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We Have A Winner - "Congratulations PCGS on 40 million" Give Away

JeffersonFrogJeffersonFrog Posts: 858 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited October 19, 2018 8:25PM in U.S. Coin Forum


PCGS is at 39,998,073 million coins graded. Tomorrow, 10/20/19 the PCGS counter will pass 40,000,000. Congratulations PCGS!

Congratulations PCGS on 40 million coins graded. 40 million of anything is a lot. To sustain what PCGS has done for 30+ years is remarkable, especially given the subjective nature of coin grading and the vagaries of the business world in general.

To celebrate PCGS's accomplishment and their kind hosting of these Boards, I'd like to give away the 1938-D Lincoln DHNIG (David Hall Numismatic Investment Group) flip pictured below. It seems only fitting as these DHNIG flips were the precursor to the modern plastic slab.

To enter, either post a DHNIG flip picture, or if you don't have one just congratulate PCGS. When PCGS reaches 40 million, I'll put the names of those who have replied to this thread in a hat and draw a winner.

If we were all the same, the world would be an incredibly boring place.




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