Need to raise some cash for another coin purchase.....Which would you sell (or keep) and why? (PICS

I hate to sell either one but cash is short and one of these may need to go.
Which would you sell (or which would you keep) and more importantly.......WHY?
1. 1909-S Indian Head Cent PCGS MS65 RB - Too many scratches on the holder but 85% red and VERY NICE in hand.

2. 1916-D Mercury Dime PCGS F-12 (OGH) - Not the best pics - looks MUCH nicer in hand.

Thanks for your opinions.
Which would you sell (or which would you keep) and more importantly.......WHY?
1. 1909-S Indian Head Cent PCGS MS65 RB - Too many scratches on the holder but 85% red and VERY NICE in hand.

2. 1916-D Mercury Dime PCGS F-12 (OGH) - Not the best pics - looks MUCH nicer in hand.

Thanks for your opinions.
keep the 16-d dime
why? these are SOOO impossibly tough to find in anything above AG/G.....this will be a top performer going forward
100% Positive BST transactions
>>>My Collection
just completed 3d tour to Iraq and retired after 28+ years in the US Army
Mine is in F12!
100% Positive BST transactions
And regards to price appreciation, which do you see moving up MORE in the future?
I SOOOO don't want to sell either....UGGHHH!!!!!
Some pop figures to help with your opinions:
1916-D - 182 (in Fine - for both F-12 and 15) and 2749 higher.....Note PCGS doesn't even give a pop for AG or G coins.
1909-S IHC - 87 with only 1 higher (MS-66) in the RB designation
Any other opinions regarding the above questions?
Kewpie Doll award-10/29/2007
Successful BST transactions with Coinboy and Wondercoin.
I think the IHC would be super tough to replace and I think the merc will keep going up in value anyway.
If you like them both, do the home equity or some other short term solution.
If you are very non-liquid and can't do the loan/home equity, sell the merc if you absolutely need the cash for the other coin purchase. However, depending on the coin you are buying, you may regret that, soon, down the road
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
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I would like to buy the dime, but I know its WAY to much $ for me.
(Priest) BLASPHEMY he said it again, did you hear him?
<< <i>Keep them both and find some other way to raise the cash. >>
Gotta have some other coins you could part with, right?
<< <i>Keep them both and find some other way to raise the cash. >>
I agree, but the IHC would be the one I would keep if I HAD to sell one since it's of such high quality. If buying another coin, it would have to be extremely nice for me to part with either.
<< <i>OK the real question is what are you trying to buy, that would warrant the sale of one of these? >>
Darn good question.
I was gonna say sell the kids.
You can make more of them.
I am also having second thoughts about selling either coin and looking into other ways for rasing the cash.
This would be a good time to take your profit. The market still wants the key dates.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
I really would have to know more before offering any further counsel.
Good luck.
I firmly believe in numismatics as the world's greatest hobby, but recognize that this is a luxury and without collectors, we can all spend/melt our collections/inventories.
Sell the dime. Keep the Cent. Sell the dime, Keep the Cent.
Too many positive BST transactions with too many members to list.
Seriously, I vote for saving the 09-S, better resale value, esp in 2009
Check out my current listings:
Honestly, I'd keep the 09S though, both if possible.
Are you actively working on either of these series? If so, keep the one you're working on. Even if you think one series interests you more than the other, keep the one that interests you more, as you may kick yourself for selling a key date (and having to buy it back) if you decide to start collecting the series.
That said, if neither of them have a chance to be part of a set you actively collect, selling both might not be a horrible idea.
And personally, I'd only sell key dates to buy other key dates in a series that interested me. I wouldn't sell key dates to buy more common dates even at comparable values; chances are, a non-key worth $3000 is going to be cheaper than a key worth $3000 in a few years. Past performance is no guarantee of future results, but history suggests that key dates in collector grades rarely get cheaper. About the only exception to this I'd considder is for very early (pre-1807) Bust and Flowing Hair coinage; these tend to perform more like key dates even when they are not because the demand is so consistently high.
If you think you want to work on both series in the future, I probably wouldn't sell either one unless I was upgrading at the same time (unless you NEED the cash for other "real life" purposes and can't raise it any other way). I did that with a '14-D Lincoln I sold a year ago, and now I regret it since replacing it will be a fair bit costlier.
I have one other key date coin - a 1914-D Lincoln Cent NGC MS64 BN that would be the very last coin I would consider selling WAY down the road, IF EVER, as she is that nice.....what do you think?
I agree so far with many of the comments and opinions as I am leaning towards keeping both coins and looking into other means for raising the cash I need. These two coins will likely appreciate even more as time goes on. As they say, you can't go wrong with key dates as they will ALWAYS be in demand.
OTOH, the coin you want to get into has a rather narrow market. Most CBH collectors want a type coin. You better plan on holding the CBH overdate for quite some time, because only someone who is interested in that specific date will be interested in paying the premium that it demands.
"Seu cabra da peste,
"Sou Mangueira......."
I agree with RYK, once i considered putting a coin up for sale, it would have to go. So i say get rid of both of them and buy one kick-