Possible duplicate mint marks?

Has anyone seen a 1984 penny that looks like this? It looks the mint mark was punched twice. There is also something that looks like an "o" above his tie. I am assuming that was damage, but could the mintmark
have been re-punched? I am including a normal looking 1984 D penny for comparison.
The photo needs to magnify the mintmark area. The current photos are not clear enough to make any call.
Here's the OP's photo with extraneous material cropped, sharpened as much as is reasonable and the mintmark tonal range enhanced. Not sure if it will help.
Advertisement: Posters -- PLEASE crop your photos. No one wants to see reflections of your smiling face, or battery status of your toy phone. "Just the coin and nothing but the coin, so help you authentication!"
Ok, thanks. I took a couple of pictures with my magnifying viewer that projects onto my laptop. I hope this is clearer. I also attached a picture of the circle under his chin. Thanks

Looks like a copper plating blister.
For some reason, that's a fairly common
area for this anomaly to occur.
I agree with Fred, either plating bubble or die chips... Cheers, RickO
Sorry, spent more time trying to figure out what was in the background reflections around the coin in the OP.
From: http://www.error-ref.com/blisteredplating/

Thanks for the help and the link!