belzberg collections. Currently, the Charlton catalog cover coin. Set a personal record for the most I have ever spent for a coin.
Life member #369 of the Royal Canadian Numismatic Association
Member of Canadian Association of Token Collectors
Collector of:
Canadian coins and pre-confederation tokens
Darkside proof/mint sets dated 1960
My Ebay
I posted this on the light side but figure it can't hurt to have it in the right place.
Hard to pick but probably this ancient tetradrachm from Syracuse in ~405BC.
The artistry is superb: note the horse's underbelly veins, the rider's facial expression, and the goddess' eyelashes.
It cost me an arm and a leg but I have zero regrets.
Civil War halfcrown with a boar's head mark on the reverse (Allen dies I-40). Two known - this one appears once every generation as a rule (ex Asherson (1979) lot 114, Lockett (1960) lot 4226 and Walters (1932) lot 529). The other is ex Morrieson (1933) lot 564 and Ryan (1952) lot 1316, since when the coin has gone to ground and nobody knows where it is. Consequently, the graffiti on the obverse is forgiven as it's effectively a case of Hobson's Choice. This is quite an early coin in the series, possibly struck in November or December 1643.
I added several new nations to my pre-20th century world crown collection this year. Transylvania was challenging so perhaps this one is my favorite of 2019.
This is a cruel thread, asking us to make a Sophie's Choice decision when, for me at least, I have a whopping 26 coins from which to choose. I my choice would have to be the Edward the Martyr penny, solely due to the fact that getting that puts me one big step away from a major objective; also, the coin is extremely pleasing to my eye (it is not merely a hole-filler).
As for the other coins already posted in this thread by others, they are all extremely nice. I am extremely drawn to the coin posted by @SmEagle1795, even though I know little about it.
@robp2 -- what is your coin's SCBC #? (Or, what is the mint; I am terrible at ID'ing that.)
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
A few on the shortlist but this was the most significant for me in 2019.

This one is probably my favorite 2019 purchase. I've wanted an example since seeing it on the cover of the Eliasberg world gold auction catalogue, and never thought I'd get a chance to own it. Ex Jenks - Newcomer - Clapp - Eliasberg - Whittier
Amazing @scubafuel
Probably cheating to list two, but this was a big year for specimen Canada cents. Both the Cornerstone and the Cook collections sold this year, causing me to way overspend my collecting budget. My second favorite. 1898-H cent in SP65 Red. Only two are known, both in 65 red.
Tough decision, but I'm going to go with this one. Very interesting to see a Portuguese counterstamp on a chopmarked host, a testament to the international nature of these Carlos IV 8 Reales.
It comes under S3124, Tall horse with mane blown forward, Rev. Small crowned oval shield, mm. various.
The mint is moot. These coins are grouped together as W/SA (Worcester or Salopia) struck under the commission awarded to Thomas Cary on 22nd May 1644, but I think there is evidence that emergency coinage was struck outside this commission. Some mints are clear, such as that with CHST below the horse and an initial mark of three gerbs and a sword (the arms of Chester). Worcestershire has pears on the arms and the city itself also has a castle, so the W below halfcrowns with the tower mark can reasonably be assigned to Worcester. Shropshire (Salopia) or Shrewsbury, the county town, all have leopard heads on the arms. Again suggesting the association.
I think there is evidence to consider locations outside these two (Worcester & Shrewsbury). The bird marked shillings would fit the arms of Flintshire, which has 4 martlets in each quarter and a letter exists in Hawarden Public Record Office from Prince Rupert to pay the troops at Hawarden. Unfortunately undated, but given it refers to both Sir William Neale for provisioning the castle and Col. Marrow's troops, the one time they were in the same location was following it's capture on 3rd December 1643. Col. Marrow was mortally wounded outside Chester in August 1644.
Therefore, if the Boar's Head on the reverse has any meaning for the location, then Radnorshire would be an option, but could equally apply to a Royalist benefactor with a Boar's Head on his coat of arms. Nobody knows, or at least the evidence hasn't come to light yet. Boar's Head marked coins are rare, with only 2 halfcrowns, 1 shilling and either 8 or 9 sixpences known.
Mine would have to be the haul of scarce and rare dates of first republic 8 reales from the Mexican Collection sale Morten & Eden Auction .
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
My favorite is usually the last coin or token I bought. This Canadian token is one of my all time favorites. It is a 1/2 Made Beaver token from the Eastmain District of Hudson's Bay Company.
After a lot of thinking, I decided for these 3. They are extreme rarities (looking for one of these for years) one and two, and shocking eye appeal, number 3.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year to all members!
My favorite 2019 purchase is a brockage error.
2020 target: a similar brockage error of a Queen's portrait!
Nice pieces all!
purchased this Canadian silver Dollar as a Large Bead 1966 which is the common coin.

However, the TPG mis-designated it, because it is 100% a SMALL bead high grade 1966.
difference is about 4-5 K's.
Think I would choose this as my favorite with a couple right on it's tail
I'm voting you get a "You Suck" award. That's quite a score!
8 Reales Madness Collection
You won’t go if you sell them to me at a fair price and give half the money to charity.
Just curious. What would a fair price be?
Couldn’t say because I can’t tell scale of what they are from photo.
I was kidding but i love junk colonial silver
The are called "Pillar Dollars." The "8" on the reverse is the denomination = Eight Reales. Usually they are a little larger than a Morgan dollar.
I know what 8 Reales / pillar dollars are. From the phots I could not initially tell whether they were 2’s,4’s or 8’s.
Looking closer, I do see the 8’s
I can't decide between these two ... one or the other!
This is for Darkside coins. I have to say, some of the Abe's Coloring Book Lincoln cents I picked in U.S. are to die for ...

I love this with the clear overdate (of a 6 or an 8?) but apparently unlisted.
And a restrike of a Betts medal, but y'all know I love that toning!
Wishing you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I am fortunate to count friends here.
Kind regards,
1776 Guinea. Love the golden brown tone with red and blue highlights.
Our hosts call it an AU55. FWIW, when it last sold raw it was graded MS63.
--Severian the Lame
This one has got to be near the top.
very nice 1935$
Alsatian Abbey of Murbach and Luders (still exists, part of France since 1680). Reichstaler of 72 Kreuzer under HRE. Extremely rare date (3rd example known) of the very rare type with titles of Ferdinand, one of this date last sold publicly in 1917. Lovely toned sharp XF. And I really like the leaping puppy in the coat of arms.

Probably the 1756 NGC XF-45 Peru 4R but either the 1770 Bolivia PCGS AU-50 2R or 1755 Peru NGC MS-65 1/2R are a close second.
Photos for all to admire would be nice.
June 5th - Birth year piece, Peru 100 soles gold, ATS said MS65. Not super Numismatic, but possibly the largest-sized (by weight) Gold Coin uttered in 1959:
Sorry, picture isn't the best!
I can only provide links to the auction, as I have not photographed most of my collection and not good at it either.
Coin is somewhat lighter than the image. Coin was almost certainly cleaned in the past which is why I believe NGC "net graded" it. Sedwick's description of "high-end" AU is accurate for wear. I'd certainly like to see the PCGS XF-45 (and maybe buy it) if given the opportunity.
https://www.numisbids.com/n.php?p=lot&sid=3281&lot=71135 Posted this one previously. It is conservatively graded IMO.
Also posted this one previously.
I've been dimly aware of this thread but been pretty busy with work and holiday family stuff. Great coins! I wish there was a "Like All" option.
This was a year where I sold more than I bought, partly on purpose, and some I just lost out on!
This little guy I really enjoy. I have a couple others that I need better photos of... will wait until I try and cross!

My current "Box of 20"
A coin from France's King Louis XI (1461-1483):
France Louis XI Ecu d'Or
Gold, 27 mm, 3.34 gm, Perpignan Mint
Shield with three fleur-de-lis on it and crown above
Cross with fleur-de-lis at ends, mintmark 'P' in center (Perpignan Mint)
XPS VINCIT XPS REGNAT XPS IMPERAT (Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands)
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television