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Completed my first PCGS Set Registry

DiggerJimDiggerJim Posts: 406 ✭✭✭✭

My first PCGS Set Registry is now complete. I started with an easy eight coin set. It is the Kennedy Half Dollar Basic Silver Short Set, Circulation Strikes (1964 - 1970). I am in 37th place right now. I completed with a set rating of 65.267 and plan to upgrade two MS64's to MS66's. If you would like to view the numbers there is a link below. I currently have no pictures but plan to add them within the next month or so.
I have said this many times already but I could not have done this without this forum and the very knowledgeable people that are here. Thanks for putting up with my ignorant newbie questions. Hopefully I am done with those kind of questions from now on. This is a very exciting hobby and look forward to many more set completions in the future.

Again thanks



BST transactions - mach1ne - Ronyahski - pitboss (x2) - Bigbuck1975 (x2) - jimineez1 - nk1nk - bidask - WaterSport - logger7 - SurfinxHI (x2) - Smittys - Bennybravo - Proofcollector


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