@jwitten said:
I plan to go here in about 30 minutes!
See if you get one coin per Big Mac or one per order or one per visit.
I plan on miss-treating my gut till I get a full set. Planning my toilet time reading material well in advance.
One for each Big Mac. My wife and I stopped today and we got one from the 70s and one from the 80s.
At my McD they only give 1 per transaction. Grrrr So I went through the drive-thru for one. Pulled around and parked. Went inside and got a second one. A little hassle from what others are reporting.
Got 1988 - 1998 and 2008 - 2018. I'll do the same tomorrow. I hope to survive to get the last one on Saturday. Then I will be off Big Macs which I never order otherwise.
HaHa I walked in people where leavening them on the tray some tossing them in the trash my wife was with me so I could not dumpster dive. I ask if I can buy more they said yes just need to buy a big Mack and they will give me a coin per I just bought 2 and gave $5.00 ea for 2 more to some others that where going to toss them in the trash. But no sign at McDonalds telling any one what it is crazy.
I went to a different McDonald’s at dinner time to attempt to get the other four. Luckily the manager was cool and let me buy four Big Macs on the same ticket and hand pick the four I needed!
I did that and was going to eat two of them and take the other two home. I figured they would go to waste but wanted the coins.
As I was ordering, a homeless man was standing nearby and I asked if he wanted a free Big Mac. His face lit up and he said yes! I ended up giving him the other two which he gladly took. It was money well spent. I couldn’t be happier with how that went!
I have the set now and got to help someone in need!
@asheland said:
As I was ordering, a homeless man was standing nearby and I asked if he wanted a free Big Mac. His face lit up and he said yes! I ended up giving him the other two which he gladly took. It was money well spent. I couldn’t be happier with how that went!
I have the set now and got to help someone in need!
Well done.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Big Macs give me the back door trots . . . Must be the "special sauce"!
Need the following OBW rolls to complete my 46-64 Roosevelt roll set: 1947-P & D; 1948-D; 1949-P & S; 1950-D & S; and 1952-S. Any help locating any of these OBW rolls would be gratefully appreciated!
...one could make an argument that CA minimum wage has gone to high when the grunts won’t take a quick $20 for an extra Big Mac token...20 years ago, no way that got turned down...so I bought 2 burgers, one for me and one for the birds on Rosecrans at 50mph
P.S. the sandwich artist at the drive through window reassured me that “all coins are the same sir!”...it wasn’t until I got home that I realized I have 2 different tokens! LOL
So I now have 1978-2018, with an extra 2008-2018, and a friend that may not talk to me again after taking her out to dinner and serving up a Big Mac. (I've used her as a surrogate to get around an HHL before, so it's not like she oblivious to my affliction... )
Still need the '68-'78, hopefully my local restaurants will still have the coins tokens today. (Or if someone has a '68-'78 and needs an '08-'18, pm me... )
You know, if these were baseball cards, I'd have gotten three of one and two of another, so getting four of the five (in five tries) is pretty good for me!
BTW, has anyone seen anything about the coins in the restaurants themselves? Admittedly, I've only been inside two, but it's like this promotion is some sort of in-the-know secret. Did McD's just let the media know and not do promotional signage because they knew it would be a short promotion?
@Kudbegud said:
They have been on Ebay for days. How? Cheating. Some McD jobs could be at risk if they push the issue. Also theft charges. And receiving stolen property.
Remember the Monopoly game scandal? I seem to remember prison terms for those involved.
6 million have been minted by Osborne Coinage Company. I don't know if your correct about stolen property, but maybe there was some "Inside" hoarding so to price gouge to the max. Like a fool. I just bought one for $10.
Go to ebay and type in "Happy Meal sets". Look at the different sellers who've sold hundreds of sets. Think they all came out of Happy Meals?
My guess is boxes of these things are being sold (or just taken) out the back door.
$10 was a little high, considering the promotion is still going on...
@davewesen said:
I am surprised how many have sold for $12 on eBay - what do Big Macs cost in big cities or airports?
That's hard to say.
I bought a Big Mac and a small fries at three different locations, and got charged three different amounts. All between $7 and $7.40 (I think). I know one is a corporate store, and I'll bet the other two were different franchise owners. But these stores were within two to three miles of one another, so the difference in pricing was surprising.
Is the token on eBay specified by year? It might be worth $12 to get the coin I need than play the Big Mac russian roulette where there's only a 20% chance you'll get the coin token you need...
I am surprised this promotional token is getting such attention. I have never had a Big Mac, so probably will not get one now. I guess I could hang around inside the store and watch for people to throw them away.... Nah.... really not interested, but found some of the posts here quite humorous. Cheers, RickO
Well the stores I have been in would let me choose (which is very cool of them)
I talked to a manager today in the Old Fort, NC location and he told me that every store got a single box with 225 coins in it. All randomly mixed in.
He said a lot of stores sold out yesterday (which is easy to believe) However this location had a little over half the box left so they are giving them out until they are gone. I got another one today.
Went back for a second today, and got the same date. Asked the manager if I could trade it for another, and she basically told me no. Boo. I saw NGC is grading these already... they had a picture on instagram!
Took me two locations last night to get one - the first could not accept credit cards for some reason so I went to 2nd one, She was nice as could be - did not even occur to me to get more than one. She said she had only given out 2 or 3 (not sure when her shift started). I am sure she would have accommodated me.
On the way home tonight I will try one or two other places that I suspect might be quiet so I can see if I can get 4 at once and also pick my coins. My first coin was the last decade. The thought of a Big Mac two nights in a row makes me ill, though.
I received a 1978-88 token at lunch hour Friday. Total for one Big Mac was $4.59 and 40 cents tax, grand total $4.99. Edible yes, just a lot of bread nowadays and not so much beef. Todays' Big Mac did have more shredded lettuce than average.
The McD's near me seem to slather that special sauce on pretty liberally. I could go for a little less op it. When I am done eating my hand looks like I delivered a baby cow bare handed.
(Not sure what that actually looks like but I can only imagine,)
If I can buy four, I was seriously thinking of paying but refusing to take delivery of three of them.
Went to my local McDonald’s and they were more than happy to give me all five tokens as long as I bought 5 Big Macs, I got a large fry and coke for myself and dropped the 5 Big Macs off at the fire station on my way home, wasn’t sure the firefighters would want them but they acted like it was Christmas so hopefully they enjoyed them.
I may regret this but if someone REALLY wants a full set DM me with an offer and I’ll go back to my local location and get another set as long as they still have them.
Honestly, if you can't eat the food, the brass tokens aren't worth approximately five dollars each. I myself find the McFood edible enough, but kinda pricey.
@Kudbegud said:
They have been on Ebay for days. How? Cheating. Some McD jobs could be at risk if they push the issue. Also theft charges. And receiving stolen property.
Remember the Monopoly game scandal? I seem to remember prison terms for those involved.
6 million have been minted by Osborne Coinage Company. I don't know if your correct about stolen property, but maybe there was some "Inside" hoarding so to price gouge to the max. Like a fool. I just bought one for $10.
Go to ebay and type in "Happy Meal sets". Look at the different sellers who've sold hundreds of sets. Think they all came out of Happy Meals?
My guess is boxes of these things are being sold (or just taken) out the back door.
$10 was a little high, considering the promotion is still going on...
Couldn't find any under On ebay under "Happy Meal Sets". I did find some sellers selling over a hundred at around $14 apiece. They all had only a few other items for sale. Probably franchise owners, Lol
Look at your post. You were questioning Kudbegud about stolen property from McD's.
I was merely pointing out that it happens ALL THE TIME!
I have all five. Got one yesterday and for some reason wanted to complete the set. So as others have done, I found a helpful manager who looked through them for me. He said that, until I told him, he was unaware of the different dates.
Dunno what states you guys live in but in S. Ca. we have 2 Mickey D's near us. The 1st one I called (yesterday) said only 1 medal per Mac and that they only had 20 left. That was about 3 PM. Second one I called and drove over to would only give me 1 medal "per order". She also said that they were only available for that one day. There seems to be a lot of misinformation and different store policies out there?
I never thought that growing old would happen so fast. - Jim
Seems like almost every store is setting their own rules. One per Big Mac, one per transaction, only today, "no I won't look for a date for you", "sure, I'll look for a date for you".
I only need the 1998 - 2008 for a full set. Posted in BST. Anybody here willing to help?
@thisnamztaken said:
She also said that they were only available for that one day. There seems to be a lot of misinformation and different store policies out there?
Thx to the OPs on the two Big Mac coin threads. I have seen no advertising for these, even in the restaurants, so I never would have known otherwise.
I got one last night and the other four tonight (my last two I got in one purchase). At a couple places they let me dig through their stash to find what I needed.
Now what.... leave in the wrapper and hope the plastic and paper don't attack them?
I am surprised how many have sold for $12 on eBay - what do Big Macs cost in big cities or airports?
One for each Big Mac. My wife and I stopped today and we got one from the 70s and one from the 80s.
At my McD they only give 1 per transaction. Grrrr
So I went through the drive-thru for one. Pulled around and parked. Went inside and got a second one. A little hassle from what others are reporting.
Got 1988 - 1998 and 2008 - 2018. I'll do the same tomorrow. I hope to survive to get the last one on Saturday. Then I will be off Big Macs which I never order otherwise.
HaHa I walked in people where leavening them on the tray some tossing them in the trash my wife was with me so I could not dumpster dive. I ask if I can buy more they said yes just need to buy a big Mack and they will give me a coin per I just bought 2 and gave $5.00 ea for 2 more to some others that where going to toss them in the trash. But no sign at McDonalds telling any one what it is crazy.
Hoard the keys.
I prefer to call it a "Big Mac Token."
I'm sure you can get one that's at least sticky.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
I went to a different McDonald’s at dinner time to attempt to get the other four. Luckily the manager was cool and let me buy four Big Macs on the same ticket and hand pick the four I needed!
I did that and was going to eat two of them and take the other two home. I figured they would go to waste but wanted the coins.
As I was ordering, a homeless man was standing nearby and I asked if he wanted a free Big Mac. His face lit up and he said yes!
I ended up giving him the other two which he gladly took. It was money well spent. I couldn’t be happier with how that went!
I have the set now and got to help someone in need!
My YouTube Channel
Well done.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Wrap it in a Taco Bell napkin.
I got one. Now have to decide if I crack it open or keep it in OGP (original greasy packaging).
Is the plastic bag archival? Will the paper insert tarnish the token?
I'm was wondering that myself.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Big Macs give me the back door trots . . . Must be the "special sauce"!
1947-P & D; 1948-D; 1949-P & S; 1950-D & S; and 1952-S.
Any help locating any of these OBW rolls would be gratefully appreciated!
I Never bought a Big Mac until today.
For the sake of my digestive system I had to get creative and toss the top patty and the middle bun
I should be back to normal by the weekend
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
First rule of Big Mac club........don't talk about Big Mac Cub
Second rule of Big Mac Club...... never get it with Mac sauce, you will regret it.
i may have missed it, what are they made out of? someone on another thread said , plastic?
...one could make an argument that CA minimum wage has gone to high when the grunts won’t take a quick $20 for an extra Big Mac token...20 years ago, no way that got turned down...so I bought 2 burgers, one for me and one for the birds on Rosecrans at 50mph
P.S. the sandwich artist at the drive through window reassured me that “all coins are the same sir!”...it wasn’t until I got home that I realized I have 2 different tokens! LOL
Actually @3keepSECRETif2rDEAD there are 5 different. You'll just have to go back for more bird feed.
So I now have 1978-2018, with an extra 2008-2018, and a friend that may not talk to me again after taking her out to dinner and serving up a Big Mac. (I've used her as a surrogate to get around an HHL before, so it's not like she oblivious to my affliction...
Still need the '68-'78, hopefully my local restaurants will still have the coins tokens today. (Or if someone has a '68-'78 and needs an '08-'18, pm me...
You know, if these were baseball cards, I'd have gotten three of one and two of another, so getting four of the five (in five tries) is pretty good for me!
BTW, has anyone seen anything about the coins in the restaurants themselves? Admittedly, I've only been inside two, but it's like this promotion is some sort of in-the-know secret. Did McD's just let the media know and not do promotional signage because they knew it would be a short promotion?
Go to ebay and type in "Happy Meal sets". Look at the different sellers who've sold hundreds of sets. Think they all came out of Happy Meals?
My guess is boxes of these things are being sold (or just taken) out the back door.
$10 was a little high, considering the promotion is still going on...
That's hard to say.
I bought a Big Mac and a small fries at three different locations, and got charged three different amounts. All between $7 and $7.40 (I think). I know one is a corporate store, and I'll bet the other two were different franchise owners. But these stores were within two to three miles of one another, so the difference in pricing was surprising.
Is the token on eBay specified by year? It might be worth $12 to get the coin I need than play the Big Mac russian roulette where there's only a 20% chance you'll get the coin token you need...
I am surprised this promotional token is getting such attention. I have never had a Big Mac, so probably will not get one now. I guess I could hang around inside the store and watch for people to throw them away....
Nah.... really not interested, but found some of the posts here quite humorous. Cheers, RickO
"This is really getting interesting with 5 varieties being offered. I'd like like a PR70 MAC!"
Did you say "varieties" @Elemint ?
This could get interesting.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
White Castle .Slide right in and slide right out. No digestion required.
Well the stores I have been in would let me choose (which is very cool of them)
I talked to a manager today in the Old Fort, NC location and he told me that every store got a single box with 225 coins in it. All randomly mixed in.
He said a lot of stores sold out yesterday (which is easy to believe) However this location had a little over half the box left so they are giving them out until they are gone. I got another one today.
My YouTube Channel
Went back for a second today, and got the same date. Asked the manager if I could trade it for another, and she basically told me no. Boo. I saw NGC is grading these already... they had a picture on instagram!
@jwitten I hate that, the two locations I visited were very cooperative with trading for others. I'd try a better location.
My YouTube Channel
Took me two locations last night to get one - the first could not accept credit cards for some reason so I went to 2nd one, She was nice as could be - did not even occur to me to get more than one. She said she had only given out 2 or 3 (not sure when her shift started). I am sure she would have accommodated me.
On the way home tonight I will try one or two other places that I suspect might be quiet so I can see if I can get 4 at once and also pick my coins. My first coin was the last decade. The thought of a Big Mac two nights in a row makes me ill, though.
@JBK I am Big Mac'd out! LOL

My YouTube Channel
@JBK Definitely ask in advance before you order 4 if you can get them all at once!
My YouTube Channel
I received a 1978-88 token at lunch hour Friday. Total for one Big Mac was $4.59 and 40 cents tax, grand total $4.99. Edible yes, just a lot of bread nowadays and not so much beef. Todays' Big Mac did have more shredded lettuce than average.
The McD's near me seem to slather that special sauce on pretty liberally. I could go for a little less op it. When I am done eating my hand looks like I delivered a baby cow bare handed.
(Not sure what that actually looks like but I can only imagine,)
If I can buy four, I was seriously thinking of paying but refusing to take delivery of three of them.
Went to my local McDonald’s and they were more than happy to give me all five tokens as long as I bought 5 Big Macs, I got a large fry and coke for myself and dropped the 5 Big Macs off at the fire station on my way home, wasn’t sure the firefighters would want them but they acted like it was Christmas so hopefully they enjoyed them.
I may regret this but if someone REALLY wants a full set DM me with an offer and I’ll go back to my local location and get another set as long as they still have them.
Honestly, if you can't eat the food, the brass tokens aren't worth approximately five dollars each. I myself find the McFood edible enough, but kinda pricey.
Look at your post. You were questioning Kudbegud about stolen property from McD's.
I was merely pointing out that it happens ALL THE TIME!
OMG! Done!
6 visits, got all 5 different tokens, plus an extra '08-'18.
I feel like I should go and play the lottery. Or send in my silver RP sets to be graded. Which might be the same thing.
NGC will grade these for those interested.
I have all five. Got one yesterday and for some reason wanted to complete the set. So as others have done, I found a helpful manager who looked through them for me. He said that, until I told him, he was unaware of the different dates.
Dunno what states you guys live in but in S. Ca. we have 2 Mickey D's near us. The 1st one I called (yesterday) said only 1 medal per Mac and that they only had 20 left. That was about 3 PM. Second one I called and drove over to would only give me 1 medal "per order". She also said that they were only available for that one day. There seems to be a lot of misinformation and different store policies out there?
- Jim
Seems like almost every store is setting their own rules. One per Big Mac, one per transaction, only today, "no I won't look for a date for you", "sure, I'll look for a date for you".
I only need the 1998 - 2008 for a full set. Posted in BST. Anybody here willing to help?
I heard the same line from my McD's last night.
I scored TWO with one meal. LOL. They handed me one at the window but I found one in the bottom of the bag after I drove away!
Five complete sets have already sold for more than my 1909 VDB MS66 RD Wheat Cent
What's that thing on the floor that looks like a little dead person made of paper?
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Thx to the OPs on the two Big Mac coin threads. I have seen no advertising for these, even in the restaurants, so I never would have known otherwise.
I got one last night and the other four tonight (my last two I got in one purchase). At a couple places they let me dig through their stash to find what I needed.
Now what.... leave in the wrapper and hope the plastic and paper don't attack them?
Anyone know, (guesses), what happens to the, redeemed coins for a Big Mac, that go back to the McDonald's restaurants?