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Bought my First U.S Gold Coin

KyleKyle Posts: 1,822 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited January 24, 2019 4:16AM in U.S. Coin Forum

When I started collecting U.S. coins years ago I primarily purchased silver coins, and dabbled in both copper and nickel from time to time, but never owned any gold. To start off 2019 I decided to finally pull the trigger and buy my first gold coin! Over the past year or so I have been gravitating towards putting together a type set, and this is just another step in that direction.

The coin has attractive toning on both the obverse and reverse and is graded MS-62 by PCGS. For the grade, I thought the surfaces looked excellent compared to other 62 examples that I looked at, the only drawback (and likely what kept the coin from grading higher) is that the luster is somewhat subdued because of the heavy toning (more so on the reverse). Nevertheless, I am ecstatic to add such a clean looking example to my collection.

Thanks again @FadeToBlack for the images. If anyone is interested, here is a link to the full-scale obverse and reverse photos.

Successful BST Transactions With: tonedase, streg2, airplanenut, coindeuce, vibr0nic, natetrook, Shrub68, golden, Lakesammman, drddm, Ilikecolor, CoinJunkie, wondercoin, lablover


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