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Let's have some fun- Poker Contest

Been a while, so let's do another poker contest. The prize will be some random assortment of stuff, which can range from $20 to $100 depending on my mood.

Here are the rules:
Every night, pokerstars (an online poker site) has a big tournament that starts at 9pm. Tonight I will play and hopefully do well. There are usually between 800-1000 entrants. Whoever can guess which place (or the closest to) I get knocked out will win the contest and all the glory that goes with it.

In the case that there is a tie (one guesses 10 places higher, one guesses 10 lower), the person who guessed the higher finish will win since they had more faith in me. The tournament starts at 9pm, but I'll let the guesses come in until 9:30.

Good luck.



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