1926 Buffalo nickle

Just received this coin. Looks like a 3 1/2 legger.
Big Tony from Texas! Cherrypicking fool!!!!!!
Wishful thinking
Ike Specialist
Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986
It's not the 3 1/2 legger. The genuine coin has a detached inside feather which was attenuated trying to remove a clash.
The designer initial "F" on the genuine specimen is weak, and remnants of the clash show up in "E PLURIBUS UNUM" on the reverse.
Might be a 3.99999 Legger
I'll give ya that one.
Well I guess I will have to send it off as this could have been paired with a different obverse.
Should I send it to PCGS? The N or A guys? Lol
N_C or A_acs?
PCGS, my last economy order was only 10 days so they seem to be caught up for now. Variety attribution will add some time though. Honestly I can't tell what makes these 3 1/2 leg varieties, even the ones in coinfacts look like they have 4 complete legs.
Collector, occasional seller
If you think of a regular leg as mount everest and the 3 1/2 leg as a hill. From above if you took a picture they would look the same but at an angle you could tell the difference.
Pulled the pics out for the Buff nickEL

Here mine for comparison

It looks like yours. The weak spot to the left of unum. Then 3rd feather is half there.
Sorry-not the 3 1/2 legger.
Buffalo nickels could possibly be my favorite coin design!!! Wins on both sides!
Why is the OP planning to waste $25 to have that coin authenticated and graded?
Cause i think im right
This is a normal four legged bison.
a.k.a "The BUFFINATOR"
The coin does not look like a 3 1/2 leg Buff.... However, if you send it in, please let us know the results. Cheers, RickO
not a 3 1/2 legger. ill go 4 though. have a great day all
We need to add a new category to the abraded legger dies, that being the 3 and 3/4 legged bison!
Bet that would take off, just like the 2 n 1/2 feather buffs.
a.k.a "The BUFFINATOR"
I saw a real nice au 1917-d buffalo nickel for sale by Great Southern ( for some reason I keep looking at their coins).
It was what I call a “photo-legger” which means it was the die used to produce the 3 n 1/2 legged variety but with not enough leg missing to cal 3 n 1/2 legs.
a.k.a "The BUFFINATOR"
What about this 17d nickle. I know it has a major ding on the obverse.
That's one.
I'm going to buck the trend of my buffalo peers and say you're probably on to something. I've 'made' a handful of these and think the all the markers are plausibly there.
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album
The mint mark location, shape, and angle certainly seem to match. That's about as far as I looked.
Collector, occasional seller
Could be from the same die as the 3 1/2 legged but struck before the leg was abraded. From what I see the leg in question isn't weak enough to qualify as a 3 1/2 leg.
I'd also qualify my remarks by saying I've had a number of swing and misses too. And I most certainly have not written the book on the subject
. Still, I would have rolled the dice had I seen it.
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album
well the right front leg is smaller than the left front leg
so lets just call it a 3 & 3/4 legger.
depending upon how much the leg has been reduced in apparent size by die erosion or some other calamity then we could add both 3 & 3/4 and 3 & 2/3 abraded die varieties.
a.k.a "The BUFFINATOR"
These are so much fun to look for. Never know when one might come charging at your just around the corner.
a.k.a "The BUFFINATOR"
The 1917-d 3 1/2 legger seems to always have a weak strike on the buffaloes head.

Notice here that it also has a line of raised dots below the buffs belly similar to the 37d 3 legger and
also a moth-eaten back leg like the aforementioned 37d. Some of these 17d so-called three and one half loggers
are really what I refer to as “proto-leggers” with not enough leg missing to call in 3 n 1/2 legs.
a.k.a "The BUFFINATOR"