For the collectors aged 50+. Younger guys can read it & laugh, but remember, your time is coming.

First tell us what age group your in, 50's, 60's, 70's etc.
Next, tell us a thing or two you've done in that age group that was stupid or even idiotic.
I'm in my 60's. One thing is I've spent hours looking for a coin that I wanted to submit to a TPG, only to find out that I've already submitted it. I've done this 2 or 3 times. The most recent was today.
Another thing I've done many times in my 60's is to spend weeks or even months looking for just the right coin, only to find out that I already have one.
Pretty much once a week, I like a post on here and the like count goes down by one.
60's Spent in excess of $230 recently on a coin I've been searching for for over 30 years....(and my 1st buy from GC) idiotic is that? Well....there was the under-bidder. But now I have 74 +1 out of 78 dates/coins/examples for 1938PDS to 1970DS with some state of proof-like fields! Just insane! I need only the 47D, 48D, 49D and 50D and maybe improve on a couple of others.....just nutty!

The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!
My Jefferson Nickel Collection
I found out it goes with the territory friend 😪
I am over 50 (retired from financial) I had everything loaded up to go to a show and on my way. It was 630 am not much sleep night before. I stopped at my pob to pick up 3 slabbed coins that just been delivered to my POB. I put them in a tub containing stuff for the show (lamps, supplies, sheet (to cover cases at night). Inventory was in 2 Briefcases. After a 45 minute drive arrived at show, got table location from bourse chairman. Took everything in on one cart. During setup - After putting inventory in bourse glass 2x3 cases on table only 2 of the coins (was my memory faulty?) put in tub there (on top of sheets). Later after the show found the 3rd slab in the tub / had not searched it thoroughly enough during show. - it had fallen to the bottom of the tub. It was like a $150 coin. Lesson learned - next time put in briefcase with rest of inventory. Security wake up call.
At this point just staying around plan as far as inventory investment. I do both coins and currency. Have recently developed interest in graded star notes.
I am in my mid 50s. With no kids interested in collecting, but very interested in attending college, I have been trying to convince myself that it is time to start paring down to just my primary collections. I have so many semi-completed side quests that I have decided will never be completed, so I should probably cut bait and move them along to other collectors. My problem is that I cannot turn off my collector brain, and things keep catching my eye such that in a year where I had committed to reducing my holdings, so far there has been a net increase.
Sean Reynolds
"Keep in mind that most of what passes as numismatic information is no more than tested opinion at best, and marketing blather at worst. However, I try to choose my words carefully, since I know that you guys are always watching." - Joe O'Connor
EDIT to add; just turned 60 ... this happened last year
Seeing a nice looking PCGS AU55 CBH on Great Collections and thinking, I think I have that DM. Checked notes really quick and confirmed that I did. Yeah, but that's nice one, so we'll watch it to see if it goes for the right price.
Later (after winning it, studying it and entering it into my inventory and Die State Census);
Ha! That isn't my second 1826 O-110, it's my 3rd!!

... and all the same grade!!!
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Worst I have is that I study coins while in bed. Realized one day that I was missing 3 coins. Where could they be? looked for 2 or 3 days. No luck. Garbage day I hear several clunks in what should only be tissues. Find my 1873-S Seated Half, 1814 Bust Half, and my 1846-O Seated Dollar in the trash can in our bedroom. James
I'm in my 40's, do I still qualify as one of the "younger guys"?
Yes you do.
I'm in my 60's and I'm having a hard time not feeling idiotic about continuing to buy 2 different mint products every year now . Every year I tell myself how idiotic it is to continue, and I still do it.
At least they weren't a $4 Stella.
When you get to your 60's or 70's, you'll realize just how young being in your 40's is. Things will stop working, you'll lose your train of thought in the middle of a sentence, hair will grow in places that you didn't know could grow hair, your body will ache in places it's never ached before - and you won't even know why, and about a million other things will change. All true.
I am a newer collector (started April 2020), and I primarily focus on U.S. Half Cents and Type Coins. Early copper is my favorite.
Thanks guys, that's good to know
. 25 years ago I felt VERY young at coin shows etc, but not so much anymore. Perhaps I need to change my thinking on the topic haha.
50s. Realizing I must have hoarding tendencies because I don't remember even putting together all these sets. I really should sell some, but I don't need the money and coins don't take up much room. More importantly, I fear I will read in the future that the coin type I sold is all the rage and has 3x in price since I sold.
Indian Head $10 Gold Date Set Album
I'm 66 and....what was the question again?
YOUR’RE ONLY 60???????????????????
A: The year they spend more on their library than their coin collection.
A numismatist is judged more on the content of their library than the content of their cabinet.
The older I get the more I realize that listening to your own advice can be a very useful tool.
It’s good to weigh in the ‘experts’ advice or opinions but one must learn to take it with a grain of salt and have the confidence to follow one’s own intuition in making the final judgment. Especially, if you’ve been doing it for a very long time, as many of us have.
I did not purchase a certain coin once that I really should have and regretted it later only because another told me it was a bad idea. That was very unwise..
At the end of the day you have to live with your OWN decisions…remember this:
“Fools are confident while the intelligent are doubtful”.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
No for sure. But the 73-S half is very tough and the first New Orleans mint silver dollar is always popular and in demand.
perhaps this happens to every one?
I have 2 loupes and a magnifying glass in here somewhere. i think i'll have to buy another loupe for obvious reasons
Calling @FredWeinberg
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
I saw Mike’s post and smiled, as I always do when someone mentions the $4 Stella.
Next year, it will be almost 40 years!
I've been known to receive a box from the mint and neglected to make a note on the box, thinking that I'll surely remember what was inside. This is obviously not the case at 67 years old. Last winter i came across one of those unknown boxes from a number of years ago and decided to open it. Lo and behold, it contained 2 each of the 2016 liberty medals. Christmas comes early for us old guys sometimes.
@johnt, totally agree. This box is just 1 of the approximately 150 unopened boxes from the Mint. I have to identify the contents inside by noting on box and printing out a cross referenced sheet containing the item and customer number also from the mint. Otherwise, I’d never know what I had.

Oh yeah, I forgot- I’m going to be 69 this year!
One of the good things about getting older. Experience. You have learned to write it down and not try to rely on memory, unlike @johnt
It's good you're able to smile about it. I don't know if I could, even after 40 years. That situation will be part of Numismatic Lore long after we're gone.
At the 2020 FUN show (age 63), I purchased an 1874-CC half in VG8 with CAC for $2100. Then I found out I already had a G6 74-CC in my Dansco. At least they were two different die marriages.
A pessimist is just an optimist with experience.
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
I'm in my late 60s. I don't know what you geezers are complaining about. I find its fun rediscovering coins I had long ago forgotten I had!
Then I would have to admit that i'm getting old and forgetful.
LOL!! Maybe it's time to admit it. It's hard, but if we can do it, you can too. If you need support, we're here for you.
I'm 60 and still look every day for coins that would upgrade my collection of Trade dollars. I only need a 73-CC, 75-S &
76-CC DDR. I have had nice examples of the first 2 that were sold to make a small profit years ago, but now the prices have gotten so high that I find it hard to pull the trigger. The coins I used to buy for $250 are now $1000
I'm in my 80's. Back in the early 1960's I used to profitably search bank rolls and my change for the "keys" of that period, such as 1950-D nickels. (I found three, sold them for $10 to $15 each, equivalent to $100 to $150 each in today's dollars.)
Today I still check all the coins I acquire in change, even though the odds of finding something significant are slim to none. And if I ever were to run across another circulated 1950-D nickel, it would be worth maybe $6, not nearly enough to get excited about.
Old habits die hard.
My Adolph A. Weinman signature

I’m 65 and ignored a fast growing skin cancer 2-3 years ago that almost killed me. Idiotic, for sure. Please get regular skin checkups with a dermatologist.
I too have bought a coin at auction (last year) that I didn’t realize till later that I already had that date in better condition!
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
If i had the money back that I have spent on loupes over the years, I would have a couple more nice coins. I'm pretty sure that I set them down in the LCS I go to and then forget them.
Works out pretty well for them since that's where I buy them from too!
Edited to add.... In my mid 50's. Wow...that's weird actually typing that out.