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Derek Jeter post season hitting....



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    stownstown Posts: 11,321 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Hey skippy blow it out your butthole. You do not need to clarify anything for me.

    I see right through you and your flawed way of using stats.

    now take a hike. >>

    So basically my kid won't be able to go to college, but at least I'll have a set where the three most expensive cards are of a player I despise ~ CDsNuts
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    Steve, obviously I do need to clarify it for you. The only flawed measurements I use are the ones to exemplify your way of using them. Since they don't fill your need to having a hero, you simply disregard them.... Then you simply resort to frustration because you just aren't up to par.

    AGAIN, to clarify for Win and others, the post season stats about Jeter I posted, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN THEM!!! I posted them because the clutch backers believe in using flawed sample sizes. I am merely pointing out some other flawed sample sizes that disagree with their claims. If they believe in one, they cannot disregard the other! Yet that is what they do, they remember the good, and conveniently forget the bad.

    Any other solid measurement I use is hardly flawed, maybe not understood by many, but not flawed(at least to any great degree as a flaw can be found in anything). But the good measurements get you where you need to be.

    I also highly doubt you would take a hike from replying to me again.

    Stown, I can't imagine the hard on you got when you found a tabulation error in my haste. You probably actually felt like you made a meaningful contribution. If you had no interest in what I wrote, then you should not have hounded me to give conclusions.

    You probably will keep your word about taking a hike, being that you don't post over six thousand times, but thats fine. Give the Easter Bunny a shout out before you leave though, would ya?

    Darn it Atlas, quit moving, you keep spilling my beer!

    Steve, I need some rain here, how about some kind of rain dance for my lawn?
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    << No, actually it has been proven with stats.

    he is hitting 115 in the first inn.

    he is hitting 109 after the 7th inn

    he is hitting 309 with no one on.

    as of late, and in many instances when the game is on the line he has failed.

    And because he is the MVP he gets more scrutiny.

    not ridiculous at all.

    Steve >>

    Steve, this is the faulty goofy analysis I am talking about. You are using an extremely small sample that means nothing. Then I showed you some small samples to show that Jeter is not clutch either. This puts you at a crossroads. If the stuff you are saying about Arod is true, then so are the small sample sizes I put about Jeter in the postseason.

    If the small sample sizes I put about Jeter are faulty and untrue, then so are the things you are saying about Arod. It can't be both ways.

    That is why I posted the HOF lineup vs. the Post season 'clutch', and the Jeter Post season stuff.

    P.S. Funny how the words "STATS", and "PROVEN" are used in the same sentence by you.
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