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Doily Holder Census, 466 listed

Billet7Billet7 Posts: 4,923 ✭✭✭
I picked up a doily holdered Morgan from a forum member recently, and then as luck would have it...I stumbled across one at a local coin shop. I had to buy it, of course. This is my first time seeing a doily holder in one of my half-dozen or so local coin shops, and it got me to wondering...how many survive?

In my attempt to answer this question, I would like to start a census of doily holders. It will never be complete, but it would be nice to have some idea of what survives, and what coins are "common" in doily holders, and what coins are rare.

If you would like to participate (Please-O-Please!!!) Just post a doily holder coin that you own. You can do it as a reply, or as a PM. Reply would be better to keep it near the top. I will keep a list of the holder numbers, a running total of how many, as well as an itemized total of each series (types will be added as needed.) I will try to list them in date order. We really need to list the holder number or the census is going to run into some problems (that way we are somewhat sure that all the 1923 peace dollars aren't just duplicates.)

(m) means that the outer is either missing or damaged. From now on any Doily missing the outer ring (or has a damaged outer ring) will be identified with an "m." It will appear as such 82999183m Hopefully this will help more accurately identify the state of the holder, and help people know which holders have full integrity (worth more) and those that are inferior (worth less of a premium.)

If you have a coin listed on the census and it is missing the ring, please let me know. Obviously it will never be definitive, but it will be a nice help to those considering the purchase of a doily holdered coin.


(2) Half Cent-

--------(2) Classic Head: 1828, 6245810; 1835, 7344484;

(21) Cent-

--------(5) Large Cent: 1838, 6243022; 1850, 8183572; 1850, 8201243; 1853, 9142518; 1853, 7344488;
--------(4) Indian: 1864, 8201209; 1908, 7334912m; 1908-S, 9142567; 1901, 7346594;
--------(1) Indian Proof: 1872, 5125960
--------(6) Lincoln: 1909 VDB, 8183361; 1915-D, 9141330; 1921, 8183830; 1972 DDO, 6249672; 1984 DDO, 5107386; 1983 DDR, 5107579
--------(5) Lincoln Proof: 1956, 8185228; 1957, 8185230; 1960, 8185248; 1962, 8185258; 1964, 8185271

(2) Two Cent-
---------(2)2-Cent Proof: 1866, 6247570; 1870, 7338483

(1) Three Cent-
---------(1) 3 Cent C/N Proof: 1878, 7347208

(29) Five Cent-
---------(2) Seated Half Dime: 1837 no stars, 3130195; 1862, 4017158
---------(2) Seated Half Dime Proof: 1862, 6246286; 1870, 3130406;
---------(3) Proof Shield Nickel: 1866, 6245365; 1873, 6244574; 1881, 8201119
---------(5) Liberty Nickel: 1883 No Cents, Unknown; 1893, 6236367; 1903, 3129453; 1904, 7344321; 1912, 9135792
---------(1) Proof Lib. Nickel: 1908, 3130484
---------(10) Buffalo Nickel: 1929, 6219981; 1929, 6219979; 1930, 8184810; 1831-S, 8184685; 1936-S, 5107427; 1937-D 3 Leg, 8179155; 1938-D, SilverChris; 1938-D, 8184686; 1938-D, 8180911; 1938-D, 8190857;
---------(6) Proof Jefferson: 1942 T2, SilverChris; 1956, 8185279; 1959, 8185286; 1960, Cameonut; 1960, 8185292; 1964, 8185314;

(35) Ten Cent-

---------(1) Seated: 1886, 5126242;
---------(2) Barber: 1898, 8203525; 1907-O, 8201291;
---------(2) Roosie: 1947-S, 8187749, 1956, 8185328;
---------(30) Mercury: 1916, 8184817; 1934-D, 07302469; 1935-D, 5110851; 1937, 6249122; 1938, robkool; 1939, 7305390; 1939-D, millertime; 1940, 7305399; 1940-S, 8201434; 1942, 7305412; 1942, 8181270; 1942, 7305413; 1942-S, 6203607; 1942-S, 8201476; 1942-D, 8200787; 1942-D, 8200786; 1943, 7305425; 1943-S, 7305378; 1943-D, 7305420; 1943-D, 8201425; 1943-D, 8182087; 1944-S, silverchris; 1944-S, 7307238; 1944, 7299229; 1944, 8201506; 1944, 8201491; 1944, 8201517; 1944-S, 8201706; 1945, 8201604; 1945-D, 8201446;

(0) Twenty Cent-

(11) Twenty-Five Cent-
---------(2) Seated Quarter Proof: 1871, 2274413; 1884, 4018618m
---------(1) Barber: 1892, 6243027
---------(4) Standing Liberty: 1917-S T2, 8201940; 1926-D, 6249691; 1929, 9142326; 1930, 7349739;
---------(3)Washington: 1934, 7307184; 1937-S, 8187606 1939-D, 8181329;
---------(1)Washington Proof: 1940, 4017158

(66)Fifty Cent-

-------(6) Bust: 1812, 7344496; 1826, 4017081; 1827, 4017074; 1836, 2274620; 1838 RE, 6247335; 1839, 6243100;
-------(1) Barber: 1902, 6245620;
-------(28) Walking Liberty: 1934-D, 7350015; 1936-D, 6245026;1939-D, 8183572; 1939-D, 8201061; 1940, 6202019; 1940-S, 9126877; 1941, 6245425; 1942, 6245248; 1942, 8182235; 1942-D, 8201830; 1942-S, 08205698; 1942-S, 4015656; 1943, 6245317; 1943-D, 5126876; 1945, 3123845; 1945, 7302524; 1945-D, 6249536; 1945-D, 6246493; 1946-S, 8205285; 1946-S, 6246497; 1946-S, 8180739; 1946-D, 8183737; 1947-D, thebigeng; 1947-D; 7345541; 1947, 6245443; 1944-S, 6246477; 1946, 8183580;
-------(20) Franklin: 1948-D, 8183841; 1949-S, 8188913; 1950-D, 7300470; 1950-D, 8187453; 1953-D, 4015874; 1954-S, 4015875; 1954-S, 8187852; 1954, robkool; 1954-D, 6218970; 1956, 5107579; 1956, 8183847; 1958, 8188746; 1958, 5110535; 1960, 8184308; 1961, 7300516; 1961-D, 6218860; 1962, 6218862; 1962, 9142307;1962-D, 7300510; 1962-D, 8185196; 1963, 3123961
-------(10) Proof Franklin: 1953, 3129940; 1955, 7345730; 1957, 8200740; 1957, 8200739; 1957, silverchris; 1959, 8178596; 1960, 8181924; 1961, 7303128;1961, 8181928; 1962, 9142307;
-------(3) Kennedy: 1964, 6220911; 1964, 7305609; 1970-D, silverchris;

(214) Dollar-

--------(1) Draped: 1799, 8179621;
--------(1) Seated Proof: 1866, 5125768;
--------(185) Morgan Dollar; 1878-S, 6247262; 1878-S, 7303030; 1879, 5107324; 1879-S, 8180703; 1879-S, 5125892; 1879-S, 5125890; 1879-S, 8191950; 1879-S, 3130363; 1879-S, 7344625; 1880-CC, 7303590; 1880-S, 6250088; 1880-S, 8187953; 1880-S, 8200778; 1880-S, 7305495; 1880-S, 8180379; 1880-S, 8182287; 1880-S, 7305362; 1880-S, 8180724; 1880-S, 7308129; 1881-S, 8200792; 1881-S, 7339296; 1881-S, 5112206; 1881-S, 6220805; 1881-S, 7343991; 1881-S, 6245707; 1881-S, 8188786; 1881-S, 5107947; 1881-S, 3130713; 1881-S, 6245128; 1881-S, 6218980; 1881-S, 8182402; 1881-S, 7348644; 1881-S, 7348589; 1881-CC, 8182491; 1881-CC, 7303045; 1881-CC, 6245178; 1881-O; 6218937; 1882, 8186854; 1882, 8182263; 1882-O, 7305366; 1882-S, 8185700; 1882-S, 8187939; 1882-S, 7338331; 1882-S, 8185722; 1882-S, 7344554; 1882-CC, 7306721; 1882-CC, 9151448; 1882-CC, 5113272; 1882-CC, 7306788; 1882-CC, 7303593; 1883, 7308159; 1883-CC, 8183351; 1883-CC, 8187739; 1883-CC, 7303008; 1883-O, 6245232; 1883-O, 8182478; 1883-O, 8183515; 1883-O, 7306541; 1883-O, 8180251; 1884, 8187546m; 1884, Snizzle; 1884-CC, 8201737; 1884-CC, 8201840; 1884 CC, 6220051; 1884-CC, 8182297; 1884-CC, 7302492; 1884-O, 6218802; 1884-O, 7307207; 1884-O, 8187732; 1884-O, 8179625; 1884-O, 8181254; 1884-O, 7339241; 1884-O, 7303027; 1884-O, 8187879; 1884-O, 8187679; 1884-O, 6220831; 1884-O, 5126461; 1884-O, 5110755m; 1885, 8180260; 1885, 8180764; 1885, 8185119; 1885, 8185607; 1885, 8205516; 1885, 7303332; 1885, 7303485; 1885, 8183815; 1885, 7303338; 1885-O, 7303231m; 1885-O, 7348614; 1885-O, 8180388; 1885-O, 8191588; 1885-O, 8181408; 1885-O, 8181238; 1885-O, 6220860; 1885-O, 9142194; 1885-O, 7306542; 1885-O, 3122169; 1885-O, 9142188; 1885-O, 8185671, 1886, 7339309; 1886, 7303370; 1886, 6220895m; 1886, 8183783; 1886, 7303186; 1886, 7303387; 1886, 6220858; 1886, 7303385; 1886, 7306546; 1887, 7303293; 1887, 7303207; 1887, 8180608; 1887, 7303286; 1887, 7303285; 1887 8181241m; 1887, 6218806; 1887, 8183098; 1887, 4016554; 1887, 7306642; 1887, 7303278; 1887, 8182511; 1888, 8188769; 1888, 8187646; 1889, 8180609; 1890-CC, 8186904; 1890-O, 8180794; 1890-O, 3123954; 1892, 9151450; 1896, 7303514; 1896, 7338298; 1896, 7303515; 1896, 6249408m; 1896, 8185220; 1896, 8185222; 1896, 8185227; 1897, 5107745; 1897, 7338298; 1897, 3122197; 1897, 8180608; 1897-S, 7303235; 1897-S, 8190958; 1898, 7338299; 1898, 6245361; 1898-O, 8183940; 1898-O, 8186869; 1898-O, 8180614; 1898-O, 1898-O, 6249554; 1898-O, 8183765; 1899, 3123866; 1899-O, 8182283; 1899-O, 8182408; 1899-O, 8180794; 1890-O, 7338373; 1900, 8192250; 1900, 5113187; 1900-O, 5110628; 1900-O, 8180582; 1900-O, 5110640; 1900-O, 5110644; 1900-O, 5110090; 1900-O. 8180587m; 1901-O, 8201867; 1901-O, 7345571; 1901-O, 8180803; 1901-O, 8201867; 1902-O, 8180814; 1902-O, 7303625; 1902-O, 7303623; 1902-O, 7303622; 1903, 6245365; 1903-O, 8179629; 1904, 7306304; 1904-O, 8180619; 1904-O, 8179518; 1904-O, 8183446; 1904-O, 5108013; 1904-O, 8185688; 1904-O, 7306346; 1904-O, 7304066; 1904-O, 7304061; 1904-O, 7304062; 1904-O, 7304063; 1904-O, 7306304; 1921, 7306886; 1921, 7304555; 1921, 8183949; 1921, 8183949;

--------(27) Peace Dollar; 1921, 6218922; 1921, 7302494; 1921, 7392493; 1922, 6249230; 1923, 8183307; 1923, silverchris; 1923, 6219036m, 1923, 8188763; 1923, 8186970; 1923, 3130335; 1923, 8182314; 1923-S, 7302496; 1924, 7304102; 1924, 6245661; 1925, 8191008; 1925, 7304103; 1925, 7344042; 1925, 7344042; 1925, 8191705; 1926, Snizzle; 1926, 8180853; 1926-S, 6245660; 1927, 7302504; 1927-S, 7302506; 1928-S, 6245692; 1928-S, 6245692; 1935, 7302510;

--------(2) Ike Dollar; 1971-D, 7305512; 1976-S, 8183317;
--------(1) Ike Proof: 1974-S, 8181950

(37) Gold-

--------(2) $2 1/2 Quarter Eagle: 1857-S, Heritage; 1907, 6245106;
--------(1) $3: 1879, 3130706;
--------(7) $5 Half Eagle: 1880, 3130220; 1882, 6235966; 1900, TomB; 1900, 9142573; 1909, 9151481; 1913, 7337934; 1914, 5127210;
--------(2) $10 Eagle: 1907 Indian, Wire Rim, 3129977; 1932, 6243367
--------(25) $20 Double Eagle: 1895, 6240606; 1895, 6240607; 1896, 6243121; 1896-S, 6244297; 1897, 6240611; 1903, 3130777; 1904, 5127140; 1904, 8203222; 1904, 4017108; 1904, 7344355; 1904-S, 6240622; 1904-S, 7345421; 1904-S, 7345223; 1904-S, 6247819; 1907 High Relief, 3130509 1908, 5127142; 1908, 6235898; 1908, 7344764; 1908, 7346887; 1910-S, 7337976; 1911-S, 5127105; 1923, 7344866; 1927, 6243246; 1927, 6243135; 1928, 7345175;

(34) Commemorative-
----------(32) $0.50 Commems: 1935-D Ark, 5107489; 1935-S Ark, 5107495; 1920 Pilgrim, 5106830; Bay Bridge, 5110439; Bay Bridge, 7345586; 1925 California, 6219046; Oregon, 3130707; 1937-S Texas, 5110492; Stone Mtn. 8187929; San Diego, 8205764; Vermont, 8180343; Gettysburgh, 8205389; Colombian 1893, 6248362; Washington/ Carver 1952, 8187887; 1936 Cleveland, 9142458; Antietam, 8188719; Texas, 6219047; Robinson 1936, 7301804; Wisconsin 1936, 8188721; 1934-D Oregon, 7350015; Grant, 7348590; Antietam, 7348588; 1935 Arkansas, 7346683; 1920 Pilgrim, 8201729; 1928 Oregon, 5126101; Booker T 1948-S, 8182144; Texas 1937-S, 5110492: Grant, 5106828; 1893 Colombian, 7306279; 1952 Wash/Carver, 8188024, Pan Pac, 7306439; 1936-D Rhode Is. 4017015; 1936-D Texas, 6244939;
----------(1) Gold Commems: 1915-S 1$ Pan-Pac, mustanggt;
----------(1) $0.25 Commems: Isabella, ColonialCoinUnion

(2) Other- 1868 Large Cent Pattern, mgoodm3; $5 Mormon Gold, 8205519;

(3) Canadian Coins-
-----------(1) Dot Nickel: 1947, 9140056;
-----------(2) 1971 Canadian Silver Proof, 9134612; 1973 Canada, 9134883;


Total, 466


SAMPLE SLABS ; All have the same certification number: 7000023 (Not included in figures above.)

---------(13) Roosie: 1955-D, Oreville; 1957, Lakesammman; 1958-D, (missing outer ring) Drunner; 1958-D, Drunner; 1959-P, Bob48; 1959-P, Oreville; 1964, Bajjerfan's Friend; 1964-D, silverchris; 1964-D, Bajjerfan; 1964-D, Bob48; 1964-D, chieftain1; 1964-D, Bajjerfan; 1964-D, Ruffco; 1959, FadetoBlack

---------(1)Roosie Rounded Corner Tag: 1964-D, Oreville;
---------(1)Roosie Rounded Corner Tag, No white stripe across bottom, 1964-D, Bajjerfan
Total, 15

Interesting Facts:

Currently the most valuable coin on the Doily Census is a 1907 $10 piece with Wire Rim. Certified as an MS63, auctioned at Heritage 2010 August Boston, MA Signature & Platinum Night ANA Coin Auction #1143 for $46,000 (PCGS Value $46,500.) There is also a $20 1907 High Relief with Wire Rim that is certified as an MS62 Valued at $23,000.

The least valuable coin in a Doily holder is a proof Jefferson Nickel, 1960 PR64, valued at $8 by PCGS price guide.

Doily sample slabs seem to all have the same certification number, and they are all Roosevelt Dimes (so far.)

The smallest coin on the census is an 1837 Half Dime submitted by Boiler (now held by Lakesmann) just about everyone else ties for the largest coin...a Morgan Dollar!

The earliest coin is currently a 1799 Draped bust dollar. The coin showed up on ebay then quickly made it's way to Coin Rarities Online...then on to some astute collector (I assume.) It's also the ONLY coin from the 1700's!!!

The most recent/latest coin in a doily is a 1984 DDO Lincoln Cent, one of two error coins in the census, the other is a 1972 DDO.

The most common coin type to be found in a doily holder is the Morgan Dollar.

Twenty cent piece is the only standard denomination not represented in the census (unless you include the $4 and $50 gold coins.)

Currently the largest collection (according to the census) of Doily holdered coins is BST member Drunner with Oreville, Bajjerfan and Silverchris as runners-up.

Esoteric items include a Mormon Gold $5 piece, and a 1868 large cent pattern.

There are 3 foreign coins listed.

Some Doily Holders are missing the outer-ring. It is rumored that many of the rings on these "damaged holders" were removed intentionally so that the doily holder would fit into the early "rattler style" boxes.

There is a curious sample slab that contains a handcut tag with rounded corners. Currently there is only one listed on the census, discovered by Oreville, but more are rumored to exist (estimated at around 10.)


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