@Coinstartled said:
It is no longer a "college" game when revenue is in the billions and coaches are in the ten million dollar range. The player though, well he is supposed to be a loyal dedicated and uncompensated member of the Schlock U family. Sorry, but that bus left when Knute Krockne died.
There would be almost every grade school and high school kid with just a schtickle of athletic talent, especially in the inner cities, instead of focusing on academics, they'd be focusing on sports.
For a kid in grade school and high school, just focusing on academics is fine...focusing on a healthy mix of academics and sports is fine...however just focusing on sports is without question unhealthy, and the inner cities would windup getting devastated even worse than they are now.
So paying the athletes a fair wage would destroy an already destroyed community. Good Grief, Steve, you can do better than that.
As a side note, Adam Silver was gloating about the wonderful benefits of NBA sanctioned wagering. They are digging their tomb with the golden shovel of greed.
...and how the hell I got a "K' on Rockne, I'll never know.
@perkdog said:
I think it’s ignorant to not go to the White House no matter who you are or what your political beliefs are, Its been a harmless tradition for years and all of a sudden it’s becoming more trendy to disrespect the flag and the president of the US? Like him or not he is OUR president. And I feel this about Tom Brady not attending as well. I think these Athletes should move to North Korea, Syria, Iran or even Russia since they hate so much about the United States.
Interesting take. In North Korea they are told when to stand, what to do and what to say. Sounds a lot like what our president wants us to do. “You will stand.” That sounds like something you would hear from leaders of North Korea, Syria, Russia, etc. Just wait until the president throws himself a parade. The funny thing is he’s pushing Nationalism and deep down he doesn’t give a crap. It’s rather impressive that he has some people buying into it. I’ll give him that.
Thank God we live in a country that we can push back against things we don’t feel are right. I give the Bradys, the kneelers, the Steve Kerrs , the Eagles etc all the credit in the world. I have much more respect for them then those that tell me some Americans are more patriotic because they stand for the National anthem.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@Coinstartled said:
So paying the athletes a fair wage would destroy an already destroyed community. Good Grief, Steve, you can do better than that.
As a side note, Adam Silver was gloating about the wonderful benefits of NBA sanctioned wagering. They are digging their tomb with the golden shovel of greed.
...and how the hell I got a "K' on Rockne, I'll never know.
For every Tiger Woods type story about a parent who was obsessed with his kid becoming a pro, and the kid made it, there are countless other stories about kids who didn't make it. They graduate from school or drop out, and they've got no discernible academic skills to offer prospective employers other than manual labor.
If parents and kids knew that they could make good money playing college sports, the obsession would become an epidemic. We've already got enough epidemics in our country. We certainly don't need to create another one.
As an Eagles fan, I don't give a rat's a$$ if they don't go to the White House. That play with Brady on the ground and the big victory parade last February are all this Eagles fan needed to see to warm his heart. The difference between the Eagles and Trump is that one is a champ and one is a chump. Another difference is that the Eagles didn't need Russia to help them win.
@Coinstartled said:
So paying the athletes a fair wage would destroy an already destroyed community. Good Grief, Steve, you can do better than that.
As a side note, Adam Silver was gloating about the wonderful benefits of NBA sanctioned wagering. They are digging their tomb with the golden shovel of greed.
...and how the hell I got a "K' on Rockne, I'll never know.
For every Tiger Woods type story about a parent who was obsessed with his kid becoming a pro, and the kid made it, there are countless other stories about kids who didn't make it. They graduate from school or drop out, and they've got no discernible academic skills to offer prospective employers other than manual labor.
If parents and kids knew that they could make good money playing college sports, the obsession would become an epidemic. We've already got enough epidemics in our country. We certainly don't need to create another one.
When the iron curtain of NCAA collusion is dismantled and the free market decides which college athletes should be paid and how much, I suspect that the windfalls will be fairly narrow. Perhaps 30-50 players will sniff a million bucks a season with maybe 500 earning $100,000. Bunch more will make minor league type $25-50k type salaries. Beyond the top tier, generational money will not be reality. Reality though is that a kid like Alonzo Trier who was the top scorer at Arizona for a season but not good enough for the NBA, could leave school with a solid nest egg. Considering that he played for Sean Miller...he probably did leave with some loot.
How Goodell, who gets paid close to $800k per week, can come up with such a "late to the party" and very, very lame solution is stunning to me. There is zippo difference between taking a knee on the field and staying in the locker room...the boo birds will have a field day over this. I predict attendance and viewership will continue to decline.
I suspect at some point those who pay for the ads being broadcast during games are NOT gonna be too happy as their bang for buck declines as well.
The players, IMO, are shooting themselves in the foot. Their method of protesting, or airing whatever grievance they're trying to resolve is ill founded.
@Coinstartled said:
So paying the athletes a fair wage would destroy an already destroyed community. Good Grief, Steve, you can do better than that.
As a side note, Adam Silver was gloating about the wonderful benefits of NBA sanctioned wagering. They are digging their tomb with the golden shovel of greed.
...and how the hell I got a "K' on Rockne, I'll never know.
For every Tiger Woods type story about a parent who was obsessed with his kid becoming a pro, and the kid made it, there are countless other stories about kids who didn't make it. They graduate from school or drop out, and they've got no discernible academic skills to offer prospective employers other than manual labor.
If parents and kids knew that they could make good money playing college sports, the obsession would become an epidemic. We've already got enough epidemics in our country. We certainly don't need to create another one.
When the iron curtain of NCAA collusion is dismantled and the free market decides which college athletes should be paid and how much, I suspect that the windfalls will be fairly narrow. Perhaps 30-50 players will sniff a million bucks a season with maybe 500 earning $100,000. Bunch more will make minor league type $25-50k type salaries. Beyond the top tier, generational money will not be reality. Reality though is that a kid like Alonzo Trier who was the top scorer at Arizona for a season but not good enough for the NBA, could leave school with a solid nest egg. Considering that he played for Sean Miller...he probably did leave with some loot.
You haven't solved the huge potential problem. Sure Alonzo Trier might benefit, but countless other high school kids would be lured in to the possibility of being the next Alonzo Trier in college, and again, forego their academic studies while in high school.
Have you priced a college education lately at a major university? It's very expensive. The kids attending college on a scholarship, from any reasonable perspective, are already getting paid big bucks. The cost of the college education and the future money they can earn from having the degree are more than good enough payment for their services, and it benefits our society as well.
@Coinstartled said:
Sorry, but that bus left when Knute Krockne died.
i dunno about padding the pockets of college football players, but whoever shook hands with coin under the table while he was matriculating at the dimeman school of spelling deserves to be reimbursed
@perkdog said:
I think it’s ignorant to not go to the White House no matter who you are or what your political beliefs are, Its been a harmless tradition for years and all of a sudden it’s becoming more trendy to disrespect the flag and the president of the US? Like him or not he is OUR president. And I feel this about Tom Brady not attending as well. I think these Athletes should move to North Korea, Syria, Iran or even Russia since they hate so much about the United States.
Interesting take. In North Korea they are told when to stand, what to do and what to say. Sounds a lot like what our president wants us to do. “You will stand.” That sounds like something you would hear from leaders of North Korea, Syria, Russia, etc. Just wait until the president throws himself a parade. The funny thing is he’s pushing Nationalism and deep down he doesn’t give a crap. It’s rather impressive that he has some people buying into it. I’ll give him that.
Thank God we live in a country that we can push back against things we don’t feel are right. I give the Bradys, the kneelers, the Steve Kerrs , the Eagles etc all the credit in the world. I have much more respect for them then those that tell me some Americans are more patriotic because they stand for the National anthem.
Well stated, Mark.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
The opinion would have merit if the players knew what the hell they were kneeling about. Kappernick (using phonetics now) rattled off a bunch of reasons as to why he refused to stand (Hillary was in the list). Even he had no focus. The concussion damaged rest of the NFL just fell into place.
@Coinstartled said:
The opinion would have merit if the players knew what the hell they were kneeling about. Kappernick (using phonetics now) rattled off a bunch of reasons as to why he refused to stand (Hillary was in the list). Even he had no focus. The concussion damaged rest of the NFL just fell into place.
They do. A lot of people just don’t want to hear or don’t believe their cause is just. It’s crystal clear. Kap’s reasons may have been many. However those that followed couldn’t be clearer. They repeat it time and time again but deaf ears are deaf ears.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Deaf ears no longer turn in to the faltering brand. Let them address their own PED, spousal abuse and misogyny problems and then maybe their preaching will be viable.
see the thing is if I want to protest something why do I care what people on a chat board think , or people that don't buy my jerseys or sneakers think? I wouldn't care if you understood my reasons or just disagreed with them . I'd say buy one of my jerseys for a hundred and burn it dummy, that will teach me a lesson , better yet buy a dozen
@bronco2078 said:
see the thing is if I want to protest something why do I care what people on a chat board think , or people that don't buy my jerseys or sneakers think? I wouldn't care if you understood my reasons or just disagreed with them . I'd say buy one of my jerseys for a hundred and burn it dummy, that will teach me a lesson , better yet buy a dozen
Don't know if Kaep cares or not. Public opinion though has certainly cut into his paycheck. Don't underestimate the power of antisocial media,
@bronco2078 said:
see the thing is if I want to protest something why do I care what people on a chat board think , or people that don't buy my jerseys or sneakers think? I wouldn't care if you understood my reasons or just disagreed with them . I'd say buy one of my jerseys for a hundred and burn it dummy, that will teach me a lesson , better yet buy a dozen
Don't know if Kaep cares or not. Public opinion though has certainly cut into his paycheck. Don't underestimate the power of antisocial media,
Only because the owners are sheep. We see what they are made of , they are terrified the gravy train will fall off the track. Are they business men? No they all inherited their money they didn't earn it , like all of that type they can't stand for anything they just watch their bank accounts and spin around like weather vanes to public opinions.
I'm hissed off because nobody buys my stevek jerseys. I mean i once tackled the QB for a safety in a high school game, threw a two-hitter in Little League, and hit two home runs in one game in a softball league. I mean how many sports stars have done all that?
@perkdog said:
I think it’s ignorant to not go to the White House no matter who you are or what your political beliefs are, Its been a harmless tradition for years and all of a sudden it’s becoming more trendy to disrespect the flag and the president of the US? Like him or not he is OUR president. And I feel this about Tom Brady not attending as well. I think these Athletes should move to North Korea, Syria, Iran or even Russia since they hate so much about the United States.
Interesting take. In North Korea they are told when to stand, what to do and what to say. Sounds a lot like what our president wants us to do. “You will stand.” That sounds like something you would hear from leaders of North Korea, Syria, Russia, etc. Just wait until the president throws himself a parade. The funny thing is he’s pushing Nationalism and deep down he doesn’t give a crap. It’s rather impressive that he has some people buying into it. I’ll give him that.
Thank God we live in a country that we can push back against things we don’t feel are right. I give the Bradys, the kneelers, the Steve Kerrs , the Eagles etc all the credit in the world. I have much more respect for them then those that tell me some Americans are more patriotic because they stand for the National anthem.
Mark I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone stand on both sides of the fence with this topic more than you. I’m not talking about being patriotic or anything like that, honestly I didn’t serve and other than vote and pay taxes I can’t say I do anything “Patriotic” but I do respect the flag , Law Enforcement and the President, you and everyone else that is on the players side of this are flat out agreeing with them that it’s OK to disrespect the Flag, President and Law Enforcement. These ignorant people are hating on the very place that allows them to be ignorant! If you hate the US then get out, disagree, flag, hate on me and do whatever else you want I’m sick and tired of every kneeling person and hearing you and everyone else that says it’s OK.
@perkdog said:
I think it’s ignorant to not go to the White House no matter who you are or what your political beliefs are, Its been a harmless tradition for years and all of a sudden it’s becoming more trendy to disrespect the flag and the president of the US? Like him or not he is OUR president. And I feel this about Tom Brady not attending as well. I think these Athletes should move to North Korea, Syria, Iran or even Russia since they hate so much about the United States.
Interesting take. In North Korea they are told when to stand, what to do and what to say. Sounds a lot like what our president wants us to do. “You will stand.” That sounds like something you would hear from leaders of North Korea, Syria, Russia, etc. Just wait until the president throws himself a parade. The funny thing is he’s pushing Nationalism and deep down he doesn’t give a crap. It’s rather impressive that he has some people buying into it. I’ll give him that.
Thank God we live in a country that we can push back against things we don’t feel are right. I give the Bradys, the kneelers, the Steve Kerrs , the Eagles etc all the credit in the world. I have much more respect for them then those that tell me some Americans are more patriotic because they stand for the National anthem.
Mark I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone stand on both sides of the fence with this topic more than you. I’m not talking about being patriotic or anything like that, honestly I didn’t serve and other than vote and pay taxes I can’t say I do anything “Patriotic” but I do respect the flag , Law Enforcement and the President, you and everyone else that is on the players side of this are flat out agreeing with them that it’s OK to disrespect the Flag, President and Law Enforcement. These ignorant people are hating on the very place that allows them to be ignorant! If you hate the US then get out, disagree, flag, hate on me and do whatever else you want I’m sick and tired of every kneeling person and hearing you and everyone else that says it’s OK.
Perk I've been very clear on my stance. Let me put in out there one more time. You don't have to agree and I don't hate on you at all. I like you and respect your opinion. I just flat out disagree with a lot of it.
I will always stand for the national anthem.
I will always respect those that protest peacefully even if I don't believe in their cause. Including the protesting of the president. Thank God we live in a country that we can.
I respect those in law enforcement A LOT. I disrespect those in law enforcement that abuse their power. I don't think anyone would disagree with that.
No one is saying they hate the US period. No one. Name an athlete or kneeler who said that. Sorry you can't equate hating the US because someone disagrees with your opinion.
For the record Im sick and tired of hearing " You must stand" or " you should do this". That makes my flesh crawl.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
""I respect those in law enforcement A LOT. I disrespect those in law enforcement that abuse their power. I don't think anyone would disagree with that.""
If that is the kneelers gripe du jour, they would like it in my town where the PD is understaffed by 30%. Important calls take 2 hours and one cop told me that they could not respond to a reported rape for 24 hours.
Combination of reasons but one is the lefties have handed over the local tax base to the fortune 500, other is, cops are tired of being bashed and told to give special treatment to illegal aliens in this de facto sanctuary city.
@Coinstartled said:
""I respect those in law enforcement A LOT. I disrespect those in law enforcement that abuse their power. I don't think anyone would disagree with that.""
If that is the kneelers gripe du jour, they would like it in my town where the PD is understaffed by 30%. Important calls take 2 hours and one cop told me that they could not respond to a reported rape for 24 hours.
Combination of reasons but one is the lefties have handed over the local tax base to the fortune 500, other is, cops are tired of being bashed and told to give special treatment to illegal aliens in this de facto sanctuary city.
to be fair , if you voluntarily live in arizona your judgement is suspect. Unless you are in flagstaff of course
@Coinstartled said:
As of the last ten years, that is true.
what? that you live in flagstaff? Fun fact I once put out a forest fire at sunset crater . It took me 4 hours , then I walked down to the ranger station and they said we left that burning on purpose you idiot
President Trump has played a hand right back at the “Kneelers” and has asked them to start finding out WHO has been unjustly punished by LE and he will form a committee to review said cases and possibly commute some of these sentences. Let’s see how many of these guys actually back up what they are doing and put some leg work in and take the president up on his offer. Maybe this is a step in the right direction, if anything I think it is starting to promote more awareness? Btw The big topic I hear about often is “Non Violent” sentences which is great until you talk to the parent of a young kid who died from an overdose because he obtained some junk from a “Non Violent” drug dealer ofcourse.
@perkdog said:
President Trump has played a hand right back at the “Kneelers” and has asked them to start finding out WHO has been unjustly punished by LE and he will form a committee to review said cases and possibly commute some of these sentences. Let’s see how many of these guys actually back up what they are doing and put some leg work in and take the president up on his offer. Maybe this is a step in the right direction, if anything I think it is starting to promote more awareness? Btw The big topic I hear about often is “Non Violent” sentences which is great until you talk to the parent of a young kid who died from an overdose because he obtained some junk from a “Non Violent” drug dealer ofcourse.
When i was around 20 years old, i was dating this girl, nice girl, but she had one peculiar thing she liked to do...no not that...she enjoyed visiting prisoners at a local county prison about once a month and speaking with them to cheer them up so to speak.
She asked me if I wanted to go with her one time, so "of course" I said yes I'd love to go. LOL
Anyway, so we drive to the prison along with a small group of other assorted do-gooders, and we went inside the prison and began chatting with the inmates. To make a long story short, every single one of them who I chatted with explained to me in boring detail why they were innocent. I went there figuring we could talk some sports or whatever, but every one of them who I chatted with went into a diatribe about how they were unjustly arrested and imprisoned. I guess they thought talking to me, maybe I had some pull on the outside, and could put in a good word for them somehow, even though I gave them no hint whatsoever that i could do that. I guess they had nothing better to do than try.
I had been involved in sales, and you get to know when people are lying to you or not. These prisoners were all lying about their innocense and it was obvious. Of course I wasn't about to tell them that. LOL
Well...the moral of the story is don't be fooled by convicts concerning their self-called innocense. Capische?
SteveK, I think after 20 years of service in a Massachusetts State Prison I’m more than qualified to understand Lies and fake innocence surrounding convicts.
@perkdog said:
SteveK, I think after 20 years of service in a Massachusetts State Prison I’m more than qualified to understand Lies and fake innocence surrounding convicts.
Paul - I recall seeing on TV the "witnesses" being interviewed who say they saw the "hands up don't shoot" happen with Michael Brown. It was so blatantly obvious that they were all lying, and of course it was adjudicated in court that Michael Brown when shot could not possibly have been in that "hands up" position.
I'm astonished sometimes how some people out there simply take the word of someone, especially a convict, that they are telling the truth. I'm sure that I don't have close to the knowledge that you have about our criminal justice system, however I think i know enough to know that in this country there are many safeguards in place to prevent erroneous prosecutions, particularly with violent crime.
Anyone with a clear open mind could easily see that the narrative from Colin Kaepernick is a false one. It shouldn't even be debatable based on the facts. But sadly there are those out there who for whatever reason like to believe in something, even when the facts point out that it simply is not true.
One of the most extreme examples out there is those who deny the Holocaust ever happened...despite pictures, film, incontrovertible evidence, and numerous witnesses who were fortunate enough to survive in those horrific concentration camps. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if some of those NFL kneelers who believe the "hands up don't shoot" false fable, are also ignorant enough to believe that the Holocaust never happened.
Steve, I have said it numerous times and I will continue saying that in the majority of these police excessive force cases had the victim simply complied, the use of force continuum would have been followed rather than going from verbal directly to gun. That is the part that amazes me most that people don’t seem to grasp. Don’t get me wrong there are many cases of Cops simply not using proper force, Just recently this idiot police officer and his partner resorted to punches to the head to a young 110 lib girl on the beach while trying to wrestle her in handcuffs- the crime you ask? Open container of alcohol. Ofcourse it was two white cops on a white girl so nobody cared really but still it shows that a lot of cases the supposed victim would not be a victim if they complied and didn’t resist police.
@perkdog said:
Steve, I have said it numerous times and I will continue saying that in the majority of these police excessive force cases had the victim simply complied, the use of force continuum would have been followed rather than going from verbal directly to gun. That is the part that amazes me most that people don’t seem to grasp. Don’t get me wrong there are many cases of Cops simply not using proper force, Just recently this idiot police officer and his partner resorted to punches to the head to a young 110 lib girl on the beach while trying to wrestle her in handcuffs- the crime you ask? Open container of alcohol. Ofcourse it was two white cops on a white girl so nobody cared really but still it shows that a lot of cases the supposed victim would not be a victim if they complied and didn’t resist police.
But i still think your overall premise in the post is absolutely right.
I would imagine the girl very likely mouthed off to the cops, probably used profanity such as the F word at them, and so that was the result. The bottom line is that the police have to be very careful...i mean the girl mouths off, may have a little .25 popper in her purse, and could pull it out and start shooting - the cops have to handcuff someone like that as a preventative measure, there really is no other choice.
I think probably most of us in the US have watched that TV show called Cops. I'm not sure if it's still on or not, but to see the hassles that the police go thru each day, in my view it's remarkable that more police problems don't occur.
The police do an amazing job virtually all of the time under very tough circumstances, and it angers me that dopes such as Colin Kaepernick and the kneelers, to my knowledge never acknowledge that fact.
The US justice system is one where there are a substantial number of safeguards present (by design) that provide the persons charged with a crime with procedural due process (notice of the charges made against him/her and an opportunity to be heard) and substantive due process (the right to counsel, the right against self incrimination, the right against unwarranted searches and seizures, the right to a speedy trial, the right to a jury trial, the right to confront your accusers and cross examine them, Miranda rights, the right to having charges formally made within a short time after arrest, the right to a preliminary hearing, the right to seek bail, etc.).
I would suspect that for every 100 or 1,000 persons found guilty of a crime (by plea bargain, or by a guilty verdict after a trial) the vast majority of them are truly guilty. Most of the time the prosecuting authorities who bring criminal charges and the police who investigate crimes do not go to the time and expense of filing criminal charges unless they have plenty of evidence to support and prove the charges.
However, one can question whether the law makers who decide what is and what is not a crime (i.e. possession of weed, drinking booze) are justified in doing so. If society changes and as a result law makers decide to decriminalize something (i.e. prohibition was passed and later was repealed), the convictions of persons who violated the now repealed law should be vacated, or they should be pardoned.
@SanctionII said:
The US justice system is one where there are a substantial number of safeguards present (by design) that provide the persons charged with a crime with procedural due process (notice of the charges made against him/her and an opportunity to be heard) and substantive due process (the right to counsel, the right against self incrimination, the right against unwarranted searches and seizures, the right to a speedy trial, the right to a jury trial, the right to confront your accusers and cross examine them, Miranda rights, the right to having charges formally made within a short time after arrest, the right to a preliminary hearing, the right to seek bail, etc.).
I would suspect that for every 100 or 1,000 persons found guilty of a crime (by plea bargain, or by a guilty verdict after a trial) the vast majority of them are truly guilty. Most of the time the prosecuting authorities who bring criminal charges and the police who investigate crimes do not go to the time and expense of filing criminal charges unless they have plenty of evidence to support and prove the charges.
However, one can question whether the law makers who decide what is and what is not a crime (i.e. possession of weed, drinking booze) are justified in doing so. If society changes and as a result law makers decide to decriminalize something (i.e. prohibition was passed and later was repealed), the convictions of persons who violated the now repealed law should be vacated, or they should be pardoned.
It's "interesting" that the Kaepernick fans out there always seem to ignore the fact that most if not virtually all of these "infamous" cases of police brutality involve a perpetrator with a long rap sheep and a long history of causing trouble with the police.
For example Michael Brown
… According to Casenet, this unarmed teenager (Michael Brown) was already charged with:
Description: Burglary 1st Degree [Felony B RSMo: 569.160]
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1401000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Armed Criminal Action [Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015]
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Assault 1st Degree Serious Physical Injury [Felony A RSMo:
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1301100
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Armed Criminal Action [Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015]
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST. ANN PD
So, back to my comments...if Michael Brown would have lived, the cases added to this list would have likely been theft, assault, and attempted murder of a police officer.
Why doesn't Kaepernick or the kneelers ever mention these facts?
@perkdog said:
Steve, I have said it numerous times and I will continue saying that in the majority of these police excessive force cases had the victim simply complied, the use of force continuum would have been followed rather than going from verbal directly to gun. That is the part that amazes me most that people don’t seem to grasp. Don’t get me wrong there are many cases of Cops simply not using proper force, Just recently this idiot police officer and his partner resorted to punches to the head to a young 110 lib girl on the beach while trying to wrestle her in handcuffs- the crime you ask? Open container of alcohol. Ofcourse it was two white cops on a white girl so nobody cared really but still it shows that a lot of cases the supposed victim would not be a victim if they complied and didn’t resist police.
But i still think your overall premise in the post is absolutely right.
I would imagine the girl very likely mouthed off to the cops, probably used profanity such as the F word at them, and so that was the result. The bottom line is that the police have to be very careful...i mean the girl mouths off, may have a little .25 popper in her purse, and could pull it out and start shooting - the cops have to handcuff someone like that as a preventative measure, there really is no other choice.
I think probably most of us in the US have watched that TV show called Cops. I'm not sure if it's still on or not, but to see the hassles that the police go thru each day, in my view it's remarkable that more police problems don't occur.
The police do an amazing job virtually all of the time under very tough circumstances, and it angers me that dopes such as Colin Kaepernick and the kneelers, to my knowledge never acknowledge that fact.
There is tape of the incident , he is hassling her for no reason and yes he sounds like a typical douchebag of the type that the job draws like a magnet .
Put a body camera on every one of them that they can't turn off. If they shoot someone put them in jail. Zero tolerance .
@perkdog said:
Steve, I have said it numerous times and I will continue saying that in the majority of these police excessive force cases had the victim simply complied, the use of force continuum would have been followed rather than going from verbal directly to gun. That is the part that amazes me most that people don’t seem to grasp. Don’t get me wrong there are many cases of Cops simply not using proper force, Just recently this idiot police officer and his partner resorted to punches to the head to a young 110 lib girl on the beach while trying to wrestle her in handcuffs- the crime you ask? Open container of alcohol. Ofcourse it was two white cops on a white girl so nobody cared really but still it shows that a lot of cases the supposed victim would not be a victim if they complied and didn’t resist police.
But i still think your overall premise in the post is absolutely right.
I would imagine the girl very likely mouthed off to the cops, probably used profanity such as the F word at them, and so that was the result. The bottom line is that the police have to be very careful...i mean the girl mouths off, may have a little .25 popper in her purse, and could pull it out and start shooting - the cops have to handcuff someone like that as a preventative measure, there really is no other choice.
I think probably most of us in the US have watched that TV show called Cops. I'm not sure if it's still on or not, but to see the hassles that the police go thru each day, in my view it's remarkable that more police problems don't occur.
The police do an amazing job virtually all of the time under very tough circumstances, and it angers me that dopes such as Colin Kaepernick and the kneelers, to my knowledge never acknowledge that fact.
There is tape of the incident , he is hassling her for no reason and yes he sounds like a typical douchebag of the type that the job draws like a magnet .
Put a body camera on every one of them that they can't turn off. If they shoot someone put them in jail. Zero tolerance .
I didn't see the tape or hear about this incident.
Then the cop should he placed on leave without pay, given a fair hearing, and if found guilty immediately dismissed from the police force. I've got no leeway whatsoever with any cops who won't uphold the law and think that they are little Caesars out there.
So the conclusion that Steve jumped to was wrong? Shocking.
“I would imagine the girl very likely mouthed off to the cops, probably used profanity such as the F word at them, and so that was the result”
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Let's take a moment and just re-think the larger issue... before I am unable to write this.
Our flag is a symbol of values...including our democratic experience and human rights that we, as Americans, value and are prepared to fight for. Our democratic experience and the basic concept that all men are created equal has meaning beyond its existence on paper. Our rights as Americans, are far more significant than a symbol... And it is our rights that make the symbol...the symbol that it needs to be in order to recognized as the envy of the world which it is... So our principles and values must resonate among all people and there is simply no substitute unless and until that is reality. So my point is simple... Let's allow our values to ring clear so there is no doubt our symbol is, at a minimum, consistent with our values.
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
There are police, prosecutors, defense lawyers and judges that do dishonor to their professions. They should lose their jobs. However, most of them are honorable and a credit to their professions.
BTW - I've been to the Jersey shore hundreds of times. One of the first things you learn there from anyone in the Delaware Valley area is that no alcohol is allowed on the beach. It's basically common knowledge. This lady should have known better.
Frankly, if she would have just cooperated with the police, and not shouted the F word at them numerous times, and it was reported that she first kicked a police officer...that without a doubt the police officers wouldn't have done what they did and perhaps either let her go with a friendly warning or maybe a small fine at the most.
The shore police, especially during the summer, are there to ensure that everyone has a good time. In general, they are one of the most tolerant police officers around in that capacity. However if someone is looking for trouble like this lady in the video, then they will give it to them.
The woman in that video was completely uncooperative and totally out of line. Spitting at a police officer is an assault.
I agree it could have been handled better and that the cop let his temper get the better of him to an extent but let's not pretend she was an innocent bystander either. Had she simply been cooperative instead of lying about a non-existent aunt and failing to identify herself, he'd have likely written her a summons and been on his way.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
There are so many things I could point out in that video. One thing, I bet that girl had been arrrsted before or probably been locked up at some point- key words “im getting written up” total jail term, “I’m telling your Captain” another jail term. But either way this is a classic example of being non compliant with police totally escalating the incident, obviously the two cops were complete morons and incompetent for not using basic techniques to wrap her up and one of them punching her in the head which is absolutely wrong. Moral of the story is be compliant with Police and on the other hand hold police accountable for going outside the use of force continuum. I think that officer should be given a final warning on using excessive force, he should also be taken off Patrol immediately and retrained and re qualified in defensive tactics before he is allowed back on patrol.
So the conclusion that Steve jumped to was wrong? Shocking.
“I would imagine the girl very likely mouthed off to the cops, probably used profanity such as the F word at them, and so that was the result”
Mark - First of all, I made an assertion, not a conclusion. You really need to make better use of the English language.
And secondly, you couldn't have possibly watched the video, because my assertion was absolutely right...and it wasn't at all a tough call - LOL
Steve you made the assertion and came to a conclusion without ever seeing the video. An F bomb did not start this. Was she a total brat? Heck yes. Did she deserve to be man handled and punched? Heck no. It should not have ever came to that. The cops handled this so poorly. I agree with Perk about the cops being complete morons.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
So the conclusion that Steve jumped to was wrong? Shocking.
“I would imagine the girl very likely mouthed off to the cops, probably used profanity such as the F word at them, and so that was the result”
Mark - First of all, I made an assertion, not a conclusion. You really need to make better use of the English language.
And secondly, you couldn't have possibly watched the video, because my assertion was absolutely right...and it wasn't at all a tough call - LOL
Steve you made the assertion and came to a conclusion without ever seeing the video. An F bomb did not start this. Was she a total brat? Heck yes. Did she deserve to be man handled and punched? The cops handled this so poorly. I agree with Perk about the cops being complete morons.
<<< Steve you made the assertion and came to a conclusion without ever seeing the video. An F bomb did not start this. >>>
Okay Mark - LOL
Whatever is your calling, you perhaps should have considered being a criminal defense attorney with your line of reasoning. You'd have made a good one.
You'd have the jury so confused, that they'd have no choice but to find your client innocent.
So the conclusion that Steve jumped to was wrong? Shocking.
“I would imagine the girl very likely mouthed off to the cops, probably used profanity such as the F word at them, and so that was the result”
Mark - First of all, I made an assertion, not a conclusion. You really need to make better use of the English language.
And secondly, you couldn't have possibly watched the video, because my assertion was absolutely right...and it wasn't at all a tough call - LOL
Steve you made the assertion and came to a conclusion without ever seeing the video. An F bomb did not start this. Was she a total brat? Heck yes. Did she deserve to be man handled and punched? The cops handled this so poorly. I agree with Perk about the cops being complete morons.
<<< Steve you made the assertion and came to a conclusion without ever seeing the video. An F bomb did not start this. >>>
Okay Mark - LOL
Whatever is your calling, you perhaps should have considered being a criminal defense attorney with your line of reasoning. You'd have made a good one.
You'd have the jury so confused, that they'd have no choice but to find your client innocent.
And you would be a dream juror for the prosecution. All cops are just swell. So what part of what I wrote confused you? I’ll be happy to break it down for you.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
So the conclusion that Steve jumped to was wrong? Shocking.
“I would imagine the girl very likely mouthed off to the cops, probably used profanity such as the F word at them, and so that was the result”
Mark - First of all, I made an assertion, not a conclusion. You really need to make better use of the English language.
And secondly, you couldn't have possibly watched the video, because my assertion was absolutely right...and it wasn't at all a tough call - LOL
Steve you made the assertion and came to a conclusion without ever seeing the video. An F bomb did not start this. Was she a total brat? Heck yes. Did she deserve to be man handled and punched? The cops handled this so poorly. I agree with Perk about the cops being complete morons.
<<< Steve you made the assertion and came to a conclusion without ever seeing the video. An F bomb did not start this. >>>
Okay Mark - LOL
Whatever is your calling, you perhaps should have considered being a criminal defense attorney with your line of reasoning. You'd have made a good one.
You'd have the jury so confused, that they'd have no choice but to find your client innocent.
And you would be a dream juror for the prosecution. All cops are just swell. So what part of what I wrote confused you? I’ll be happy to break it down for you.
There would be almost every grade school and high school kid with just a schtickle of athletic talent, especially in the inner cities, instead of focusing on academics, they'd be focusing on sports.
For a kid in grade school and high school, just focusing on academics is fine...focusing on a healthy mix of academics and sports is fine...however just focusing on sports is without question unhealthy, and the inner cities would windup getting devastated even worse than they are now.
So paying the athletes a fair wage would destroy an already destroyed community. Good Grief, Steve, you can do better than that.
As a side note, Adam Silver was gloating about the wonderful benefits of NBA sanctioned wagering. They are digging their tomb with the golden shovel of greed.
...and how the hell I got a "K' on Rockne, I'll never know.
Interesting take. In North Korea they are told when to stand, what to do and what to say. Sounds a lot like what our president wants us to do. “You will stand.” That sounds like something you would hear from leaders of North Korea, Syria, Russia, etc. Just wait until the president throws himself a parade. The funny thing is he’s pushing Nationalism and deep down he doesn’t give a crap. It’s rather impressive that he has some people buying into it. I’ll give him that.
Thank God we live in a country that we can push back against things we don’t feel are right. I give the Bradys, the kneelers, the Steve Kerrs , the Eagles etc all the credit in the world. I have much more respect for them then those that tell me some Americans are more patriotic because they stand for the National anthem.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
For every Tiger Woods type story about a parent who was obsessed with his kid becoming a pro, and the kid made it, there are countless other stories about kids who didn't make it. They graduate from school or drop out, and they've got no discernible academic skills to offer prospective employers other than manual labor.
If parents and kids knew that they could make good money playing college sports, the obsession would become an epidemic. We've already got enough epidemics in our country. We certainly don't need to create another one.
" I think these Athletes should move to North Korea, Syria, Iran or even Russia since they hate so much about the United States."
Not wanting to visit President Trump does not equate to hating the United States.
....AND,...I really miss the perkies!!
As an Eagles fan, I don't give a rat's a$$ if they don't go to the White House. That play with Brady on the ground and the big victory parade last February are all this Eagles fan needed to see to warm his heart. The difference between the Eagles and Trump is that one is a champ and one is a chump. Another difference is that the Eagles didn't need Russia to help them win.
When the iron curtain of NCAA collusion is dismantled and the free market decides which college athletes should be paid and how much, I suspect that the windfalls will be fairly narrow. Perhaps 30-50 players will sniff a million bucks a season with maybe 500 earning $100,000. Bunch more will make minor league type $25-50k type salaries. Beyond the top tier, generational money will not be reality. Reality though is that a kid like Alonzo Trier who was the top scorer at Arizona for a season but not good enough for the NBA, could leave school with a solid nest egg. Considering that he played for Sean Miller...he probably did leave with some loot.
Sports & Politics = Total disaster. Dear Millionaires stick to Children causes and local support.
Really turned off by all of it.
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
I'm in the Perkdog, stevek and DIMEMAN camp.
How Goodell, who gets paid close to $800k per week, can come up with such a "late to the party" and very, very lame solution is stunning to me. There is zippo difference between taking a knee on the field and staying in the locker room...the boo birds will have a field day over this. I predict attendance and viewership will continue to decline.
I suspect at some point those who pay for the ads being broadcast during games are NOT gonna be too happy as their bang for buck declines as well.
The players, IMO, are shooting themselves in the foot. Their method of protesting, or airing whatever grievance they're trying to resolve is ill founded.
You haven't solved the huge potential problem. Sure Alonzo Trier might benefit, but countless other high school kids would be lured in to the possibility of being the next Alonzo Trier in college, and again, forego their academic studies while in high school.
Have you priced a college education lately at a major university? It's very expensive. The kids attending college on a scholarship, from any reasonable perspective, are already getting paid big bucks. The cost of the college education and the future money they can earn from having the degree are more than good enough payment for their services, and it benefits our society as well.
i dunno about padding the pockets of college football players, but whoever shook hands with coin under the table while he was matriculating at the dimeman school of spelling deserves to be reimbursed
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Well stated, Mark.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
The opinion would have merit if the players knew what the hell they were kneeling about. Kappernick (using phonetics now) rattled off a bunch of reasons as to why he refused to stand (Hillary was in the list). Even he had no focus. The concussion damaged rest of the NFL just fell into place.
They do. A lot of people just don’t want to hear or don’t believe their cause is just. It’s crystal clear. Kap’s reasons may have been many. However those that followed couldn’t be clearer. They repeat it time and time again but deaf ears are deaf ears.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Deaf ears no longer turn in to the faltering brand. Let them address their own PED, spousal abuse and misogyny problems and then maybe their preaching will be viable.
see the thing is if I want to protest something why do I care what people on a chat board think , or people that don't buy my jerseys or sneakers think? I wouldn't care if you understood my reasons or just disagreed with them . I'd say buy one of my jerseys for a hundred and burn it dummy, that will teach me a lesson
, better yet buy a dozen
Don't know if Kaep cares or not. Public opinion though has certainly cut into his paycheck. Don't underestimate the power of antisocial media,
Only because the owners are sheep. We see what they are made of , they are terrified the gravy train will fall off the track. Are they business men? No they all inherited their money they didn't earn it , like all of that type they can't stand for anything they just watch their bank accounts and spin around like weather vanes to public opinions.
I'm hissed off because nobody buys my stevek jerseys. I mean i once tackled the QB for a safety in a high school game, threw a two-hitter in Little League, and hit two home runs in one game in a softball league. I mean how many sports stars have done all that?
I just don't understand it?
Mark I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone stand on both sides of the fence with this topic more than you. I’m not talking about being patriotic or anything like that, honestly I didn’t serve and other than vote and pay taxes I can’t say I do anything “Patriotic” but I do respect the flag , Law Enforcement and the President, you and everyone else that is on the players side of this are flat out agreeing with them that it’s OK to disrespect the Flag, President and Law Enforcement. These ignorant people are hating on the very place that allows them to be ignorant! If you hate the US then get out, disagree, flag, hate on me and do whatever else you want I’m sick and tired of every kneeling person and hearing you and everyone else that says it’s OK.
Perk I've been very clear on my stance. Let me put in out there one more time. You don't have to agree and I don't hate on you at all. I like you and respect your opinion. I just flat out disagree with a lot of it.
I will always stand for the national anthem.
I will always respect those that protest peacefully even if I don't believe in their cause. Including the protesting of the president. Thank God we live in a country that we can.
I respect those in law enforcement A LOT. I disrespect those in law enforcement that abuse their power. I don't think anyone would disagree with that.
No one is saying they hate the US period. No one. Name an athlete or kneeler who said that. Sorry you can't equate hating the US because someone disagrees with your opinion.
For the record Im sick and tired of hearing " You must stand" or " you should do this". That makes my flesh crawl.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
""I respect those in law enforcement A LOT. I disrespect those in law enforcement that abuse their power. I don't think anyone would disagree with that.""
If that is the kneelers gripe du jour, they would like it in my town where the PD is understaffed by 30%. Important calls take 2 hours and one cop told me that they could not respond to a reported rape for 24 hours.
Combination of reasons but one is the lefties have handed over the local tax base to the fortune 500, other is, cops are tired of being bashed and told to give special treatment to illegal aliens in this de facto sanctuary city.
to be fair , if you voluntarily live in arizona your judgement is suspect. Unless you are in flagstaff of course
As of the last ten years, that is true.
what? that you live in flagstaff? Fun fact I once put out a forest fire at sunset crater . It took me 4 hours , then I walked down to the ranger station and they said we left that burning on purpose you idiot
President Trump has played a hand right back at the “Kneelers” and has asked them to start finding out WHO has been unjustly punished by LE and he will form a committee to review said cases and possibly commute some of these sentences. Let’s see how many of these guys actually back up what they are doing and put some leg work in and take the president up on his offer. Maybe this is a step in the right direction, if anything I think it is starting to promote more awareness? Btw The big topic I hear about often is “Non Violent” sentences which is great until you talk to the parent of a young kid who died from an overdose because he obtained some junk from a “Non Violent” drug dealer ofcourse.
When i was around 20 years old, i was dating this girl, nice girl, but she had one peculiar thing she liked to do...no not that...she enjoyed visiting prisoners at a local county prison about once a month and speaking with them to cheer them up so to speak.
She asked me if I wanted to go with her one time, so "of course" I said yes I'd love to go. LOL
Anyway, so we drive to the prison along with a small group of other assorted do-gooders, and we went inside the prison and began chatting with the inmates. To make a long story short, every single one of them who I chatted with explained to me in boring detail why they were innocent. I went there figuring we could talk some sports or whatever, but every one of them who I chatted with went into a diatribe about how they were unjustly arrested and imprisoned. I guess they thought talking to me, maybe I had some pull on the outside, and could put in a good word for them somehow, even though I gave them no hint whatsoever that i could do that. I guess they had nothing better to do than try.
I had been involved in sales, and you get to know when people are lying to you or not. These prisoners were all lying about their innocense and it was obvious. Of course I wasn't about to tell them that. LOL
Well...the moral of the story is don't be fooled by convicts concerning their self-called innocense. Capische?
SteveK, I think after 20 years of service in a Massachusetts State Prison I’m more than qualified to understand Lies and fake innocence surrounding convicts.
Paul - I recall seeing on TV the "witnesses" being interviewed who say they saw the "hands up don't shoot" happen with Michael Brown. It was so blatantly obvious that they were all lying, and of course it was adjudicated in court that Michael Brown when shot could not possibly have been in that "hands up" position.
I'm astonished sometimes how some people out there simply take the word of someone, especially a convict, that they are telling the truth. I'm sure that I don't have close to the knowledge that you have about our criminal justice system, however I think i know enough to know that in this country there are many safeguards in place to prevent erroneous prosecutions, particularly with violent crime.
Anyone with a clear open mind could easily see that the narrative from Colin Kaepernick is a false one. It shouldn't even be debatable based on the facts. But sadly there are those out there who for whatever reason like to believe in something, even when the facts point out that it simply is not true.
One of the most extreme examples out there is those who deny the Holocaust ever happened...despite pictures, film, incontrovertible evidence, and numerous witnesses who were fortunate enough to survive in those horrific concentration camps. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if some of those NFL kneelers who believe the "hands up don't shoot" false fable, are also ignorant enough to believe that the Holocaust never happened.
Steve, I have said it numerous times and I will continue saying that in the majority of these police excessive force cases had the victim simply complied, the use of force continuum would have been followed rather than going from verbal directly to gun. That is the part that amazes me most that people don’t seem to grasp. Don’t get me wrong there are many cases of Cops simply not using proper force, Just recently this idiot police officer and his partner resorted to punches to the head to a young 110 lib girl on the beach while trying to wrestle her in handcuffs- the crime you ask? Open container of alcohol. Ofcourse it was two white cops on a white girl so nobody cared really but still it shows that a lot of cases the supposed victim would not be a victim if they complied and didn’t resist police.
But i still think your overall premise in the post is absolutely right.
I would imagine the girl very likely mouthed off to the cops, probably used profanity such as the F word at them, and so that was the result. The bottom line is that the police have to be very careful...i mean the girl mouths off, may have a little .25 popper in her purse, and could pull it out and start shooting - the cops have to handcuff someone like that as a preventative measure, there really is no other choice.
I think probably most of us in the US have watched that TV show called Cops. I'm not sure if it's still on or not, but to see the hassles that the police go thru each day, in my view it's remarkable that more police problems don't occur.
The police do an amazing job virtually all of the time under very tough circumstances, and it angers me that dopes such as Colin Kaepernick and the kneelers, to my knowledge never acknowledge that fact.
The US justice system is one where there are a substantial number of safeguards present (by design) that provide the persons charged with a crime with procedural due process (notice of the charges made against him/her and an opportunity to be heard) and substantive due process (the right to counsel, the right against self incrimination, the right against unwarranted searches and seizures, the right to a speedy trial, the right to a jury trial, the right to confront your accusers and cross examine them, Miranda rights, the right to having charges formally made within a short time after arrest, the right to a preliminary hearing, the right to seek bail, etc.).
I would suspect that for every 100 or 1,000 persons found guilty of a crime (by plea bargain, or by a guilty verdict after a trial) the vast majority of them are truly guilty. Most of the time the prosecuting authorities who bring criminal charges and the police who investigate crimes do not go to the time and expense of filing criminal charges unless they have plenty of evidence to support and prove the charges.
However, one can question whether the law makers who decide what is and what is not a crime (i.e. possession of weed, drinking booze) are justified in doing so. If society changes and as a result law makers decide to decriminalize something (i.e. prohibition was passed and later was repealed), the convictions of persons who violated the now repealed law should be vacated, or they should be pardoned.
It's "interesting" that the Kaepernick fans out there always seem to ignore the fact that most if not virtually all of these "infamous" cases of police brutality involve a perpetrator with a long rap sheep and a long history of causing trouble with the police.
For example Michael Brown
… According to Casenet, this unarmed teenager (Michael Brown) was already charged with:
Description: Burglary 1st Degree [Felony B RSMo: 569.160]
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1401000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Armed Criminal Action [Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015]
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Assault 1st Degree Serious Physical Injury [Felony A RSMo:
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 1301100
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST ANN PD
Next Charge/Judgment
Description: Armed Criminal Action [Felony Unclassified RSMo: 571.015]
Date: 11/02/2013 Code: 3101000
OCN: AJ006207 Arresting Agency: ST. ANN PD
So, back to my comments...if Michael Brown would have lived, the cases added to this list would have likely been theft, assault, and attempted murder of a police officer.
Why doesn't Kaepernick or the kneelers ever mention these facts?
There is tape of the incident , he is hassling her for no reason and yes he sounds like a typical douchebag of the type that the job draws like a magnet .
Put a body camera on every one of them that they can't turn off. If they shoot someone put them in jail. Zero tolerance .
I didn't see the tape or hear about this incident.
Then the cop should he placed on leave without pay, given a fair hearing, and if found guilty immediately dismissed from the police force. I've got no leeway whatsoever with any cops who won't uphold the law and think that they are little Caesars out there.
S> @bronco2078 said:
So the conclusion that Steve jumped to was wrong? Shocking.
“I would imagine the girl very likely mouthed off to the cops, probably used profanity such as the F word at them, and so that was the result”
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Let's take a moment and just re-think the larger issue... before I am unable to write this.
Our flag is a symbol of values...including our democratic experience and human rights that we, as Americans, value and are prepared to fight for. Our democratic experience and the basic concept that all men are created equal has meaning beyond its existence on paper. Our rights as Americans, are far more significant than a symbol... And it is our rights that make the symbol...the symbol that it needs to be in order to recognized as the envy of the world which it is... So our principles and values must resonate among all people and there is simply no substitute unless and until that is reality. So my point is simple... Let's allow our values to ring clear so there is no doubt our symbol is, at a minimum, consistent with our values.
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
There are police, prosecutors, defense lawyers and judges that do dishonor to their professions. They should lose their jobs. However, most of them are honorable and a credit to their professions.
Mark - First of all, I made an assertion, not a conclusion. You really need to make better use of the English language.
And secondly, you couldn't have possibly watched the video, because my assertion was absolutely right...and it wasn't at all a tough call - LOL
BTW - I've been to the Jersey shore hundreds of times. One of the first things you learn there from anyone in the Delaware Valley area is that no alcohol is allowed on the beach. It's basically common knowledge. This lady should have known better.
Frankly, if she would have just cooperated with the police, and not shouted the F word at them numerous times, and it was reported that she first kicked a police officer...that without a doubt the police officers wouldn't have done what they did and perhaps either let her go with a friendly warning or maybe a small fine at the most.
The shore police, especially during the summer, are there to ensure that everyone has a good time. In general, they are one of the most tolerant police officers around in that capacity. However if someone is looking for trouble like this lady in the video, then they will give it to them.
The woman in that video was completely uncooperative and totally out of line. Spitting at a police officer is an assault.
I agree it could have been handled better and that the cop let his temper get the better of him to an extent but let's not pretend she was an innocent bystander either. Had she simply been cooperative instead of lying about a non-existent aunt and failing to identify herself, he'd have likely written her a summons and been on his way.
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
There are so many things I could point out in that video. One thing, I bet that girl had been arrrsted before or probably been locked up at some point- key words “im getting written up” total jail term, “I’m telling your Captain” another jail term. But either way this is a classic example of being non compliant with police totally escalating the incident, obviously the two cops were complete morons and incompetent for not using basic techniques to wrap her up and one of them punching her in the head which is absolutely wrong. Moral of the story is be compliant with Police and on the other hand hold police accountable for going outside the use of force continuum. I think that officer should be given a final warning on using excessive force, he should also be taken off Patrol immediately and retrained and re qualified in defensive tactics before he is allowed back on patrol.
that girl was on probation from a 2016 arrest, hence her reluctance to comply with the surname request
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Steve you made the assertion and came to a conclusion without ever seeing the video. An F bomb did not start this. Was she a total brat? Heck yes. Did she deserve to be man handled and punched? Heck no. It should not have ever came to that. The cops handled this so poorly. I agree with Perk about the cops being complete morons.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
<<< Steve you made the assertion and came to a conclusion without ever seeing the video. An F bomb did not start this. >>>
Okay Mark - LOL
Whatever is your calling, you perhaps should have considered being a criminal defense attorney with your line of reasoning. You'd have made a good one.
You'd have the jury so confused, that they'd have no choice but to find your client innocent.
And you would be a dream juror for the prosecution. All cops are just swell. So what part of what I wrote confused you? I’ll be happy to break it down for you.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
No thanks. I've got anything else better to read.
Mark, I admire your endurance as you are at the center of every extended argument.
Mark is the Secretariat of extended arguments here.
Or is it Sham?