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My 3000th post contest - Winner - bsidegrve. Please PM me

EDIT: Contest ruined by cheating. Winner will be whoever nails the original tiebreaker of the Bulls/Celtics game 7. Thanks for playing, all. If you posted the same tiebreaker as someone else, feel free to edit. Earliest post gets preference.

Well, it's been 3000 enjoyable posts here on CU. I've had enormous generosity bestowed upon me from several members of this board during my unemployment...which unfortunately still persists, but screw it....let's have a 3000th post contest!!!!! Winner will have a choice of an autographed golf ball (give me your favorite players if you want that option - but it can't be Tiger/Phil because they don't signs balls and I just don't have them) or a bunch of cards from their favorite team(s) - maybe both. We'll see what I can come up with....something pretty decent I'm sure.

Here's the question...

I'm getting married to a lovely lady on June 18. What is her first name. I don't THINK I've mentioned it before (I may have) so it'll be a game of pure guessing. For a tiebreaker, give me the TOTAL score of the Celtics/Bulls game 7 tomorrow night at 7EST. Contest will close after the game starts. Winner announced when it is over - presumably in like 7 overtimes.

By the way, this is us in case a picture helps you at all:



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