Is it common for cuds to appear on both sides of the same coin?

I think I found a quarter with cuds on both sides but I'm not 100% sure. I would appreciate any info!
I think I found a quarter with cuds on both sides but I'm not 100% sure. I would appreciate any info!
Post some pictures.
And I’d say it is uncommon for obverse and reverse cuds on the same coin
I'm pretty sure they are cuds, but I'm still new at this so I may be wrong!

Did i say state quarter Haha opps
Darn it I forgot about those and I JUST posted something with die chips the other day! 😅 I believe I may mix those two up too often.. still learning!
So I'm guessing it is common for die chips to be on both sides though?
I don't think I would call it common but nothing that would command a big premium.
Edit to add: Chips are common on one side or the other.
@ifthevamzarockin Good to know! Thank you! Gonna put this one in with my others for future reference 😄
ATB quarters.
Die chips are not uncommon, but rarely command a premium... sometimes location or size can add value. Cheers, RickO
not cuds, die chips.
cuds MUST include the rim
BHNC #203
As said, these are die chips, not cuds.
This is a cud. Between T and E there is a small die chip.
Very good example! Thank you!