Silver Dollars

I am still considering myself a beginner but thanks to my research and more importantly some members experience here on the forums, I am still learning. That being said, something I just could not find were silver dollars and half dollars. I’ve asked in all the stores and banks to no avail. In remembrance of my ex mother in law who used to give my children silver dollars every year, I found 3 at an Indian store. So in her memory I’m going to share them. Thanks forum friends.
The coins you posted are not silver dollars. They were struck on the same clad planchets that are used for the coins that are in your pocket.
The 90% silver dollars are either the modern commemorative coins, or they are the Morgan and Peace Dollars that you have seen posted here. There were Eisenhower Dollars that were struck on 40% silver clad planchets. They were issued, at more than their face value, from 1973 to 1978.
Banks and stores don’t have these dollars and half dollars because they have not been issued for many years. Unfortunately you won’t be able to get true silver dollars at face value.
Finding silver coins of any type in the wild is hard as people will hoard them when found.
The only way to get new $1 and half dollar coins is direct from the US Mint and there is a small premium to buy them. These are clad (no silver).
$1 American Innovation
$1 Native American
For half dollar,
50c Kennedy
Banks will have them too as people spend these or use them as tips.
Your right, it is very difficult to snatch a Silver Dollar/half in the wild. That being said, it is not impossible. With a little more persistence and of course luck. It will be worth the search. Even if its not a surmountable amount it still thrills me! Keep hunting. One never knows. right?
One more Thing... I'll let you in on a little secret from us coin geeks. Check the Coinstar machines. In the return bin. You might be able to pull out a silver gem that will excite you?
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.@JoeyCoins I hate to sound ignorant but what is a coinstar machine. I live in a small town in South Georgia
Great shot, dude! Just seeing a picture of that darn machine excites me. I even look under the front on the floor. LOL
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I’m working down in Miami this month so I’ll check around. Thanks. Now I know what I’m looking for. Never seen one.
Coinstar machines and the reject bin are popular sources of 'found coins'... They even have a thread of their own here... I have found silver dimes and one quarter in the reject bin... also a few wheaties.... though most of the finds have been standard U.S. modern coins and foreign coins....Still nice to find a bunch of coins in the slot just waiting to be picked up....Check the coinstar thread, some people have found many coins and even many silver coins. Cheers, RickO
@ricko hey. I have a question. I have a few coins I want to submit to PCGS but I’ve never done it before. I’m a little confused as to how to do it. Any suggestions for first time submissions? Thanks
@Lyndag ... Have you become a member of PCGS? Their package gives clear directions on coin submissions... and even some free ones.... If you are not a member, then you will need to find a dealer or a forum member who is a member to help you. Good luck, Cheers, RickO