A new buffalo nickel for my herd.....
I've been on the hunt for quite a while looking for a well struck, attractive, 35-D Buff that will fit nicely into my ever growing primary toned buffalo nickel collection. I'm more than happy to say the hunt is over. I am extremely pleased to show you my results. It took a few years.
Any and all comments are welcome.
Thanks for looking and happy hunting, Joe
The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.
I think WOW works.........congrats!!!
Nice looking buffalo, Joe. What's your opinion on how the colors come to be? Old book or old holder or?
"A dog breaks your heart only one time and that is when they pass on". Unknown
Damn! Another one?
I'm thinking old coin album like a Wayte Raymond or a Meghrig. The green tends to lead me in that direction.
That was worth the wait. Well done. Good looking coin.
Wow, very nice, I like it, congratulations !!!
Earlier die state with what appears to be a ton of luster. Check out the doubling on the Indian’s profile too!
Buffalo Nickel Digital Album
Toned Buffalo Date SetDigital Album
That's a special coin. Congratulations!!
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Very nice!! How many is that?
Beautiful! I really like the rainbow arc on the reverse.
Nice eye appeal!
This coin is stunning enough it should get a market grade ! Nice catch.
I think my word has already been spoken. WOW!! Such a gorgeous Buff and its taken its place in the right herd. Thanks for sharing.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Yes Joe.... Albums are the BEST!
I miss the days of the "ancient albums", I like the Dansco's the best.
Beautiful Rainbow
A Dazzler 100%
My YouTube Channel
The great buffalo hunter bags another one. Great pick Joe!!
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
More than I know. I’ve been at it for so many years I lost count a long time ago.
Beautiful coin.
Super coin and image!!
Thank you to all for your comments and compliments.
Happy hunting, Joe
Beautiful Buff as usual Joe. With the lack of hair detail above the horn I assume the 35-D is hard to find with a strong strike.
a.k.a "The BUFFINATOR"
beautiful piece, crazyhounddog. Your affinity for color on Buffalo nickels is greater than that of any collector I’ve seen on the boards. And you sure have displayed some beauties over the years. The pristine condition of the central obverse is a sight to behold.
Good lookin' Buffernick Joe!
U.S. Type Set
Love the color. You have a great eye.
Check out my current listings: https://ebay.com/sch/khunt/m.html?_ipg=200&_sop=12&_rdc=1
Has always been a pleasure viewing your Buffalo nickels over the years. Thank you
The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
Another Beauty and a big congrats on a successful hunt... AB
Very nice like always keep up the good work.
Hoard the keys.
So very nice; congratulations on your find.
Oh yeah...real nice looking coin!
@crazyhounddog.... Looks like you did it again.... You are the AuroraBorealis of Buffalo nickles....Cheers, RickO
That is a great compliment.
Thank you my friend
nice score chd, i like