NGC or PCGS slab coin protector case
What do you think of this slab protector? I bought a sample for an NGC and PCGS slab for $4.50 each shipped. I liked it and will use it for a favorite coin that I would like to see/handle daily. Thanks for looking and any comments.
That's actually not a bad idea IMO. Where did you get 'em?
I think it’s pretty silly.
It looks very well protected. A bit overkill for my tastes, but if you feel the need and/ or like the look,....
It reminded me of those beautiful sofa wrapped in clear vinyl to protect the fabric
or those expensive hard shell luggages protected in their own luggage covers.
I don't need um, but I like it !!!
I’m on the fence. Slabs already take up a lot of room as it is. Chances are the slab protector will probably be put into another box for storage. Before long, something the size of a roll of half dollars needs something the size of a shoebox to house it.
Not for me but it's always interesting to see what's out there.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
The protective slabs were enough for me, now we have pro-protective slabs and another size slab holder? A little much for me.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
I like it.
It's possible that a lone slab in a suitcase could bump up against something and get messed up.
I'm in for one.
My Saint Set
It would be good for people with special, valuable coins that are shown/displayed frequently. As a standard use, I would not do that.... Cheers, RickO
I could see using this for a first and second gen NGC holders, doily holders, white rattlers that one may display. but for average use it looks to bulky.
Exactly my thought, only rare slabs or extremely valuable trophy coins, otherwise a regular slab box would do just fine.
Definitely would use one for a black NGC, etc...
I like them!
My YouTube Channel
Where did you get these?
Looks to me like a slab for a slab. Hmmm, kind of like a certification for a certification.
For just protecting the slab from handling I've found that the sleeves made for sports cards work well. But my problem is getting the slab in the sleeve.
Haha...sounds like a George Carlin bit.
Looks like an otter box for slabs. lol
Personally if I want to protect a slab I just put in a Ziploc sandwich bag. But then I have a reputation for being cheap.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
It would save money - but storage is an issue.
Re-slabbing costs on a CAC coin is a problem.
Minor Variety Trade dollar's with chop marks set:
More Than It's Chopped Up To Be
It's official. We're now slabbing slabs. I knew this day wasn't far off.
People are going off into the boonies on this already.
Here's how I see it.....the slabs do a great job of protecting the coin. HOWEVER, how many people here have ever had a slab get chipped/cracked/scratched up? Harder to sell and not cheap to get reholdered (time/cost).
So, while I wouldn't get these for every coin, if I had a coin that saw action (ie...a dealer or just like to look at a coin), I wouldn't view it with derision or as a bad thing.
Who here hasn't seen a slab that is too scratched up to really get a great look at the coin inside and wished it was reslabbed?
For $4.50, it isn't cheap, but it is a ton cheaper than reslabbing would be. Sheesh people
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
People were already paying extra to have someone agree and slap stickers on slabs that were already certified and graded so why not.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
OP where did you get these?
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
Well for a coin that you may want to handle now and then, this beats the cherry wood display case with or without glass. It's cheaper and you can see the reverse without taking the coin out of the case. If anyone is interested here is the eBay link for an NGC slab (seller also has a listing for a PCGS type). Thanks again.