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I received my PCGS collection back yesterday



  • lkeigwinlkeigwin Posts: 16,892 ✭✭✭✭✭

    So happy for your, Joe. You deserve it.

    Imagine, years from now, a collector stumbling on one of these CHD slabs and wondering. One of us will be around to pass on the riveting story. That's pretty darned special.

  • crazyhounddogcrazyhounddog Posts: 13,977 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @scotty4449 said:
    I think you win for having the coolest PCGS label!

    I must agree😎

    The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.
  • ashelandasheland Posts: 23,231 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm very happy how this turned out! Those holders and labels look awesome! Thumbs up to PCGS for doing this... :)

  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,410 ✭✭✭✭✭

    congrats on getting your coins back. theres many good reasons to smile there. best regards

  • DMWJRDMWJR Posts: 6,006 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Love the label

  • tommy44tommy44 Posts: 2,291 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 25, 2019 11:22AM

    WOW! Congratulations to PCGS for doing such a great job from what I've seen so far.

    I notice that the 16-S Buff has a gold shield on the back of the label. Are they all gold shield? Do they all have true views on file? Would you consider creating a custom registry set and creating a digital album? What a sight it would be to behold.

    it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

  • robkoolrobkool Posts: 5,934 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Glad it worked out well for you... Those California wildfires were just terrible.

  • KudbegudKudbegud Posts: 4,735 ✭✭✭✭✭

    My congratulations to you and thanks to PCGS. Nice special label too.

  • kazkaz Posts: 9,179 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Wow, Joe, it must be great to have your collection back. The coins and holders look terrific. Such a fine thing for PCGS to do for you.

  • ParlousJoeParlousJoe Posts: 451 ✭✭✭

    Beautiful coins CrazyHoundDog! That's a pretty cool label that you and that other person (Jack) made up and will always know what the coins went through if ever to see one in person. Congratulations on being able to save some very beautiful coins!

    PCGS you are one of the best and kindest companies out there to help a person in need like you did with CrazyHoundDog, awesome job! This could also be a reason why I only try to buy coins graded by PCGS whenever I can, besides having one of the best grading teams in the business!

    Kudos to Jim Bowling, ParadiseFound and Heather Boyd for getting the ball rolling on these and everything they did to help CrazyHoundDog out, awesome job you three!

    Most of all though, thankfully that CrazyHoundDog and his family were able to get out of that terrible fires path unharmed as it could have been a lot worse than losing some coins and material things. Glad that you and all of your family made it out of that fire and are still with us and hopefully for a very long time to come CrazyHoundDog!

  • goldengolden Posts: 9,654 ✭✭✭✭✭

    PCGS is the best.

  • crazyhounddogcrazyhounddog Posts: 13,977 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 25, 2019 2:04PM

    My life is better because of this gift with my coins. It’s a collection of coins I would be very sad to live without.
    I’m thankful everyday that my family got out safe, trust me. I can’t remember being so terrified not knowing where my son and grandson were during this fire from hell that was moving a football field a second. That fear I’ll never forget.
    What PCGS and this forum has done for my family and I will never ever be forgotten.
    Much love to you all❤️❤️

    The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.

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