The pardon is for tyrants. They like to declare pardons on holidays, such as the birthday of the dictator, or Christ, or the Revolution. Dictators should be encouraged to keep it up. And we should be encouraged to remember that the promiscuous dispensation of clemency is not a sign of political liberality. It is instead one of those valuable, identifying marks of tyranny.
Charles Krauthammer
This is the first Early Dated coin from Medieval Europe with an
Anno Domini date that is collectible. Coins prior to this date are in museums
or no longer exist. From the city of Aachen, the Jungheit mint.
Todd from BluCC took the image.
Can you see the coin I just posted? Just wondering.
I don’t think my posts are logging in but I can see my posts. Is the world over as we know it? Am I in coin heaven?
If someone can confirm cause right now everyone might be gone and only I am left in this world or maybe another dimension.
A lot of very nice coins here.
Hoard the keys.
Latin American Collection
My current "Box of 20"
I purchased this Peso off the TrueView only. It's amazing in hand.
Nice Canadian (gray-side) coins Kyle!
Love the off center:
And the centennial goose!
Latin American Collection
8 Reales Madness Collection
My YouTube Channel
Man, do those Brits have smoe nice designs!
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
How about from Byzantium? This one features the emperor Heraclius (610-641):
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
@jt88 - I was interested in that coin in the recent SB auction - how does it look in hand?
Wasn't sure what I'd posted earlier, so had to review this whole thread. Great, great coins.
My current "Box of 20"
In the mail currently
IRAQ Faisal I 1932/AH 1350 Riyal (200 Fils)
The pardon is for tyrants. They like to declare pardons on holidays, such as the birthday of the dictator, or Christ, or the Revolution. Dictators should be encouraged to keep it up. And we should be encouraged to remember that the promiscuous dispensation of clemency is not a sign of political liberality. It is instead one of those valuable, identifying marks of tyranny.
Charles Krauthammer
I love looking for those constellations in our clear dark sky
(I'll take the pix of mine later today)
Ryal of Mary Queen of Scots
8 Reales Madness Collection
This is the first Early Dated coin from Medieval Europe with an
Anno Domini date that is collectible. Coins prior to this date are in museums
or no longer exist. From the city of Aachen, the Jungheit mint.
Todd from BluCC took the image.
The first dated gold coin. From the Riehl mint.
Todd did a great job!!
Here is one
Can you see the coin I just posted? Just wondering.
I don’t think my posts are logging in but I can see my posts. Is the world over as we know it? Am I in coin heaven?
If someone can confirm cause right now everyone might be gone and only I am left in this world or maybe another dimension.
My Yen
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at