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Is this a 1982 spitting eagle?

MiBellitaMiBellita Posts: 45 ✭✭
edited June 16, 2019 12:30PM in U.S. Coin Forum

Hello everyone!! I'm not sure what to think about this one.. I read that 83's were the spitting eagle and that they were die clashes and there should be other clash marks in other places. Seems heavily circulated but it really doesn't appear to be scratched/inverted. Could it be a die gouge? I know my eyes still need some serious training! Please let me know what you think!

**Sorry, I accidentally posted it before I was finished!!


  • Insider2Insider2 Posts: 14,452 ✭✭✭✭✭


  • MiBellitaMiBellita Posts: 45 ✭✭

    @Insider2 yes to which part

  • IndulgerIndulger Posts: 139 ✭✭✭


  • CRH4LIFECRH4LIFE Posts: 849 ✭✭✭✭

    Yep. The spitting eagle variety. Nice catch

  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Nice find.... Looks like the real deal.... Cheers, RickO

  • HemisphericalHemispherical Posts: 9,370 ✭✭✭✭✭

    1983 or 1982?

    OP title states 1982, what’s typed is 1983, and the coin is 1982.

    I’ll be a contrarian.

    It looks incuse and is a scratch. :D

  • MiBellitaMiBellita Posts: 45 ✭✭

    @Hemispherical I meant I've only read about 83's having this type of error. I'm aware that my coin is an 82

  • Insider2Insider2 Posts: 14,452 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Hemispherical said:
    1983 or 1982?

    OP title states 1982, what’s typed is 1983, and the coin is 1982.

    I’ll be a contrarian.

    It looks incuse and is a scratch. :D

    Actually it is thicker than a scratch and raised. If it was into the coin it would be closer to a "gouge." :)

  • HemisphericalHemispherical Posts: 9,370 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Insider2 said:

    @Hemispherical said:
    1983 or 1982?

    OP title states 1982, what’s typed is 1983, and the coin is 1982.

    I’ll be a contrarian.

    It looks incuse and is a scratch. :D

    Actually it is thicker than a scratch and raised. If it was into the coin it would be closer to a "gouge." :)

    Agree. Being a contrarian only works in stocks... sometimes. ;):)

  • drei3reedrei3ree Posts: 3,430 ✭✭✭✭

    The variety is identified by a die crack—a raised line caused by the deterioration of a coining die—near the mouth of the eagle on the reverse. Its location makes it appear that the eagle is spitting.

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