16 Psyche
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Productive assets....interesting concept. Better than insurance?
The Space Bros stack?
It Came from Outer Space?
If you want to get rich, don’t think about how to seize scarce resources. Think about how to use resources in an innovative way to make something people truly want or need
Excuses are tools of the ignorant
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
That article is very good.... and no doubt that gold in such quantities would soon be as valuable as beach sand....Sure would mess up the value of gold stacks....Cheers, RickO
Not so sure about the composition of that Asteroid...NASA doesn't think it's made up of gold
"NASA is fast-tracking a planned trip to 16 Psyche — an asteroid that almost completely consists of nickel-iron metal. The iron in 16 Psyche alone is estimated to be worth $10,000 quadrillion, if humans were able to somehow extract it and bring it to Earth, which sounds great, until you realize that the entire global economy is only worth $78 trillion. Injecting that much worth into the world economy would crash it, in a totally different kind of asteroid impact than most people think about."
I'd like to see what the cost of mining and shipping expenses would be, lol.
Productive assets - yup!
I knew it would happen.
just send it in through the atmosphere. problem solved!
Getting it down that way may cause an extinction level event!
I think they will probably put it in orbit and use the material to build ships and such in space.
It's all about what the people want...
Interesting reading, thanks for sharing !!!
Looks like a great place to stop and pick up some gold on your way out of town.
I take those articles with a grain of salt. Perhaps someone can explain to me... how they are so 'sure' 16 psyche contains gold... and in what quantities... and if so, the purity levels. Is it solid gold? Is it in ppm range? Did someone land on it and grab a sample and do an assay?
Why would anyone spend billions to mine something that would lose significant value by increasing supply? Hey, we’re going to make gold worthless by bringing back so much that it might actually get in our way...wanna invest in this venture?
The only organizations that I can think of that would invest in this would be central banks.
Trading in the metal detector for a telescope Space hunting !