West Point Circulation Quarter First Discoveries Tracking Thread

Here's a thread to track all the First Discovery West Point Circulation Quarters.
2019-W Lowell PCGS MS66 pop 1/1/0 First Discovery 1 of 2
This coin was discovered by Michael T. of Fairfax, Virginia. He received half of the $5,000 PCGS award and auctioned the coin on Great Collections. He was searching for silver proofs in a box of quarters.
Michael T. from Fairfax, Virginia [...] had taken to Reddit after picking up a box of quarters to search through for silver proofs. "The box ended up being full of 2019 American Memorial Park Quarters, but on the end of one roll I saw a "W" mint mark, and I was super excited there might be something good in here." He shared an image of the coin on the end of roll and users were quick to encourage him to submit the coin for the Quarter Quest competition. "I have been collecting since I was 10 or 11 when my dad gave me an Eisenhower dollar, I am excited to use the prize to help people."
- https://www.pcgs.com/news/how-the-winning-2019-w-lowell-quarter-quest-pcgs-first-discovery-coins-were-found
- https://www.greatcollections.com/Coin/700841/2019-W-America-the-Beautiful-Quarter-Lowell-National-Park-PCGS-First-Discovery-1-of-2-PCGS-MS-66
- https://forums.collectors.com/discussion/1018235/one-of-the-first-discovery-2019-w-lowell-quarter-being-auctioned#latest
- https://www.pcgs.com/cert/37059413
2019-W Lowell PCGS MS65 pop 0/1/1 First Discovery 1 of 2
Discovered by Steven R. of Topeka, Kansas. Amazing that Steven didn't even know about the PCGS contest until he found the coin and did an Internet search! He noticed this in change for a gas station purchase of a couple of Pepsis.
Early this past Monday, a PCGS Customer Service Representative opened an email from a Steven R. in Topeka, Kansas sent at 2:19 AM PST on Sunday, April 7, 2019. The email contained only one sentence, "Is this the quarter you are offering the reward for?" with an image of a 2019-W Lowell Quarter alongside what looked to be pocket change and a few collectible coins.
He would ultimately submit one of the winning 2019-W Lowell Quarters to arrive at PCGS on April 9, 2019. "Not sure if someone’s already claimed the reward but I thought I’d get mine graded as well," was the message in the order notes section of Steven R.’s submission. The buzz spread around the office like wildfire, it was only Tuesday, the competition had just been announced, yet here we stood with our first winner.
"I had just stopped at a gas station to buy a couple of Pepsis" he reflected, "I looked down at my change and saw a "W" Mint mark and thought ’huh, those don’t exist.’" At the time, Steven was not aware of the U.S. Mint release or the competition; however, having been a coin collector from a very young age, he was always checking his change for circulating rarities. His interest in coin collecting all started from searching through his grandfather’s coin jars hoping to stumble upon something big. "I was always looking for that ’44 steel penny," Steven shared while discussing his history with coins.
Once he arrived at home, he jumped on the internet where he found the buzz about the PCGS 2019 Quarter Quest. "I thought for sure some bank teller would have already won but I could not pass up the chance. I made it to FedEx on Sunday at 6:16 pm and with only 14 minutes to have the package qualify for overnight shipping he wrote the mandatory "FD19" on the package in black sharpie, double checked that he had filled out the submission correctly and sent the package on its way.
- https://www.pcgs.com/news/how-the-winning-2019-w-lowell-quarter-quest-pcgs-first-discovery-coins-were-found
- https://www.pcgs.com/cert/37060151
@Zoins This thread would be fantastic if I had one of them. So right now I’ll call it a Great Thread.
Wondering. Does the West Point quarter special of $20/coin fee include GS?
Thanks! I wish I had one too
Not sure. The offer page doesn't mention GS or TV but the images show GS for First Discovery but not others.
Did not notice the GS and lack of GS on Quarter Quest webpage. That is interesting. I probably need to call to get this clarified so I can have submission form(s) on-the-ready.
I'm curious too. Please let us know if you find out
I added links to the PCGS announcement and excerpts for each finder.
Of note, neither was looking for the W quarter.
Ah, heck! That is one thing I do not do is pay cash with gas because I need to fill-up the semi-eco friendly 6.2L truck.
He was fueling his body with Pepsi
Well, didn’t think of that. Get gas on a card and get a snack with cash. First thing I’ll do today.
I will be shopping at three stores today... will use all cash and try to scope out the cash register drawer for bright and shiny quarters...
Cheers, RickO
Made the call:
Per coin price is $20 and if you want GS (which includes TV) then it’s another $5.
Asked what service level these were programmed as and it’s Modern but must select Other (write-in FD19) Regular but select Other and write FD-19 and makes sure you put FD19 on the outside of the package so the receiving department is aware there are Ws in the package.
Enjoy(ing) the hunt!
Edit: Correction.
Here's the news on the 2 American Memorial Park First Discoveries. Both were found in Florida, and both from Wells Fargo boxes.
2019-W American Memorial Park PCGS MS65 pop 1/1/0 First Discovery 1 of 2
The top pop specimen was discovered by Brandon M., a church pastor from New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Brandon's wife picked up a box of quarters from a local Wells Fargo bank.
2019-W American Memorial Park PCGS MS64 pop 0/1/1 First Discovery 1 of 2
The PCGS MS64 was found by Kevin and Sheila G. of Orlando, variety hunters in retirement. They also found their quarter in a box from a local Wells Fargo bank.
Was hoping to find w in this type but nope just P so far
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
Pop Update:
Total: 289
Thanks for the updates!
Here's the current banner image. I missed the first found image. Anyone have it?
Here's the current contest image:
The initial banner changed a couple times before our host settled on the longer horizontal banner.
This is the initial, if I remember correctly.
Looking for the image on Brett’s screen.
Another pic found.
guam reward issued.
Sure was... x3. First week discovery will end this coming Wednesday. Probably won’t be many slabbed for the first week pedigree.
On the hunt.
The quest marches on!
ty. i looked for a thread. guess i shoulda done a search.
There were 3 War in the Pacific First Discoveries:
For some reason only 2 MS64s have TrueViews, the MS67 does not.
I “find” this thread fascinating...
Later, Paul.
ok. you got me stumped. how did all 3 coins end up in the same image from 3 different submitters across the country?
at the moment i can only think that:
gratz to submitters.
I'm still waiting to find one in circulation...
My YouTube Channel
Latest banner with upcoming dates.
Missed this when it was announced but looks like 6 people won the San Antonio Missions prize!
Here are the Accidental Early Release coins:
The end of the Quest:
Looks like I missed one.
The Idaho’s River of No Return Wilderness was just “found” last week.
https://www.pcgs.com/2019quarterquest?utm_source=PCGS&utm_medium=spotlight&utm_campaign=2019 Quarter Quest&utm_content=quarter_quest_2019
The 2020-W quarter dollars are also intended to be mixed in with circulation quality production of quarter dollars from the Denver and Philadelphia Mints, but officials have not provided additional details about any difference in circulation plans for the 2020-W coins.