Hurricane Lane !!!

Well, if it wasn't bad enough that we have a current continuous lava flow in Hawaii (Big Island), now we've got Hurricane Lane headed our way in a couple days. Forecast indicate it may be a direct hit in certain areas. Wish us the best !!!
Aloha and Mahalo (Thanks) !!!
I wish anyone who might be in the path, Good Luck and hopefully there is very little damage.
@Timbuk3 come hunker down with me and talk coin!
I get back Friday; hoping it's not that bad and my flight won't get cancelled.
Just left the gas station, every gas pump was in use. Hope it misses us. Keep us in your prayers
Looks close to Oahu on Friday. Forecast wind for Oahu Friday is "H" (74 - 110 mph). That suggests cancelled flights.
The red "Hurricane Warning" means that hurricane force winds (> 110 mph) are "expected" (chances > 50%) on Oahu Friday.
It is forecast to stay at hurricane strength "M" (> 110 mph) until slightly south of the big island,

and the red "Hurricane Warning" for the big island means hurricane force winds are "expected" (chances > 50%) on land.
Tuesday winds were 160 mph (sustained for a 1 minute period), Category 5.
The wind speed has dropped to 145 mph as of Wednesday 5pm, so it's following the forecast so far.
The 8-22 5pm update above now shows Oahu, Maui, etc. as red "Warning", so winds > 100 mph are expected.
Best of Luck! Make sure to stock up on drinking water.
U.S. Type Set
Go West Mr Lane, go west !!!!!
Maybe the hurricane will put out the volcano.
Overland Trail Collection Showcase
Dahlonega Type Set-2008 PCGS Best Exhibited Set
Mrs. r95 just sent me this pic of Target in Kapolei. She said there’s no water or food left on the shelves. While in checkout a lady behind her was crying cuz she didn’t get any water. My wife felt bad for her and gave her a 24-pack....
Best of luck to you and everyone on your island... it looks terrifying
Take extra good care of Mango! Pf and timbuk3 are on my weather radar. Peace Roy
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Bless you all who responded to this post. Will keep you guys updated !!!
Mahalo nui loa !!!
Good luck folks, stay safe. I hope it veers farther to the west.
That is a big one, stay safe Aloha State!
Stay safe.
Best wishes. Hope it misses you. Stay safe.
Wishing for the best and stay safe!
This just in! Godzilla and King Ghidra spotted headed for Hawaiian Islands! Look for them atop Fissure Eight just as the hurricane hits!
But seriously, hunker down and stay safe.
Be Safe
Stay safe to all who might be affected!!!
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Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
Stay safe and prepare, prepare, prepare.
Hope that it just turns out to be a very windy day.
Batten down the hatches, it looks nasty. I hope you all stay safe and damage free. Hurricane's are dangerous and not to be taken lightly. Keep us posted and please report in when the storm has passed. Best of luck to all our members there... Cheers, RickO
Keep going that-a-way Lane. You are not a welcome guest.

Can't you just put a bucket or pot out in the rain and get drinking water?????????
Hope all is well you guys. stay safe.
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
Be safe for sure!
My YouTube Channel
Take care of yourself, along with your family, neighbors, and residents. In thoughts, and prayers.
Just more evidence to be prepared before you need to be. We have two months supply of food and rotate 40 gallons of water. Fire/camping/shelter materials, a little junk silver and gold plus a way to protect it all.
Stay safe!
Went to Costco in Kahului late yesterday, inside the store things went surprisingly fast.... but the gas station was a big mess. I'm more worried about losing power, and tree fallings then anything else. We always keep a supply of the standard stuff.
My wife is in Kaua'i on business, she was supposed to fly to the big Island today and spend the next few days there before heading back but instead thought she would come home early and booked a flight back to the mainland for Friday. She is most likely going to get stuck I think. Her original itinerary had her coming back Sunday and I think she would have been better off with that! Oh well...she is in a hotel and will be fine. By the time Lane reaches where she is at it should be diminished.
On a funny sort of note (for she and I anyway) one of her favorite movies is the 80's classic Better Off Dead and the main characters name is Lane.
Time to hunker down or get to the mainland.
Hope all ends well
This morning my Mom insisted on going to Costco 27miles away in town and we thought we get there 30min early
The line was already formed .... snakes around 3 times over... not a single cart left in sight.
The store should ration things so more folks get something until it runs out.
Stay safe.

@paradisefound Maybe Island Grocery Depot is a good option.
Maybe the Hurricane puts the volcano out? Hang in there, we in Florida are pretty use to dealing with Hurricanes. Button-up!
Good luck!!!
Bump !!!
Stay safe!!
Exactly my thought!
Stay safe coin peeps, family and friends.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
Hope you were able to get in and get what you needed! Stay safe!
Here is the 5 pm track map, one hour ago. You can see Maui is just east of the cone of uncertainty skimming Lanai and Kaho'olawe and slicing Molokai. Oahu and Kauai are still inside the cone but hopefully Lane will continue it's more westerly track and they will be out of the cone at it's closest points.

Stay safe! Hoping it swerves a little further west. Best of luck!
Gonna get me a $50 Octagonal someday. Some. Day.
Just talked to my wife and kids on O'ahu, they are well prepared and told me not to worry (yeah, right). My concern is storm surge and how slow Lane is traveling. We're on the South Shore near a lagoon and golf course, fairly flat. She said the locals are taking it serious while the tourists are partying.
I'm supposed to fly back Friday afternoon and I'm already seeing FedEx delay flights inbound to HNL starting Thursday. My flight will probably be cancelled.
My thoughts are with you and your family @renman95 ... be safe