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Draped Bust Cent 1803 - Attribution?

Here is a newp I thought I would share with the copper folk and anyone else who might care to see. I am reading up in Sheldon now but I don't know which it is yet. Maybe some of you here can do this a lot faster than I can:









  • MikeInFLMikeInFL Posts: 10,188 ✭✭✭✭
    I don't have my Sheldon or Breen works at hand, but I just wanted to congratulate you on your newp. image
    Collector of Large Cents, US Type, and modern pocket change.
  • sumnomsumnom Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭
    Thank you!

    I am going to take a guess that this is S-260. We'll have to see what the Big Dogs say when they come around.
  • sumnomsumnom Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭
  • I believe you scored another ace. Looks like a 260 to me also. From what I can see of the pic, I think you are right on.
  • Looks like a S-260 to me also.
    Jim Hodgson

    Collector of US Small Size currency, Atlanta FRNs, and Georgia nationals since 1977. Researcher of small size US type - seeking serial number data for all FRN star notes, Series 1928 to 1934-D. Life member SPMC.

  • << <i>Looks like a S-260 to me also. >>


    From this hour I ordain myself loos'd of limits and imaginary lines. - Whitman
  • sumnomsumnom Posts: 5,963 ✭✭✭
    Woo hoo! I got one right. It appears that I was mistaken about the 1798. Live and learn! Thank you all for taking a look.

    There is an 1802 cent at my local coin store that I am thinking about acquiring if it is still around in another few weeks. Should that one come my way we can do this again!

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