I dumped a drink on minty 78's

Ruined 20 plus pack fresh minty cards last night including a nice Rod Carew and a Paul Molitor rookie dead nuts centered. Good thing is that the Molly had a good sized crease in it and why I never graded it, But I lost some SWEET commons
So .... the raw set I'm putting together will have a little longer need list lol
Some of you out there MUST have similar stories
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
I had an ill timed sneeze that resulted in a bad crease. Card was not mint but was immediately rendered poor as I basically folded the thing in half.
Still mad about it.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Found a really tough to find, early Emmitt Smith autographed card on eBay. The seller shipped it in a penny sleeve and toploader, which was perfect. However, he used some type of industrial strength tape across the whole top opening of the top loader. It was so tough, I couldn't cut it with my thumbnail like I usually do. So, off to the kitchen I go to grab a knife.
I'm sure the knife wasn't perfectly sharp but even it had a problem cutting the tape. So just like most of us guys would do, I applied more brute force. Big mistake. The knife cut the tape and the force of me pressing down stuck the knife into the top edge of the card. Instantly I began to feel myself sweat. I was so pissed. I took the card out and just like one would expect in a situation like this, the card was perfect in every way except for the gouge that I had just inflicted. I then proceeded to the bathroom and punched myself in the face about five times.
*Last sentence not true. Added for color
1994 Pro Line Live
Well....getting your own blood on a valuable vintage baseball card due to a poorly timed screwdriver/crackout mishap is absolutely a measure of ignorance and utter disdain, but war wounds are cool, so whatever.
Always in the market for game used kinesiology tape and smelly socks.
Good One! lol
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
I bet you yelled out "PBR me ASAP" !!
I'm sure I've told this story before, but I bought a Ying-An sport magazine chinese Larry Bird card that is really tough to find. I had layed it on the coffee table and went to do something. Next thing I know, our Bassett Hound Chelsea comes walking up to me with the card in her mouth. I had been eating fried chicken earlier, and I guess she smelled the scent of fried chicken on the top-loader. Anyway, I freaked out. I got the card out of her mouth. The first thing I saw was Basset hound slobber drizzling down into the top loader, and smearing across Larry Bird's face. I still wake up in a cold sweat from time to time because of this incident.
I'll tell ya what, those 78's sucked up liquid like Sahara sand.
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
...blew out my flip flop, stepped on a pop top, cut my heel had to cruise on back home
My daughter threw a dishrag in a sink full of water and I watched in horror as a drop of water bounced through the air with devil eyes and landed smack dab in the middle of my ready to be graded 89 UD Griffey. It bubbled up instantly and I began to blow and press immediately. Still sent it in and it came back a 9. Of course this was back in 1998 when I first started grading. I assumed it would have been a 10. I was naive back then and didnt realize the 9 was prolly as good as it was gonna get. I still love my daughter.
A few years ago, I spilled milk on a '56 Topps Mantle... When I dried it off and sent it in to get graded, it came back a PSA 4MK, even though I couldn't find a mark anywhere on the card... To this day, whenever I see the MK qualifier, I think it stands for 'MILK'.
Hopefully it was a Mojito or Julep.
I got a 1/1 Topps buy back vintage card that my daughter wanted to hold onto. Of course three days later she spills nail polish remover on it and it seaped through the cardsaver leaving a stain. I was able to chalk it up to still being a 1/1.
EPIC lol
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
Use alcohol or methylated spirits on the tape and that will eventually make the glue release its strength... You can als try to pry the tape off with a small blade instead of a knife as it is more controlable
Lesson learnt here is no sense crying over spilt milk
Perhaps all of these cards can now be sent in for some refurbishing! Sorry couldn’t help myself.
Don't think I've ruined a card (yet) but as a youth I accidentally got a piece of tape stuck to the cover of a minty comic, with predictable results. Stuff happens!
Hiya Dan
Sorry to hear this.
Of course I do.
Ruined a card taking out of a PSA holder; spilled diet coke on 4 63F cards; dropped a Frank Thomas /10,000 card and dinged the corner; this just off the top of my head.
Back in '92 I had managed to collect a nice stack of '92 Fleer Ultra stars. The ones I can remember are Frank Thomas and Ken Griffey Jr., but there were a few others in there as well. I had them in card savers in the pocket of my jean shorts. I was a teenager and we were out of town staying at a motel. They had a pool and a hot tub there. I hadn't brought any swim trunks so you can see where this is going. I decided to take my shirt off and jump in the pool with what I was wearing. After swimming in the pool for a while I got in the hot tub. After a few minutes in there was when I realized I still had the cards in my pocket! So Thomas, Griffey and the others had a nice swim. I still have those cards somewhere. They suffered a lot of water damage, but very little actual paper loss. I think the thick glossy coating helped to keep them together.
My 1971 Topps adventure - Davis Men in Black
I ripped every one that got wet to shreds. Including Carew, and Molitor
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
If it had been a small blob of peanut butter would you be allowed to wipe it off or should it be allowed to stick and dry onto the card?
A little over a year ago I purchased six 1987 Gigantes De La NBA sticker sheets from Spain that had roughly 5-6 players on each sheet including one Jordan on every sheet that needed to be hand cut so after i practiced a couple cuts on the non-star players first I then went to cut my first Jordan. I didn't want to put too much pressure on the straight edge I was using so it wouldn't leave an impression across the surface to the stickers on the other side of the cut and what happened on my first Jordan cut that mattered was the sheet ended up moving underneath. I ended up slicing about a quarter of an inch into the Jordan sticker and it honestly felt like a kick in the balls. I was so bummed because I literally waited about a year until I was able to find full sheets that had every Jordan so I absolutely knew these stickers hadn't been removed from an album first with the backing replaced and I butchered that first MJ. I eventually was able to replace it shortly after but it was definitely my own "I'm a dumba$$" moment lol.
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/publishedset/395035
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection: https://www.psacard.com/psasetregistry/basketball/key-card-sets/nike-poster-cards-michael-jordan-1985-1992/alltimeset/408486
dropped a Frank Thomas /10,000 card and dinged the corner; this just off the top of my head.
Mike, I must know. Why did you have a Frank Thomas card on top of your head?
1994 Pro Line Live
Now that's funny.
You mean Alan Trammell rookie!!
Back in the early 80's, Willie Stargell came to our small town to visit my son's grade school. I gave my son a card to take to school where he could get it autographed. I had him put the card in one of his notebooks, put it in his backpack and told him to be very careful with it. When I got home from work that afternoon, I asked my son if he was able to get Willie's autograph. He said he did, reached into his back pocket and pulled out the folded in half auto card!! I still have it and it is one of my favorites.
Awesome story!
1994 Pro Line Live
I bet it was a delicious drink. Im sorry you lost it that way
It was a frosty BEER. Maybe that's the problem LOL
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
Maybe he was practicing his posture so he could be a runway model. It’s a solid idea since there’s a lot more at stake than having an old book up there.
I have also had problems with tape on the top of top-loaders. To this day, if I see a pair of scissors, I cringe. Around my house, my wife and I have a deal, I kill the spiders for her, and if anything requires the use of scissors she handles it. I expect her to live up to that deal.
BTW the Molly I lost I used wrong term. It had a decent WRINKLE in it. Not a crease ... but man oh man was that dead centered. Without that noticeable 1/4" long wrinkle I would have long ago submitted it..... it's in card heaven now.
ISO 1978 Topps Baseball in NM-MT High Grade Raw 3, 100, 103, 302, 347, 376, 416, 466, 481, 487, 509, 534, 540, 554, 579, 580, 622, 642, 673, 724__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ISO 1978 O-Pee-Chee in NM-MT High Grade Raw12, 21, 29, 38, 49, 65, 69, 73, 74, 81, 95, 100, 104, 110, 115, 122, 132, 133, 135, 140, 142, 151, 153, 155, 160, 161, 167, 168, 172, 179, 181, 196, 200, 204, 210, 224, 231, 240
Dropped a delicious rum and coke on a stack of 18 Topps Update last year
luckily I already pulled Acuna, Shoheis and Sotos out,
but there were a number of rookies in the stack,
I didnt look , just took a breath and dumped em in the trash
"Respect The Hobby"
You did the right thing. Ignorance is truly bliss.
1994 Pro Line Live
Wow! That's the first post I've seen that doesn't indicate you live in fear of your wife!