PCGS Registry has become unworkable

After I finish the 50c set I am working on(I only need 2 coins), I will no longer build any sets in the PCGS registry.
After I finish the 50c set I am working on(I only need 2 coins), I will no longer build any sets in the PCGS registry.
One person cannot fix all of our issues.
Thank you Emilio for doing / trying your best.
The damage is beyond repair and I, as are many others, are moving on.
I have coins that have NFC CHIPS that when scanned show invalid cert #s or do not match the listed cert# , coins that will not enter into sets that are required because I cannot report these certs that should be included in this set as in 2023 and 2024 coins along with unreadable bar codes.
I will not go off on trying to remove coins from other people’s sets with me having that coin in hand.
I cannot get thru on the phone and emails go unanswered.
So I am done with Pcgs Registry!
Kennedys are my quest...
I'm not sure if I've asked this before, but, is there any chance at all that those might be counterfeit? The NFC's have been rock solid for me (which absolutely does not imply they "must" be that way for everyone) -- but.... that definitely does sound like there's other potential problems at play there. I really hope that's not the case, but there's a ton of fakes out there :-(
Why wait?
If you want a registry that works try MyCollect
See you there...........
My Indians
Danco Set
I've been trying for some time to get a few coins added to my set that are not shown as being available to add. There are definitely issues with the set registry. I'm a patient man, but how long before this has a lasting effect on people going to other registries.
I might have to go to mycollect.......
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
The invalid certs are an issue as Pcgs registry has not activated the Nfc chip.
If you type in the cert# manually, it will register into the correct set.
I also believe that the bar code not reading could be me and my I-phone not getting our crap together or a smudge in the printing.
The Nfc chip showing a different ending number than that on the label, is a Pcgs mistake on their part. In this case the ending number on the label is an 8 and the Nfc shows it as a 9.
I have had this happen before and had to have Paulina fix it (at their expense.)
It took almost a month for them to do so but I did get a free True View when they fixed it.
The coins have a value of only $5-$10.
In my opinion, these are mistakes due to human error from being understaffed.
People are rushing to get a quota met.
The coins are real and not counterfeit.
Kennedys are my quest...
OK - absolutely had to ask - and, I guess in the grand scheme of things, this is the better of the two options. Certainly does very little to strengthen our faith in the brand though [sigh]
I've got five slabs I've been waiting for feedback from PCGS on - all the same PCGS number, two silver, three clad, with the clad variants being able to sneak into pure-silver sets. My clads are MS70s (pop 6, I hold 3 of them) and all my silvers are 69s... I've got two more silvers to submit for grading, in hopes one of those will make a 70, but really need them to clarify/correct the issue BEFORE I send 'em off, so that the new ones at least have a fighting chance of getting into the correct holders. Lost track of how many weeks or months this has been dragging on. But it sure brings into question the protocols they use during the grading stages - the silver and cupro-nickel variants are different weights, too.

I've recreated most of my sets on CAC and MyCollect. The interfaces take a little getting used to, but generally work well once you get the hang of it. It's freeing to no longer be confined to buying PCGS coins, especially since the TrueView service has totally fallen off as well. The more folks that move over to alternative Registries, the more those platforms will invest in them. Unfortunate for our hosts, but I'm done waiting on them.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
On a somewhat related note:
I own a POP 9 PR70CAM silver Ike.
I purchased a PR68 (no CAM) in the same date.
The PR70 CAMEO is worth 69 points and the PR68 is worth 66 points.
I would think there would be a greater spread on points between the two, but I guess not.
Have you heard of a solution for this @WAYNEAS ?
I have a coin that also shows up invalid cert. when scanning the NFC chip, but scanning the barcode or entering the number works fine. If fixing the problem means shipping it back, I’ll just live with it I suppose.
MY GOLD TYPE SET https://pcgs.com/setregistry/type-sets/complete-type-sets/gold-type-set-12-piece-circulation-strikes-1839-1933/publishedset/321940
It can be fixed if you can get thru to Emilio on the phone!
If not, go the email route with the pics and a small explanation.
How long it will take is unknown as he can only fix so many requests per day.
I just entered manually the cert # and let it go at that.
I am not going to ship the coin back as it requires me talking to a human. Lol
Kennedys are my quest...
Appreciate the reply. I’ll start the process.
MY GOLD TYPE SET https://pcgs.com/setregistry/type-sets/complete-type-sets/gold-type-set-12-piece-circulation-strikes-1839-1933/publishedset/321940
‘’After I finish the 50c set I am working on(I only need 2 coins), I will no longer build any sets in the PCGS registry.’’
I currently have (48) separate Registry sets and they are generally working just fine. So, if the OP has registry sets that are “unworkable”, let’s hear the details. I care much more about the details of “unworkable” Registry sets that hearing what Collector X or Collector Y plans to do after they obtain 2 more coins.
Just my 2 cents.
The entire front page of this web forum is filled with reports of how unworkable the Set Registry has become. The vast majority of it is the near-impossibility of adding 'locked' coins into inventory or submitting slot requests. Members are still waiting for their 2023 registry award pins, and there are various other complaints that just aren't getting resolved, but by-and-large, slot requests and release requests cover 75% of the frustration - with the other 25% landing on the abysmal communications failures within the PCGS ecosystem. IF you get a response to an email or "contact us" form submission, it'll almost certainly be weeks, if not MONTHS later.
I've got 28 sets - most of them do not cause headaches. As long as I don't need to add new coins that are locked to someone else's inventory, they probably won't cause headaches. Those that require me to add new coins every year, however, do - and those that are incompletely programmed, where new coins are found periodically, also cause headaches. The slot request function is broken, a failure they've been aware of and fighting with since... November? I think? So you have to email the request instead, which the best I can tell goes straight into their spam folders. I've got one set that has a nightmare coin, a silver-only set, with a PCGS # that's supposed to be a silver-only coin, with several instances of cupro-nickel coins in those holders. I've been bounced back and forth between I think 4 different entities within the PCGS ecosystem, with no resolution or clarification in sight. I've got a large submission sitting here waiting on that clarification, because I have two more of those coins, in correct silver, to grade. And I DON'T want to send 'em off, to get 'em back in the same PCGS#, just to have to send 'em all back again as a mechanical error. (I've got 5 slabs in that PCGS number, 2 silver MS69s, 3 clad MS70s. Total pop shows 6 MS70s. How many are silver? Any? Does 69 deserve top-pop status? Who knows?)
Understand that much of the contempt shown on these forums (and with me for sure) is an attempt to get PCGS to understand that their incompetence and apathy is actively chasing their paying customers away. I've been an Elite Platinum member for, I don't know how long, and I've made it known that these failures are the sole reason I've asked them to drop me to silver. They said they weren't able to do that, all they could do is 'program' the system to not automatically renew my Platinum membership when it comes due. Well, yeah, that'll work too. I've got two months to make up my mind on whether to renew at all. I have a very hard time rewarding professional incompetence, and, well, the ONLY power I have is my wallet. If they don't want my business, there's no reason to give it to them! I know I'm not alone in that belief, and I feel pretty strongly that that same sentiment is what's fueling so many complaints from so many different members. A company is not judged on how well they do the easy things -- a company is judged on how they handle the problems. And right now, this company is absolutely failing miserably. You have my envy, for not having any reasons to see this firsthand yet.
Well said.
Kennedys are my quest...
I believe @oldsmagnet response covered it but he left out the problem with CACs not being added to the database, that's MY biggest complaint
Mitch, you're a big player, can't you do anything?
My Indians
Danco Set
In fairness, that's not one I've had to fight with personally, so I don't have much to bring to the table on it - but definitely falls into that "other 25%" range of PCGS's helpless communication system.
alaura22- As I said Honestly, I really haven’t had any significant issues with my (48) registry sets over the past couple years. Yes, I no longer get plaques or pins, but I buy a ton of coins and they virtually all get entered without any assistance. I acknowledge that I have no CAC only sets, so if that is a problem, that would explain why I never experienced it.
Now, I believe PCGS does have sone work to do updating point values on some coins in various sets, and even creating some sets, or adding some coins to sets. And, hopefully, they can get to these matters sooner rather than later.
Just my 2 cents.
Well I recently purchased a coin from David Lawrence Rare Coins and was unable to add to my inventory. After a couple of weeks I decided to reach out DLRC and ask if they could do anything, if not I wanted to return the coin under the 30 day return policy. If I was unable to add the coin to my registry set, then the coin had no value to me and I wanted to return it. They had my coin released in less than an hour and this was on a Saturday night around 8 PM CST. Now the coin was a Dale Hanson coin, so maybe they have access to his inventory and released it, but the threat of returning the coin got someone to act quickly.
Perhaps an email to Great Collections or Heritage may get the same results. I would think that those auction houses would request release of the inventory prior to listing the coins. Or maybe not. Just wanted to pass on my experience in case someone had the same issue.
Here is my Washington Quarter Variety Registry Set
This is my Washington Quarter Proof Variety Registry Set
That's exactly why it got released, they owned it. Dell Loy Hansen has many coins with his partner David Lawrence.
This has nothing to do with the problems at PCGS
My Indians
Danco Set
Something is up with PCGS. I have sent many emails over the past year and a half and haven’t received a single response. This includes, but is not limited to: Requests to add sets (at least five,) fixing messed up TV images (the obverse is the wrong coin) coins that should fit a set but don’t. Coins that don’t exist, that shouldn’t be in a set but are.
Before a year and a half ago, things were working well, something changed.
I'm BACK!!! Used to be Billet7 on the old forum.
Apparently the attitude of PCGS, perhaps due to what appears to be staffing cutbacks, and also their business decisions not to spend money on addressing those issues, is what has changed. As you can see, this Set Registry Forum has many lengthy posts on the front page dealing with the issues that you describe. Maybe I’m wrong, and each of these issues will get fixed, and their Customer Nonservice Department will be instructed to actually provide good quality service by having humans reply to each email no later than the next business day, but I’m not holding my breath.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Steve, you crack me up sometimes
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
I have been having the same issues with the activity page and report a cert that should match a composite. Both of those go to the oops error page. I have tried it on mulitiple browsers and different devices with the same result. I sent my first email on 02/06/25 reporting the issue and also with the certs that did not match. I received a reply from Emilio (who apparently is the only person working there now) on 03/12/25. It looks like you just have to be patient and expect a 4-6 week turnaround. PCGS makes enough money that they can afford to hire a few more IT workers to fix the website instead of having to manually update this information.
Over a month and still unable to add a couple modern Kennedys to my set.
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
Cannot add a coin to a set. Clicking the link to report a cert that should work goes to an error page. Has been broke for over a month.
Any complaints that I harbor have been eloquently expressed in the previous posts
🇺🇸 Harlequin