My Complete Buffalo Nickels Set. Upgraded coins and photos.

I've been working on my photography, coin and otherwise lately and think I've finally got some really representative pictures of my 70-coin, Buffalo nickel set, including most of the major varieties, 16DDO, 18/7D, 5 legger, 35DDR, 3-leg, and 38D/S. I posted my set several years ago, but it's about 50 percent upgraded since then. Sorry, no dates under the coins. First holder runs from 1913-24D, second from 24S-38D/S. 16DD and OD are last coins in 2 and 3 rows of holder 1, other varieties are reversed in second. If I did this right, pix should enlarge.
Proud recipient of the coveted "You Suck Award" (9/3/10).
@OnWithTheHunt Like it!
Yes, it does enlarge and high def zoomable. Thanks for posting.
I know you did not put this set together overnight how long have you worked on putting this together?? Very Presentable and worthy of Praise, Great Job putting this on the forum, it zooms and enlarges on my end.
Very nice 👍
Very impressive.
Have collected Buffalo nickels since I got back into the hobby in the 90s. It's been a continuous process of upgrading since about 2000. Actually created a whole second set mainly from upgrades. Sold it, which allowed me to afford the OD. 17-D and 18D are the most recent additions. Still a few I'd like to replace. Thanks for the good words to everybody.
Very neat set of Buffalo's! Well done!
Helluva set! Congrats!! Ever think of adding the 1935 DDR-001? That's a biggie, too.
Very nice set. Congratulations on the accomplishment!
I'm close to finishing a Dansco buffalo set myself. Fortunately the album doesn't have a hole for a 1916 Doubled Die.
Thanks. 35 is 3rd picture, 4th row, third coin.
Well done... a very nice set of Buffs....Congratulations on your focus and accomplishment. Did you check the 38 D/S for DDD/S? They can slip by ...Cheers, RickO
Beautiful Buffs!
Complete Set of Chopmarked Trade Dollars
Carson City Silver Dollars Complete 1870-1893"
Great achievement! Enjoy.
Proof Buffalo Registry Set
Capped Bust Quarters Registry Set
Proof Walking Liberty Halves Registry Set
Wow, great job....never seen anything like it!
Sweet!!!! and I like the fact that you limited the varieties to six of the most important, and you did not liter the set with a large
number of minor varieties, such as some of the over 30 two feather buffaloes, which are neat, but could really be put into their own set. When developing a buffalo nickel set I always like to see the varieties come after the 64 regular strikes. That way if your album has additional spaces they can be filled with varieties -- as many as you want and the ones that you want. And as many as you want. And there are actually more varieties than regular issues if you examine the books on the subjects -- The Book on Abraded Die Varieties by Ron Po;pe and the Cherrypickers Guide to Rare Die Varieties by Fivaz & Stanton.
a.k.a "The BUFFINATOR"
Very nice. A lot of the better dates are in better grades. Did you have to crack some out, or did you find them on the wild? My personal experience it is all but impossible to find better pieces raw, with them usually being over graded, overpriced, or having problems of some kind.
I’ve considered doing the short set raw, as I think that is achievable raw, but would not have much confidence (or patience) to take on much more without including slabbed pieces
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album
Well done in both the collection and the images!
Best, SH
Outstanding set, Thanks for sharing
Oh those are sweet.
More than twenty years to build and a lot of nice coins!
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
Wow! Wonderful set. Congratulations on a job well done. Just finished my third set, this set raw like the first. The second was all pcgs which I sold to Heritage last year. I know how hard it is to get the exact coin you need for this series and again, great job. Does the 16ddo's reverse match or is it mixed up? Can't afford one of those. Great photography.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Thanks for all the nice comments. Will try and answer some of the questions.
Yes, Ricko, the 38D/S is the DDD/S. Also have some of the other 38D varieties, including several different high grade D/Ds, but only so much room in the holders.
Alain, about a dozen were cracked out from PCGS, NGC or ANACS. The overdate was a SEGS-25. I believe everything else was raw.
Buffnixx, Have a lot of the varieties you mentioned, including some scarcer RPMs. Most of the higher grade ones are in TPG holders, with or without attribution, with no plans to crack them out.
Jesbroken, should be able to locate the reverse of the 16/16 in the second picture by the amount of wear.
Also, thanks to those who complimented my photography. Its a work in progress, and I think a lot of people would get a chuckle out of my setup, a $10 stand from a school tag sale with the hoods from some desk lamps wired onto it. Someday, I'll invest in a better one. I'm pleased I was able to get all the coins in proper focus. The major problem now is that because the camera averages out the overall photo, the luster and toning on some of the prettier coins gets lost. Something to continue to work on.
This set is probably something I will continue to work on as long as I'm collecting. I do collect other coins, but this one is really my pride and joy.
Very cool and really nice pictures!