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I received my PCGS collection back yesterday

crazyhounddogcrazyhounddog Posts: 13,977 ✭✭✭✭✭

I've VERY happy to say I've received my entire PCGS collection yesterday. Whoa I've missed seeing these. There's no way I can properly thank PCGS and the crew for doing this for me, it is heaven sent. One of the darkest days of our lives with this very bright light in the mist of losing everything we owned I have been melted into a puddle of goo by you good folks with your generosity . With the help from PCGS and the crew, all of you good folks here on this forum with their contributions along with the well wishes and prayers not only do I have my entire collection reholdered and regraded with this new label I am bowled over by the all of you. You will find the very best people around coins and this beautiful forum that we all love is sure no exception.
So, now with my collection back and my new camera setup and firing correctly here are a few coins that I love and happy to see back. Of course I'll be showing my Buffs but this is the 1st of 7 boxes I've opened.
From the bottom of my heart I thank PCGS. Heather Boyd, David talk and Joe Pielago I want to personally thank for standing with me through this mess that my family went through and for this VERY generous gift of reholdering my entire collection and the beautiful label the Jack at PCGS so graciously created with me I will remember for the rest of my life. These are the finest good folks you'll ever have the pleasure of meeting if you are so lucky.
Jim Bowling and Paradisefound are true angels and I can testify to that. I am so VERY lucky to have good friends such as this in my life.
Thank you ALL sooooo much. Joe <3

The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.


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