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First adult in my sisters case convicted updated 3-3-09



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    Just a quick update to say there are no new updates. No arrests have been made, and as far as I know they don't even have any suspects at this point.
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    BunchOBullBunchOBull Posts: 6,188 ✭✭✭
    Is your brother in law stable enough that the major concern is over?
    Collector of most things Frank Thomas. www.BigHurtHOF.com
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    DboneesqDboneesq Posts: 18,220 ✭✭

    << <i>Just a quick update to say there are no new updates. No arrests have been made, and as far as I know they don't even have any suspects at this point. >>

    THAT SUCKS! They better catch these SOBs real fast! Prayers are still heading your way!


    Liquidating my collection for the 3rd and final time. Time for others to enjoy what I have enjoyed over the last several decades. Money could be put to better use.
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    storm888storm888 Posts: 11,701 ✭✭✭
    "...No arrests have been made, and as far as I know they don't even have any suspects at this point."


    If you start thinking the thing is bogging down, your friends and
    relatives need to light up the phones at city council and mayor's
    office. (It works.)

    Based on recent crime stats, you can be sure that LE wants to close
    this out FAST. I would be VERY surprised if they don't already have
    a really good idea of wasup.

    Folks Who Bite Get Bitten. Folks Who Don't Bite Get Eaten.
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    rbdjr1rbdjr1 Posts: 4,474 ✭✭

    I ehco every kind word, prayer, and thought that has been posted here plus,

    as far as those B~~A~~S~~T~~A~~R~~D~~S are concerned,

    ...plenty of time for anger, retribution and pay-back later! Those creeps WILL get theirs' I'm sure!


    Focus on the postive for now!

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    tillertiller Posts: 149 ✭✭
    Prayers sent. God Bless.
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    stevekstevek Posts: 28,164 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Home Invasion
    Family Survival Tips
    by Chris E McGoey, CPP, CSP, CAM

    Imagine this scenario. After a long week at work, you are finally able to relax at home with your spouse and two teen-age daughters. You’re in your living room watching TV with your spouse. Your daughters are in their own rooms doing…whatever. Because both of you have worked hard for many years, you are now able to live more comfortably in what you thought to be a safe community.

    At 9:00PM you hear a knock on the door and your spouse gets up to answer the door. After the door is unlocked you hear a sudden outburst as two strange young men burst through the door and into your living room. As the door crashes open, you see your spouse is being punched and beaten to the floor. Before you have time react you are overcome by physical force and threats of harm to you and your family. The two men are brandishing guns and are shouting obscene threats and commands simultaneously as they push you onto the couch. One of the men quickly searches the house for other occupants while the other stands guard over you.

    Your mind is racing. Will we be killed? Will these attackers beat us or molest our daughters? The level of terror and anxiety is enormous and will cause victims to sometimes act irrationally. Some will freeze and become incapacitated from fright. Others will instinctively resist and try to fight back. Others will run away if possible. Psychologists have labeled this phenomenon as the “fight or flight syndrome.” The first thirty seconds are the most critical to your family’s survival.

    What Would You Do?
    Most people have never pondered this question for themselves or with their family. How will I react under similar circumstances? How will my family react independent of me? How will we react together? How you naturally react depends on many factors: your sex, age, physical condition, culture, personality, how you process information, how you react under extreme pressure, special training, skills, and past experience in responding to aggression. Most people don’t know for sure how they will respond to a personal crisis until it occurs. Many are surprised afterwards by their behavior as having been heroic, calm, cowardly, or stupid.

    Would you try to overpower the invaders? Would you go for your gun? Would you try to activate an alarm? Would you try to escape and call for help? Would you comply with their demands and hope they don’t hurt you? Would you allow them to tie you up? Would you allow them to take a family member away from the home? Would you risk death to save your family from harm?

    The response possibilities are endless, but most fall into three general response possibilities. You can resist the assault; comply with all commands; or you can try to stay calm, wait, and resist, comply, or flee as the scenario evolves. One thing is clear, there is no one single correct response to a life-threatening home invasion scenario. The choice is personal, based on your own assessment of your physical and mental capabilities and your belief as to the level of eminent danger.

    Sometimes fighting and screaming works, especially if there are neighbors who will intervene or call the police. It makes no sense to risk fighting if you are physically incapable of doing so effectively. Total compliance sometimes works. The invaders might leave you unharmed and just leave. However, compliance may increase the duration of the invasion and therefore increase the potential for molestation. You need to thoughtfully consider how you or your family members might act under the circumstances and plan accordingly.

    What Works
    Having a family and neighborhood plan is essential. If you develop a home security plan and talk about it with your family and neighbors, the chances of acting appropriately and getting help are greatly improved.

    Prevention works best. Harden your home or apartment with strong doors and locks and three-inch screws in the lock strike plate and door hinges. See my web page on home security tips for more details. Use a wide-angle peephole and instruct everyone in your family not to open the door to strangers. Chain latches are ineffective as a barrier, so use your peephole to look outside before opening the door. Be suspicious of someone claiming to be making a delivery that you did not order or use other tricks to get you to open the door. Fortification of rear doors, sliding glass doors, and garage doors are also important. This gives you the necessary time to phone 911, sound audible alarms, or arm yourself.

    Local Alarms
    Audible alarm sirens can prevent home invasion...if they are set. Alarm systems can be designed so that perimeter door and window sensors are activated while the home is occupied. The alarm can be set to instantly go off upon unauthorized entry. Be prepared to give a prearranged duress password to the alarm company if they call. Most alarm panels have an emergency panic button that will function much like a 911 call and will instruct your alarm monitoring company to call the police. Alarm company lawn and window signs help advertise that your house is wired and capable of getting a response from the police. These alarm signs and decals offer good deterrence value and may cause the robber to select another victim.

    Automatic Phone Dialers
    Automatic dial telephones, that can call 911 in speakerphone mode, can be effective in getting police assistance. If a home invader breaks in you may have just a split second to push the 911 direct-dial button on your telephone. If you dial in speakerphone mode the police dispatcher can listen in on what is going on in the room. Every telephone in your home should be programmed with this feature and all family members should be instructed how to make this emergency call. Your home address will automatically pop up on the police dispatcher screen and an officer should be dispatched even if the phone wire is cut. All 911 hang-up calls are supposed to be investigated by the police because of this type of scenario.

    Have an Escape Plan
    If someone in the household can escape and call for help, the home invaders will have lost their advantage of having privacy and time. To some, running away from your family in crisis is distasteful, especially to men or women with children. However, the alternative might mean being handcuffed or tied-up or otherwise incapacitated and left to watch in horror as your family is molested. If you have a plan for escaping, make sure you include were to run and what to say. Sometimes a radical escape measure pays off, in life and death circumstances, like diving through a plate glass window, jumping from a balcony or climbing onto the roof. Although you might sustain minor injuries you must weigh them against your chance of survival with the assailants.

    Home invaders will sometimes threaten harm to children to get adults to comply with their demands. But at the same time, children are often overlooked as potential rescuers and sometimes are not as well guarded. If the opportunity presents itself, a trained child can dial 911, activate an alarm panic button, or escape to the neighbor’s house to summon the police. If they are capable, they should do it.

    Never Stop Thinking
    Keeping a cool head is important, even in dire circumstances. If you can keep your wits about you one can increase their options by waiting for the right moment to act. Always be thinking and re-evaluating the situation as it evolves. At first there may be no chance for escape, but after a while you may see an opening. Fighting may not be wise, however the attackers may let their guard down once you appear to comply. If you decide to strike a blow, do it fast, suddenly, and forceful to the nose, eyes, or throat without concern for the damage you might inflict. While the assailant is momentarily stunned, make your escape. Don’t stand there waiting to throw more punches or gather family members. You might ask, won't that cause them to harm me for sure? Maybe, if they catch you. This is an option that must be considered. Sometimes hours into the siege, an opportunity arises where you can hit the automatic dial on the telephone or alarm panic button without being seen. Always be looking for that chance.

    What Doesn’t Always Work
    Screaming and shouting is the easiest and most natural thing that almost everyone can do. Screaming can alert savvy neighbors to call the police or the noise alone may scare off the home invaders. However, home invaders know this and will be prepared to make you stop screaming, by force, if necessary. One of the first threats you will hear is, “if you scream I’ll kill you.” If you can’t escape, but are out in public, scream your head off. Scream things like, “call 911.” Visit with your neighbors so they know that you have a family plan and teach them how to react when you need help.

    Handguns and pepper spray can provide a means of self-defense in a life-threatening situation. Homeowners have successfully defended their families in the past from home invaders using such weapons. However, sometimes homeowners have lost their weapons to home invaders because they couldn't get to them in time to use them. Most chemical sprays are tucked away somewhere and many handguns are kept unloaded or locked up to prevent children from getting their hands on them. During a home invasion, you cannot always count on your ability to get to these weapons before being injured yourself. Ordinary household products can work in self defense. Chemical fire extinguishers work great to disorient the robber.

    Fighting with the intruders sometimes works, especially if you have some training and are physically fit. But for most, fighting doesn't work because the victim was pre-selected for their lack of fight capability. In a life-threatening situation there are no rules for fighting in self defense. The idea is not to stand toe-to-toe and duke it out. All you need is one incapacitating blow to the nose, eyes, or throat to allow time to get out of there and call for help. Take a self-defense class together with your family so all can learn the proper techniques and can practice the procedures. A practiced technique has a better chance of being used effectively in a crisis.

    Faking illness doesn’t always work especially in the home. Most home invaders don’t care about your welfare anyway. Faking illness might work in public or while being transported or while fighting off molesters, but don’t count on it as you only choice. You must decide in advance which technique to use depending on your acting skills.

    What Not to Do
    Don’t ever try to pull a weapon on an armed perpetrator who has you covered with a handgun unless you feel it’s your last chance. Don’t ever agree to be transported somewhere else like to an ATM machine or other location unless you feel it's a life or death decision. The second crime scene is almost always more violent than in your home. If you have a choice, never agree to be tied-up, handcuffed or be placed in the trunk of a car because it takes away most of your self defense options. Don’t ever follow an intruder once they leave your home. Leave that for the police. Don’t fight over property loss, it can be replaced…your life cannot.

    See Home Invasion Robbery for more information.

    Home Invasion Family Survival Tips
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    magellanmagellan Posts: 2,099 ✭✭✭
    I'm so sorry this happened to your family. Senseless violence like this leaves me speechless. Your family is in my prayers.
    Topps Heritage

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    Did I leave anything out?
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    Thanks again guys. The latest update on my BIL is that he is stable, I guess two of the bullets are still in him and I'm not sure if they are leaving them there or removing them in a future surgery.
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    bman90278bman90278 Posts: 3,453 ✭✭✭
    Doran, How is your brother in law doing? I'm sure he has a long road to recovery, but I'm praying he's getting better everyday. Please keep us updated? Any word from the local authorities on any suspects?

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    Brian, my BIL is doing better each day, even talking a little. Which is quite amazing as I misunderstood my dad when he told me about the injuries, apparently his eye getting knocked out was not due to the beating but rather a shot to the back of the head that resulted in the bullet exiting the eye. No new leads on suspects as of this afternoon.
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    MphilkingMphilking Posts: 1,570 ✭✭✭
    SO sorry to hear about this tragedy for your family. I will also pray.
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    BunchOBullBunchOBull Posts: 6,188 ✭✭✭
    My goodness, he's a lucky man.
    Collector of most things Frank Thomas. www.BigHurtHOF.com
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    fiveninerfiveniner Posts: 4,111 ✭✭✭
    My Prayers go out to you and your family.Stay Stong.
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    joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Man Bro, I just read this, I can't believe it. Godspeed! Let us know if we can do anything.

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    TomBTomB Posts: 20,887 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You and your family our in our thoughts and prayers.
    Thomas Bush Numismatics & Numismatic Photography

    In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson

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    heritageheritage Posts: 2,662 ✭✭✭
    Doran I'm glad to see things are getting a little better each day!
    But we should all still pray for your family!!!
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    Yankees001Yankees001 Posts: 1,496
    Keep in contact with the police department daily (case updates, the Chief would love to hear from you for updates about your brother in law.) Don't bother City Hall, they are not investigating anything.

    I use to be in law enforcement, they are doing what they can. They want these people locked up as bad as you do, they also have families in the community.

    I hope everyone ends up OK in the end.

    violence SUCKS.

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    fur72fur72 Posts: 2,348 ✭✭

    Just saw this thread for the first time. My thoughs and prayers are with you and your family during this time.

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    MooseDogMooseDog Posts: 1,946 ✭✭✭
    Hate to bring back this thread, but I thought I read that police had arrested all four suspects in the case, maybe Doran can confirm. Just thought everyone would like to know these animals are off the street and hopefull on the road to getting their due.
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    Just wanted to thank everyone and give a quick update. All four were eventually arrested, the youngest was 15 when the crime was committed so he was tried in juvenile court, I believe he got six years and in return had to testify against the other 3 involved. The first adult was tried yesterday, he had hired a high powered attorney (the same defense attorney that represented the BTK killer a few years ago), so we were a bit worried about that. He was convicted on 3 of the 4 charges, the charge he was not convicted on was 1st degree attempted murder, but they did convict him on 2nd degree attempted murder. Sentencing has not been done yet, he is awaiting trial on more charges from other cases. The last two have not been tried yet, but they are being represented by public defenders so my guess is after the conviction of the first they will plea out before long.
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    Great news. How is your sister doing?
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    She's doing ok Bill considering she just had to relive everything during the trial.
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    larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,057 ✭✭✭
    I will provide some "good news." I took a tour of San Quentin state prison last week. I could tell you some great stories after that tour! We went into a couple of cells. The cells are about 5 feet wide, 8 feet deep, and maybe 7 feet high. The bunk bed is about 2.5' x 6'. It was very small for one person with the gate open. Two people with the gate closed is probably MIGHTY uncomfortable. image I hope these guys are locked up for a long time!
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    << <i>I hope these guys are locked up for a long time! >>

    People like this in prison are treated only slightly better than child molesters. Little doubt that they will get what's coming to them.
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    earlycalguyearlycalguy Posts: 1,247 ✭✭

    << <i>I will provide some "good news." I took a tour of San Quentin state prison last week. I could tell you some great stories after that tour! We went into a couple of cells. The cells are about 5 feet wide, 8 feet deep, and maybe 7 feet high. The bunk bed is about 2.5' x 6'. It was very small for one person with the gate open. Two people with the gate closed is probably MIGHTY uncomfortable. image I hope these guys are locked up for a long time! >>

    hopefully the showers are even smaller
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    Glad to hear that the justice system is working for once, Doran. Now let's pray that it puts the last two scumbags away as well.

    Sorry that your sister had to relive everything, but hopefully seeing these guys get what they've got coming is easing the pain for her. She and your family continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

    "It's not so important who starts the game but who finishes it."
    - John Wooden
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    stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I hope these guys are locked up for a long time! >>

    People like this in prison are treated only slightly better than child molesters. Little doubt that they will get what's coming to them. >>

    May they all be on the receiving end of being Bubba's bey-ouch.

    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
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    RedHeart54RedHeart54 Posts: 2,272 ✭✭✭
    I am also in Wichita and I was happy to see that they were caught and are starting to be convicted. I am curious, though, why this has received so little local media attention. I think only one of the news stations covered it and I haven't seen a thing in the local paper. A crime of this magnitude doesn't usually get swept under the rug in this town.
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    The headline should read updated 3/10, but it's a mistake that I'm still making too.

    As a native of Kansas I'm glad that things seem to have worked out as best they could.

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    Not sure why there hasn't been any media attention, the whole thing was kept kind of quiet. I went to school at WSU, but haven't lived there in a long time. I have a friend who is a police officer in Wellington and he has a couple of buddies on the Wichita force and they weren't able to find out anything for me either....not sure what the deal is.
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    parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    hey doran, i just saw this, my prayers also go out to your sister's family.
    peace, jim
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    << <i>I am also in Wichita and I was happy to see that they were caught and are starting to be convicted. I am curious, though, why this has received so little local media attention. I think only one of the news stations covered it and I haven't seen a thing in the local paper. A crime of this magnitude doesn't usually get swept under the rug in this town. >>

    There is an obvious reason why the media would ignore this.
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    kmnortonkmnorton Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭

    Justice can bring about a certain element of closure and I hope that this at least starts the healing process. It's a long road. I'm as liberal as they come, but have little tolerance for these types of crimes. Very little redemption possible for people like this.

    You stay strong, tell your sister and her family the same and give as much love and support as you can muster. I hope you, likewise, are getting support as well as the rest of your immediate family. Loved ones are affected as well.

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    << <i>

    << <i>I am also in Wichita and I was happy to see that they were caught and are starting to be convicted. I am curious, though, why this has received so little local media attention. I think only one of the news stations covered it and I haven't seen a thing in the local paper. A crime of this magnitude doesn't usually get swept under the rug in this town. >>

    There is an obvious reason why the media would ignore this. >>

    since this is in kansas im assuming its white on white crime
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    TNP777TNP777 Posts: 5,711 ✭✭✭
    Doran, thanks for the update. I'm glad some closure is finally starting to manifest itself.
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    RobbRobb Posts: 2,034
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    kmnortonkmnorton Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭

    My mom used to sign all her e-mails LOL and she did exactly what you reference. She mentioned an old friend passing and ended the e-mail LOL. She got a good chuckle when I explained.
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    Stone193Stone193 Posts: 24,377 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanx for the update - I'm glad your sister is getting the justice she deserves.
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    Mickey71Mickey71 Posts: 4,239 ✭✭✭✭
    Doran, I just read this thread for the first time. God Bless you and your entire family. I think this type of crime has to be about the most horrific. Being hurt in your own home. I'm glad that some form of justice is being done. I really pray for your sister and brother in law that they can find peace and move past this traumatic event.

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    BoopottsBoopotts Posts: 6,784 ✭✭

    << <i>Thanx for the update - I'm glad your sister is getting the justice she deserves. >>

    To a point I agree. But if justice was really going to done, someone would have the opportunity to put these guys on their knees and shoot them like dogs.
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    << <i>

    << <i>Thanx for the update - I'm glad your sister is getting the justice she deserves. >>

    To a point I agree. But if justice was really going to done, someone would have the opportunity to put these guys on their knees and shoot them like dogs. >>

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    fiveninerfiveniner Posts: 4,111 ✭✭✭
    My Prayers to you and your family.

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    zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    that's great news

    How have the recoveries been getting along?

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    BPorter26BPorter26 Posts: 3,499 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Doran, Great news. I hope they put those b*stards away for a long time.
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    TheVonTheVon Posts: 2,725
    Good job by the police, it sounds like. I agree with Boo though. "Justice" for these guys should be the Old Yeller treatment.

    How is your brother in law doing?
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