1943 Steel Cent- Is this worth sending in to be graded?

My friend showed this to me the other day and it appears to be in good condition but she doesn't know whether it'll be worth it to send it off to be graded. What do you think?
Best Answer
thebeav Posts: 3,807 ✭✭✭✭✭
If it were indeed dated 1942, absolutely worth sending in.
But as a 1943, not worth sending in.
It's a nice coin, but one that should be enjoyed raw. You would need too high of a grade to make up the grading fees. This coin won't make it.5
1943, not 1942.
And, it's been plated to protect it from
rust. Not worth certifying whatsoever.
The black/grey-tone pics does not help.
42 or 43?
Grade of 67 or higher is needed to be worth the fees.
Haha whoops that was not typed right
Thanks again guys! I'll let her know!
Nice coin for an album... not worth the investment to slab.... Cheers, RickO
Cleaned and definitely not worth it.
Just out of curiosity, how do you tell if a coin has been cleaned? I'm always down to learn more! 😄
Steel cents were horrible when exposed to moisture. They rusted. Many, many cents were "reprocessed" or "replated" long after they left the mint. Yours is one of these. As Fred said it protected the coin from further damage. Common but cool at the same time.
Nice! I was wondering why it was so good looking and all the ones I had were horribly rusted 😅 Thank you!