Saddle Ridge Hoard premium ..... I am seeking any straight forward opinion

A Historical Hoard and A Beautiful Coin
How much premium do you consider as reasonable for being part of the History?
CoinFact $3600 vs $5600 asking price
A Historical Hoard and A Beautiful Coin
How much premium do you consider as reasonable for being part of the History?
CoinFact $3600 vs $5600 asking price
Not one of the keys but she sure IS PRETTY!
Pretty, yes. Historical, yes. Over 100% premium?
I don't follow the secondary market for these, but if the value is supported on resale then that sweetens the deal.
That’s a hefty premium. I’d have to be really in love with her to pay that.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Auctions history? I'd be doing some real digging for sales comps.
Agreed tho -- that would be a very cool addition to any collection! Best of Luck!
One of my customers bought the finest known 1886-s $10 from this hoard, actually there were 2, he has one and a kagins customer has the other. these two along with a 65 were several grades higher than any previously known at the time. Phenomonal coin, the nicest $10 lib, I have ever seen hands down, but he paid a pretty strong premium. Bought it when the hype of the hoard was first out. Paid in excess of 50k, I honestly don't think it would bring that today several years after, he has had two national dealers/auction firms value it around 35K in todays market.
How about the history and the presentation?
Obviously that coin was conserved from that clump o'coins image. Looks like our host did a nice job cause it makes the grade. I just don't know about the mark up. IMO. Peace Roy
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
Don't bury yourself. Think like a dealer and buy like a dealer.
Are there other Saddle Ridge Hoard, slabbed, even other dates, that command that high of a premium? If so the provenance would justify the price. If not then caution would be prudent. Are there more out there for sale today by any auction/dealer/individual?
Auction results can be because of the excitement of the moment. Unless the prices hold over time they would be a blip on a price chart.
It's a beauty for sure but that premium needs some justification.
Gorgeous coin, but man, that's a lot of money
Be careful of the hype!!
Is it a pure gold label? It's a very nice coin but I think history could be had for a little less premium
I think I would look carefully at APR's and how this coin looks in comparison to others. That really is a high premium. I tend to bide my time.
Unlike fine art and many other collectables, I've never personally found that pedigree was a huge motivating factor in my desire for a coin. A great, or even a nice coin stands on it's own.
For an important coin or coins, pedigrees follow the coin(s) - reference the recent discussions on million-dollar auction items. Ceteris paribus, I'd prefer to buy two nice coins for the price of one with a "story".
That's just me. Your mileage may vary.
Check out my current listings:
PF- send a PM to Regulated. They handled this hoard.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
It's certainly worth something. Just not sure if it's worth nearly $2,000. If you could turn around and sell it without any problem, then I say go for it, if not, I would think twice. It's a beautiful coin with great history and presentation and I'm not trying to discourage you. Just want you to make an informed purchase.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
If you're asking how much of the history is figured in to the coin, I don't know. I give you credit for thinking about that when you consider the purchase.
I will not dissuade you from thinking about the coin. Heck, it fits right in with the stuff you like, and you do have good taste in selecting what is, to you, a coin you love.
It's up to you, but everyone that posted has a point.
Good luck to you.
You are better off burying you feet in the sand.
As others have mentioned the premium has to justify itself. But I do not recommend getting it on impulse.
If in your eyes you are willing to pay the premium then I would tell you to wait... take a breather... go do something else like swimming... try not to think about it for the next couple days. Then come back to it, re-look it, and you still feel the same then pull the trigger but try and negotiate premium.
Just my humble opinion. Thanks for showing that gold.
It a nice coin but only history it has to me besides other coins from that date is it was found in a hoard... but it does look nice for the grade
Dollars hasn't kept you away from too many coins for the past 2 years
Yeah....................go spear fishing or something.
Yeah ..... fish tremble when they hear my name
It's a conserved coin from a hoard of coins with no real history attached to them other than they were found together and the numismatic public knows little else. I would not extend for such a piece. In my opinion, hoards that have more significance (and far less premium) include things like the GSA CC dollars or the Bank of Canada gold sales.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Nice treasure story that anyone would love to stumble upon. My opinion 20 years from now nobody will care and it will be worth the value of the coin. I'd be a player @ $1500 max and that about $200 above my comfort zone.
Disclaimer: Many have referred to me as a cheap arse. Only thing that matters is what you are comfortable with and willing to pay.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Ah com'n Paradisefound, take a chance and book a flight to Sacramento. Then head up into gold country, rent a metal detector and just find your own....still being done all the time and so much fun, clean air, exercise and a chance to find one of these:
Are others like selling for that premium? Watch it a while the longer it sits, the stronger your negoiating position.
I imagine the premium is higher now than it will be in the future. In 20 years, it will still be an interesting story, but just one among many others.
I have no intention to diminish the significance of this hoard in any way
It is something worth celebrating for decades into the future. 
Thanks Mark .... I'll contact him
How would this coin fare in a GTG contest?
What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake
Does it compare favorably to either of these? Edited to add: both of these coins are MS64 graded, and sold recently at auction.

What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake
PCGS didn’t conserve these coins
Latin American Collection
If I had the money, yes. I don't have the money.
Personally, I feel that the hoard is a 'fun' find.
But, I would not pay a premium on the coins, or at best, a very modest premium
BHNC #203
A Saddle Ridge coin is on my bucket list too...I'm looking for a better date with a green a 10 to 20% premium...
Plus you should know that many of the Saddle Ridge coins were broken out of their original holders as the grading by PCGS was very conservative, especially on the coins graded MS63 and MS64. Coins in the original holders might be worth a little more.
If I were ready to pull the trigger I'd speak to David (@regulated) first...
Do you make the fish sweat?
It's bad enough that fish pee in the ocean, now the ocean will be filled with sweaty water, too.
I think the large premium may be because that coin is pretty amazing for a 63+ as @Regulated points out in his post.
My Ebay Store
The two factors that you mentioned are History and Presentation. As someone else stated this coin doesn't really have any significant history other than it was part of the hoard. The presentation is assembled by someone and can easily be changed or updated at any time. Putting these two things aside the real question is "do you like the coin for the price being offered"? When our heart wants something we usually throw logic to the side and let emotion decide for us.
As mentioned in a response above, take a day or two to analyze the pros and cons of owning this coin before deciding. Lastly, buy the coin and not the hype as the hype doesn't appear to add the premium value that the seller wants.
Good Luck
Successful BST transactions with lordmarcovan, Moldnut, erwindoc
It's my understanding PCGS did conserve the coins. What % of the total / how many, and to what extent, I do not know.
If I really wanted one, I would still wait about 5 more years as premium gets closer to generic ( hoping gold prices don't go ballistic).
As usual, the initial offering is snapped up by people who are not numismatists and probably buy into the HSN hype. After that, reality sets in and the market tanks after which, it will seek it's proper market level.
People who buy in the early feeding frenzy will loose their shirts and those who wait patiently will pay a much smaller premium for them.
Just my eversohumble opinion.
PCGS didn't conserve a single coin in the group.
What is now proved was once only imagined. - William Blake
As an addendum to my last post. When these non (or borderline) numismatists swallow the hype and make the purchase, they will eventually want to sell. That's when the reality hits them and they sour on numismatics altogether. In their eyes, the entire industry is crooked.
It is definitely under graded ...... MS65 at least or with the PLUS:)
I buy really nice coins, as do you.
I never buy a story tho.
Who did the conservation on these pieces if it wasn’t PCGS?
@Regulated said: "PCGS didn't conserve a single coin in the group."
Who did? What you are asking us to believe is every coin in the rusty cans (Gold is impervious to almost anything) was not touched in any way!
No dust, dirt, nothing changed/removed for better eye-appeal (conserved). Conservation is not confined to a quick "dip."
You seem to have eclectic tastes, spendable income, and no set numismatic goals at this time. If you like it, buy it. Just know that most coins are not the best investments.
There are several other historical offerings that are presented in a nice fashion as this coin. Coins from the S.S. Republic come to mind. This purchase may spur you to collect coins from other historical recoveries.
As for me, these things leave me cold. That premium would pay for some nice items from Mr. Carr that have a following and seem to do well on the secondary market.