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Who is going to the Rosemont show this weekend? (LUNCH???)

I'm planning on being there Friday the 27th. So who else is going?

Anyone want to meet up for lunch?

This is on a postcard i got in the mail today

"The 22nd annual MidAmerica Coin Expo is returning to the Donald E Stephens Convention Center, 555 North River Road, Rosemont, IL. In addition to a world class auction of numismatic rarities cataloged and conducted by Bowers & Merena, the MidAmerica Coin Expo will feature 145 booth bourse area with the country's leading dealers hailing from more than 30 states."

Show Schedule

Thursday, June 26th 10AM-6PM
(early bird preview $50.00)

Friday, June 27th 10AM-6PM
Saturday, June 28th 10AM-6PM
Sunday, June 29th 10AM-2PM

A two day pass valid Fri. Sat. is $5. Admission is free on Sunday, Childeren 16 and under are free.


Thursday 6PM
Friday 11AM and 6PM

So far it's...

TBT & jbsteven - table #340


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